Cry, Havoc!, and let slip the Gobs of war
Commander / EDH*
I feel like Blood Moon may help out in disrupting other decks.
September 29, 2016 5:52 p.m.
FenIsABasicSwamp says... #3
+1 for a funny name and also Zada, Hedron Grinder is a great monored commander for card advantage too, although probably not great for this deck as one of the 99. You may want to consider playing Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker, and Chancellor of the Forge for token goodness over some of the weaker one-offs like Dragon Fodder and Seething Song. Turns out somebody already suggested KJ so disregard that.
October 3, 2016 11:36 p.m.
No room for my favorit goblin Ib Halfheart, Goblin Tactician he makes blocking though and he can make Goblins in a pinch.
I guess he is not the most amazing :)
October 4, 2016 8:59 a.m.
Excellent deck! +1 from me!
A few cards you might want to consider:
Coalition Relic or Gilded Lotus to replace Gemstone Array and/or Extraplanar Lens. Gemstone Array takes some set up to get going, and you already have tons of mana sinks that are better for your deck. Extraplanar Lens often results in people destroying it and you being down a land before any advantage can be gained (I cut it from my mono-white deck after being blown out too much by that missing land).
Blood Moon. I know its on your maybe board, but it is a powerhouse that shuts out a lot of players and gives your mountain walk guys unblockable. If you don't want to be 'that guy' thought, I can completely understand and respect that.
Slate of Ancestry + tokens = Lol (Maybe add a Elixir of Immortality if you do this?)
Either way, Great deck!
October 4, 2016 10:36 a.m.
Both KJ and Chancellor of the Forge are high for the CMC of the creature-base I'm shooting for. KJ may be worth it I'll have to play the deck more, (it is hard to test the effectiveness because it interacts with opponents deck so much I can't just goldfish it)
I'd love to put Ib Halfheart, Goblin Tactician in as well, unfortunately he is out-shined by Heat Stroke
Gilded Lotus is a beast but I think the mana doublers work better all around for this strat. If there is a Extraplanar Lens and Caged Sun out. It doesn't really matter which they destroy i'm still looking pretty good on mana. I'm also running a low curve for the creatures so being behind a little on lands will only affect how many opponents spells I play.
Now Gemstone Array is bananas in this deck. You can often generate mana at inopportune times like during combat. Gemstone Array lets you stash half of it away. It basically reads: if mana would empty as phases end keep half of it rounded down instead. It is also part of a combo with Goblin Warrens and Mana Echoes
My copy of Blood Moon is my more competitive EDH deck atm.
Slate of Ancestry hasn't worked out well for me in my Krenko, Mob Boss deck very well. But since I have a greater ability to generate mana I'll give it a try in here.
October 4, 2016 9:06 p.m.
freakingShane says... #7
You're average CMC is really good, but I am going to recommend some "considerably", staple cards that will raise it (probably only by 0.20).
I recommend:
-1 Goblin Freerunner --> +1 Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker
-1 Goblin Mountaineer --> +1 Lightning Crafter
-1 Mogg Fanatic --> +1 Goblin Matron
-1 Raging Goblin --> +1 Goblin Wizard
And most importantly, Moggcatcher. Moggcatcher flat out puts a goblin into play for . No "casting", which means no countering.
Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker, Lightning Crafter, and a sack outlet (like Skirk Prospector) gives you an infinite damage combo. Kiki-Jiki can also go infinite with Zealous Conscripts.
Goblin Guide is way too expensive for what it does, but it does give you insight to what your opponent plays, and it has good P/T for its price, as well as haste.
Lastly, Cavern of Souls is fantastic. No countering your good ol' goblins.
This is just food for thought, and if you like any of it, you could choose whatever you want to take out (of course). I just threw out what I considered your "weaker" cards. Love seeing good-looking goblin decks!
October 11, 2016 12:48 a.m.
freakingShane says... #8
Also, Door of Destinies may be one of the most important and powerful artifacts you can have in a goblin tribal deck. I highly recommend that!
I'll leave you alone now, haha. Best of luck!
October 11, 2016 12:52 a.m.
DaringApprentice says... #9
I dig it, loving Grenzo, Havoc Raiser as a combo disabler! Something I suggest for all mono-red decks I see, which you of course don't have to do, is replace all your mountains with Snow-Covered Mountains so you can use Glacial Crevasses and Scrying Sheets. Also, I might recommend Myriad Landscape for mana acceleration.
October 11, 2016 1:03 a.m.
I would love to replace my Mountains for Snow-Covered Mountains, I just hate spending $1+ on a basic land and my play group doesn't run red very much, if they do it's usually in 3 or 5 color decks so the amount of actual mountains is low. I didn't know Glacial Crevasses , Scrying Sheets was a thing so I'll add that to the maybe-board in case I do pull the trigger.
Myriad Landscape would be one of my favorites if it didn't ETB tapped. Also, not tapping for creates problems when you want to T1- Goblin Fanatic(or any 1 drop), T2 Grenzo, Havoc Raiser , T3 Raging Goblin which would mean it's most effective T4 or later when I'd like to be playing other things like Mana Flare or my opponents spells.
Thank you for the input :)
October 11, 2016 1:36 a.m.
DaringApprentice says... #11
No problem Holtzman, and no need to feel obligated to include those cards! Snow-covered lands are definitely more expensive, and that's true about Myriad Landscape, doesn't seem like you need it! Enjoy raising havoc, and good luck obliterating your opponents' combos! :)
October 11, 2016 2:16 a.m.
I tried so hard to put a Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker package in. But I'd have need 6ish slots to make it work well. KJ + the other 2 combo pieces + 3 or so tutors. I just couldn't make room without totally F-ing up the balance of Early Attacks, Mana Excel , Draw, Haste and Evasion.
I feel like that combo would go really well in a Goad centered Grenzo deck.
On a side note: That process made me think of Ashnod's Altar for a sac outlet. Which led to me replacing Seething Song for it as a mana source and a way to get Skullclamp triggers if I've made my goblins too big with Coat of Arms etc.
October 11, 2016 2:17 a.m.
TheRedGoat says... #13
I can only see it coming in for Door of Destinies, but you need Stranglehold if you really want to screw with combo decks. See also War's Toll that could come in for Coat of Arms if you're feeling daring. Besides all that Shared Animosity is better for you than the coat surely?
Lastly, and bear in mind I don't know where to cut for this, Sword of the Paruns can make Krenko, Mob Boss go infinite if you've got that Mana Echoes or even Ashnod's Altar out. Bonus points if you find space for Aggravated Assault.
October 11, 2016 3:13 a.m.
MunchingAberration says... #14
Hey, been tinkering with Grenzo myself recently, but I already had a goblin tribal deck so I tried more general tokens/synergistic stuff, because I also wanted to exile +6 cards :) Here's a link: Mono-Red Grenzo Beats. So far my favorite effects are things that make more dudes on attack; i.e. Hanweir Garrison, Kari Zev, Skyship Raider, and Captain's Claws.
If you wanted to focus on goblins, Goblin Assassin and Goblin Sharpshooter have never let me down for some creature removal.
Utility lands might help, particularly Rogue's Passage/Kher Keep if you're consistently dumping your hand (mana sinks rock).
Finally, if you just want more hate for combo decks, I'd suggest Widespread Panic, Planar Chaos, Grip of Chaos and maybe Price of Glory, depending on how many annoying instants are in your meta. Word of Seizing is also a nightmare for combo, because split second can stop a combo in its tracks.
February 16, 2017 11:36 a.m.
@MunchingAberration I started a list like that. Doublestrike and Menace value was the focus.
Assassin and Sharpshooter are higher cmc than I'd want to pay for in this deck.
Rogue's Passage is an auto-include. I'd add Kher Keep but I really need to hit on turn 2.
I like Widespread Panic I will add it . A friend has a Captain Sisay deck that this would annihilate. And it does surprisingly good against green too. All that land Search. Only drawback is Stranglehold nonbo, but there are no tutors so chances of getting both and having nothing else to play is slim.
Planar Chaos seems like a good chaos card. But it's really just a Red control card. I don't like cards that just stop/slow the game.
I LOVE Grip of Chaos but 6 cmc is really steep for this deck. I'm even considering taking Caged Sun out for that same reason.
Price of Glory is good, but War's Toll and Possibility Storm fill the same role and I prefer them.
I see the value of Word of Seizing. Grabbing their piece split second and stopping them for a turn sounds like an awesome play, but I don't foresee that opportunity presenting itself often enough to include it. Though i do think an Insurrection theme'd Grenzo deck would also be totally legit.
Thank you for the Input.
February 16, 2017 8:40 p.m.
the_earl_0f_grey says... #17
Love it, but you dont need Goblin Gaveleer without equipment. Instead I offer the slot to the underappreciated Kari Zev, Skyship Raider. With built in evasion and first strike Kari herself is a nightmare for blocking, especially around the turn she comes in on. Ragavan can be sent at a different opponent altogether but is frequently ignored. Typically two triggers per swing.
Alternatively if you want to keep it hard tribal it could also be a Goblin Spymaster. Forces your opponent's entire board to attack. Often at each other due to his first strike.
If you wanted to break away from the tribe a bit (or replace enchantments that you tire of) Hero of Oxid Ridge, Prophetic Flamespeaker, and Purphoros, God of the Forge might increase the stopping power.
March 3, 2017 12:24 p.m.
Emblem of the Warmind is a strict upgrade to fervor in the deck as well
May 31, 2017 11:47 a.m.
Sorry for the late reply LeoSushi
Oblivion Sower does Fit well, however by the time I can cast it for 6 mana I really don't need any more mana.
Emblem of the Warmind I do not prefer it because it is attached to a creature probably a small one. Fervor will survive board wipes better than Emblem
June 8, 2017 10:09 p.m.
the_earl_0f_grey says... #21
I'm surprised you didn't take any of my previous advice but please consider that Hammer of Purphoros is strictly better than Fervor. Especially considering all you need is bodies.
Holtzman says... #1
@Gattison Yeah there are pretty close to no token decks in my meta. That is a good Safe sideboard in case I ever get matched against a Token commander.
September 20, 2016 11:10 p.m.