Curse of the God-Pharaoh (4C Bolas Control)

Standard* Leatherankh


2nd Place Gameday —Aug. 7, 2017

This deck won me 2nd place at Gameday. I easily beat Ramunap Red and UR Prowess 2-0 each, won a great match against GB Counters by topdecking a Fumigate just in time to save Chandra, Torch of Defiance so I could ultimate her on the next turn. Sadly, I lost hard to the eventual winner, a UB Scarab God deck that I just never had the right cards in hand to beat. Game 1 I just never saw my board wipes, and he was able to reanimate enough things to overwhelm me, and Game 2 he was able to Disallow a Chandra activation that would have swung the game my way and then Negate my Bolas. All in all, very pleased with how the deck ran.