Crush their spirit

Modern bvowles


Oof_Magic says... #1

November 29, 2016 5:14 a.m.

bvowles says... #2

Yes, great suggestion! I'm not sure if 25 lands is correct, though. I'll have to toy around with it some more.

November 29, 2016 5:38 a.m.

Oof_Magic says... #3

Regarding the question of Snap and Fat, I like a 4/1-2 split. They can be tutored off of Mystical Teachings and allow you to chain Teachings together.

December 1, 2016 3:25 a.m.

bvowles says... #4

I agree with that, chaining with Mystical was what made me want to add fat for, and why not as he can finish out a game as well.

December 2, 2016 12:56 a.m.

VforVallee says... #5

Has Timeless Dragon been good at all?

August 14, 2021 12:11 p.m.

bvowles says... #6

Timeless Dragon has been surprisingly decent as a one-of. I think this deck can't support more than that without making some bigger changes. It's probably a lot better in Pox decks and UW control- really any tap-out control deck that plays white and isn't this.

Multiple people have scooped to me resolving or eternalizing one. It's more resilient to Unholy Heat than Big Teferi so it's a good finisher. It's at its worst in mid game. This deck doesn't play many plains so you want it really early or at the end. As a one-of this is often so it's working out so far. They're so cheap right now in paper and on Modo they're completely worth the testing.

August 14, 2021 12:25 p.m.

CoSM0 says... #7

I agree timeless dragon is a super good card, or at least good at what it does, it's 100% worth trying. In terms of actual changes I'd run 3-3 a charms and cryptics over the 4-2 split you're on rn. Also cling to dust just feels not that good in a deck that has access to better card advantage engines. It's decent grave hate but you also have guile for that, just feels like a bad card when you have such better options for both the ways you want to play it.

August 20, 2021 1:26 a.m.

bvowles says... #8

I was playing 3 cryptics and I want to go back so I'm in. I'm concerned about cutting a charm though as it's been amazing for me with the draw 2 and stealing. I rarely use it to counter, but it obviously feels bad when you counter something cheap with it.

Yeah the exile has been relevant for me, but nothing crazy and I'm absolutely not attached to cling to dust. Do you have recommendations for replacements? Ideally something cheap, though I am also thinking about Fact or Fiction lately as a Jace replacement.

August 20, 2021 5:07 p.m.

CoSM0 says... #9

i think if you're playing a deck that wants to have cryptic command, a 3-3 split is good. A charm makes a lot of sense as a 4 of in a list that doesn't want to cast 4 mana spells but still wants lots of versatility, that being said, cryptic has that same versatility but just gives you a little more value for a little more mana and i think in a deck that wants to cast 4 mana spells a 3-3 split makes a lot of sense. That being said this is a huge nit pick and whatever feels best to you is probably the way to go. In terms of cling replacements its more about just playing better cards than it is about replacing it. Cling isn't a bad effect it's just not super relevant rn and I think if you commit to having a card advantage spell it'll be a lot better. You already have 3 guile to exile graveyards game one and that should be enough. FoF is amazing, Gifts is surprisingly good outside of combo decks and it lets you have a greedier sideboard, you could also just play more Teferi.

August 21, 2021 1:57 p.m.

bvowles says... #10

Yeah I'm picking up what you're putting down. I can get behind that reasoning for the changes and yeah I agree with Cling. It just wasn't terrible enough to cut, and it was relevant enough to come up in a lot of matches but really it's not that great. I like a FoF over it, along with the 3-3 split. If I find myself wanting/needing more charm then I'll go back to 4 charm 3 command but yeah I agree with your logic and reasoning.


August 21, 2021 2:24 p.m.

CoSM0 says... #11

keep in mind these are both really nit-picky things and if you don't agree that's completely fine.

August 21, 2021 11:36 p.m.

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