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Crusher Fling-or-Swing ($5 U/R Combo)

Modern Aggro Budget Combo Discard Mill UR (Izzet)


Land (53)

Sorcery (2)

Creature (4)

Instant (1)


Enchantment (4)

Sorcery (1)

This is my Ultra-Budget Crusher deck with a twist. What’s the twist? Treasure Hunt , obviously! This is a very simple deck that maximizes the abilities on Countryside Crusher in an all land deck, this being the aforementioned "combo." In order to win, you must either Fling a big crusher at your opponent, or swing at them for lethal damage. As long as you have Countryside Crusher in your opening hand, your turns should go something like this:

Turn 1: Mountain

Turn 2: Mountain

Turn 3: Mountain -> Countryside Crusher

Turn 4: Use the upkeep ability to make a big crusher, and either draw into a Fling or swing for lethal.

Alternatively, if you happen to get Treasure Hunt but no Countryside Crusher , your turns will look like this:

Turn 1: Mountain

Turn 2: Island -> Treasure Hunt to get a Countryside Crusher in hand

Turn 3: Mountain -> Countryside Crusher

Turn 4: Same thing; discard a lot of lands and either Fling or swing for a lot of damage.

If you get both Countryside Crusher and Treasure Hunt , you can play the crusher turn 3 and go hunting the next turn. Since you draw a lot of lands but your maximum hand size is only 7, you will be forced to discard a lot of lands. That's a good thing: the more lands you can get into your graveyard, the bigger Countryside Crusher gets! Using this same logic, I would say this deck's best matchup would be against a Mill deck (which will only make your crusher bigger... as long as you don’t milk yourself out).

This deck can be purchased with all near mint cards for less than $5! If you are not a budget player, then I suggest adding some Izzet dual lands. For a Mono-Red version, check out Countryside Crusher Combo (Mono-Red, Ultra-Budget). Feedback and Suggestions are appreciated!


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Date added 6 years
Last updated 6 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

4 - 0 Rares

3 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.57
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