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Crypt Gypsy





Enchantment (1)

Artifact (103)

Instant (1)

Hi TO! I'm looking for some advice. This is an attempt to create a fast control/mill modern deck that utilizes an opponents creatures in graveyard to juice its attacking creatures and/or take control of opponents creatures in graveyard while using the infect mechanic also. I am trying to keep the cards mana cost to 3 or less. Looks like Crosstown Courier might be the best card to juice with enchants and/or artifacts equipment while using nightveils and Wights to distract. All feedback is welcome and thanks for taking a look at my deck.

Maybe board are cards I have searched that might help. Main board are cards I currently have. If you guys have any tips on what to use or pull from the maybe board that would rock!!!


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Date added 10 years
Last updated 10 years

This deck is not Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

12 - 3 Rares

2 - 4 Uncommons

32 - 4 Commons

Cards 46
Avg. CMC 1.89
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