quillyiqian says... #9
I have a deck on my profile called Pauper Unveiled which is ALMOST exactly the same as yours, which is interesting. I have playtested mine almost every night against all sorts of different standard decks so I know to some extent how this works.I'm gonna say what I think here: - Firstly, 21 lands with only Caryatid for ramp and Wayfinder to fetch is dangerous. Among those 4 comes in tapped and 6 will cost you life. I run 4 Elvish Mystic in mine and the games that I draw elvish mystic i usually win because a turn 2 Kruphix's Insight would fill your grave large enough for a turn 4 or 5 win. - Secondly, you only have two cards in the deck that helps you fly. - Thirdly, Drown in Filth is a really weak self-mill card and it belongs in the sideboard waiting to tackle BW Humans. In other cases, use Grisly Salvage before it rotates and Commune With the Gods would be a post rotation replacement. Or you can use both now but Commune would be 2-of at max. - Lastly, Strength of the Fallen doesn't look like it should be a 4-of and neither is Nyx Weaver. I could be wrong for all I know but these are just some thoughts. Let me know what you think. :)
April 30, 2014 7:01 a.m.
I would also replace 2 Strength from the Fallen with 2 Elvish Mystic and try to get them up to a playset later on.
April 30, 2014 11:10 a.m.
Arorsthrar says... #13
You have quite a bit of ramp and nothing to do with the excess mana, and quite a bit of dredge with nothing to do there either. Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord is great for dredge and can shoot damage past blockers to end the game. The only reason I'd include Pharika, God of Affliction in any dredge deck (I don't use her in mine) is to abuse the constellation of Strength from the Fallen . I'd even go up to 4 instead of Whip of Erebos , since you don't have any great reanimation targets and since the constellation stacks. Nylea, God of the Hunt doesn't seem that good to me; I'd rather run Herald of Torment , but I can see keeping her in (though reaching devotion could be hard). Satyr Wayfinder is a key piece of dredge that should be included.
As far as sideboard, I highly recommend Golgari Charm . It is great against control, mono blue devotion and can even stop Rest in Peace , if that ever becomes a thing. I run 4.
May 1, 2014 12:36 a.m.
quillyiqian says... #14
Sorry that i wasnt clear on my second point. Im concerned about flyers because in most standard games you will be seeing a lot of desecration demon, master of the feast, herald of torment, stormbreath dragon. In your deck you would be hoping to have a Nyx Weaver bestowed with nighthowler to defend against those. Against mono black removal that's gonna be hard to do so it would be good to have 2 or 3 Herald of Torment in there to help flying control. You can swap out Reaper of the Wilds as they dont really do anything. I use them because i already own the cards, but in my personal opinion you would be better off with Heralds or Nyleas in their place. Also I see that you have cut out Satyr Wayfinders for Commune with the Gods and Grisly Salvage. I would advise you on that due to the fact that Satyr Wayfinders, although being a weaker dredge card, is still a creature and if it gets milled, it helps fill your grave but the others will just be useless in the grave. Right now i would recommend taking out 2x dredge cards (commune, insight or grisly) for 2x Satyr Wayfinders. (Be aware that Grisly Salvage does not get you enchantments so you might end up having Strength from the Fallen or the Whip in your grave.) NOTE: these are all based on what i found playtesting myself and everyone plays differently so do try out the ideas and see what works for you. As for sideboard, yours look pretty good to me. But i never was good with sideboards so you'll be better off asking someone else. :)
May 1, 2014 12:43 a.m.
quillyiqian says... #15
Didn't see post #13 when i was writing mine so a bit of redundancy there. I also would like to add that my deck is a POST ROTATION version so it is planned for like 3 months later. Because of that, I have not suggested the Ravnica cards as @Arorsthrar did.
May 1, 2014 12:49 a.m.
WizardInTheWoods says... #17
You guys are right: Satyr Wayfinder is in. As is Herald of Torment (I considered Hero's Downfall , Putrefy , Abrupt Decay or Plummet to deal with fliers, but the milled spells don't help me, AND Hearld is an enchantment, which works with Strength from the Fallen ).
I also made Kruphix's Insight a 3-of to help find all these enchantment creatures. I'll have to see if 3 works by just playing FNM and seeing.
I really appreciate the help, quillyiqian.
Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord is in also. Thank you, Arorsthrar! He's legendary, is two plenty, in your opinion? If not, what would you swap out?
I dropped 1x Whip of Erebos and put the other in the sideboard. 4x Golgari Charm SB as well. Call me crazy, but I also put some Agent of Erebos in the SB in case I get in a mirror match. B/G was a bit more popular last FNM I played.
Question: what do you suppose is the strongest SB card against Boros aggro? Those are popping up everywhere! Thanks.
Parting thought- I hope M15 includes a creature like Lotleth Troll , but one that "eats" enchantments.
May 1, 2014 3:59 a.m.
I think you should replace one Kruphix's Insight with one Whip of Erebos . I know you may not have to many creatures that you wish to reanimate but I have found that a 4MC with two devotion and it gives all creatures lifelink is very good. It normally draws out the harder games and keeps you alive when you need to constantly block.
May 1, 2014 4:29 a.m.
I would also take a look at my own sideboard, I've linked the deck earlier.
May 1, 2014 4:29 a.m.
Deathrite Shaman and Shadowborn Demon are always great cards in dredge decks. DTS can eat the lands you mill for extra mana, or instants and sorceries to eat away at your opponents life. Since the goal of the deck is to have creatures in your graveyard, the Demon is usually a no draw back 5/6 for 5 that destroys a creature when it hits play. Also, if you don't have 6 creatures in your grave, you can sacrifice creatures you don't need, making Nighthowler and Jarad even bigger. Oh and why aren't you running Lotleth Troll ? It lets you put creatures into your graveyard, has trample (which makes him the perfect target for Strength of the Fallen ), and you can regenerate him for a mere B.
May 2, 2014 4:32 a.m.
Oh and i love Cyanide and Happiness +1. Also I would switch Agent of Erebos with Scavenging Ooze in the SB, because Scooze is cheaper, gains you life, and gets big.
May 2, 2014 4:39 a.m.
WizardInTheWoods says... #22
@Wolfninja - I have a set of Lotleth Troll handy, what to replace and how many trolls?
May 2, 2014 9:07 p.m.
Arorsthrar says... #23
I don't like running any Whip of Erebos main boarded because there aren't too many reanimation targets you really want. Its definitely more of a sideboard card for Control, MBD, Orzhov Midrange, and Burn match ups. The Dredge decks that top 8 usually run 1-2 in the sideboard, and a few decks will run 1 main board. 1 Whip of Erebos is correct because cards like Commune with the Gods and Kruphix's Insight allow you to dig for that card and give you a huge chance of drawing it if you really want.
I find Lotleth Troll to be a 3-of. There are times when he is great, and times when he just sucks a bunch of cards from your hand into the graveyard (not necessarily a horrible thing, but it leaves you with little gas left). I'd try to include 4 Commune with the Gods . He works well against MBD and control. Just be careful not to pitch to many cards to him, as Devour Flesh and Detention Sphere hose him down.
Deathrite Shaman is a great dredge card that's a 2-3 of in the top dredge decks, but something I run as a four of. I prefer him over Sylvan Caryatid because of more relevant text in dredge decks. He is crazy good in the mirror match, and can help stabilize if you ever need to, while also pinging your opponent to whittle down life. And two Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord is enough.
May 2, 2014 9:31 p.m.
I suggest -2 Nyx Weaver, -2 Kruphix's Insight, +3 Lotleth Troll, +1 Commune with the Gods. Also -3 Elvish Mystic (or Sylvan Caryatid, depends on your Meta), +3 Deathrite Shaman. Then I would play with that for a while, and maybe add a 4th lotleth troll, or more self mill. Oh and consider adding Overgrown Tomb over Mana Confluence. The Tomb causes more damage at once, if you need it untapped, but that's it, while Mana Confluence loses you 1 life each time you use it, plus you have Herald of Torment knocking your life out every turn too.. And it's only a 2 color deck, so it's not like you have to have it.
May 3, 2014 4:13 a.m.
Nice looking deck, and my only suggestion is adding maybe another Temple of Malady or two instead of basic lands, and cutting Mistcutter Hydra for Skylasher because you only play twenty lands. I built a similar deck, but more on the control-end of Eidolon of Blossoms . Check it out, Blossoming Enchantments. +1
Scorprix says... #4
Love the name.
April 5, 2014 11:46 p.m.