Dovin's Acuity just wasn't working out with the control aspect in mind. So I have split it off into another deck that is more focused on Dovin' Acuity (RNA) but still similar. Linked here
4x Dovin's Acuity Trying to focus with this in the deck really pulled the "deck theme" in multiple directions, so I removed it in favor of the true theme I wanted and put this in a different deck.
3x Sphinx's Insight This could still go back in the deck, but I compare it to Elite Guardmage and the guardmage feels like a better pick at the slot. Removing Dovin's Acuity let me look elsewhere to fill the remaining slots as well.
1x Cavalier of Gales for only 3x. Would have a hard time balancing control spells and cavalier late game. I still use it as the late game beater, but having 1 less gives me more options at lower cmc.
1x Island to add some fetch land
1x Plains to add some fetch land
Replaced With...
4x Staggering Insight This was basically a replacement for Dovin's Acuity. It is not immediate, but since I have evasive flyers and some board control I should be able to to find value. As I can place creature, next turn play the enchantment before attacking.
1x Elite Guardmage for 4x. Removing Dovin's Acuity took out some of my card advantage, so filling up this slot helps fill that gap.
3x Sphinx of New Prahv I'm just a fan of this card and looking to see if it fits. The hexproof tax fits in the theme and helps keep it safer against spot removal. Having vigilance means I can defend after attacking, and paired with Staggering Insight it can do some damage while healing me. It's also flying so it is evasive unless they have flying/reach as well.
2x Fabled Passage while not common, missing colors has happened and having a few can help. If I have one in opening hand I can drop it then since I have no 1cmc drops, otherwise it hopefully can come into play on turn 4+ to be untapped.