Colorless (69)

Red (48)

White (49)

Black (49)

Gold (47)

Blue (49)

Green (49)

Starting on a simple cube. The basic philosophies are...

1) No artifact fixing or mana acceleration. Only Green is allowed to break the one land per turn rule. This gives Green some color identity.
2) Strong color identities. Green has ramp but little removal; black has reanimation, removal and value; blue has control and card draw; white has weenies and good value; red is very fast.
3) Few win-now combos. There's sneak and show (might take these out) and also reanimator, which let you cheat in big things. Aside from these, the cards are mostly based around synergy. Yawgmoth's Will is here, but it's only marginally stronger than Snapcaster Mage. Crow Storm is here, but without massive mana, you'll be hard-pressed to get too much storm count.
4) Few strong artifacts/colorless cards. There are some worth fighting over, but too many will dilute the color pie. There is a lot of equipment, though.
5) Very little land destruction. This might make the manlands and Gaea's Cradle a bit stronger than normal, but ultimately they can be dealt with like any other creature.
6) Monocolored decks (aside from Blue) should all be viable and there should be rewards for going monocolor (maybe with a splash).
7) Humans and Elves as tribal subthemes.
8) Few viable locks/prisons. People should generally be able to play what they want (vis a vis couterspells and removal).
9) Every color pair has one manland, one fetchland, one shockland, and one other dual (different kind of other dual for each color pair that often complements what the color pair usually does).
10) The best version of each card's art, including promos.


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