WizardInTheWoods says... #2
Thanks for the advice. Mana Confluence , the newest mana fixing available, isn't going anywhere. These decks need mana fixing. Until I get shock lands I'm keeping it in.
I made room for a fourth Lotleth Troll , 'cause you're right: he's worth being a four-of. I don't know why most decks only run 3, but they do.
As for half-constellation half dredge, I don't follow your logic. The only constellation card is Strength from the Fallen and that only benefits from dredge. Perhaps you could better explain your point so I can better understand? Thanks.
May 18, 2014 10:48 p.m.
What I ment is that your deck is called "Golgari constellation" but there isn't really much constellation going on.
May 19, 2014 4:30 a.m.
WizardInTheWoods says... #4
@ zandadoum-
Yeah, I hear ya. Im only running a single three-of constellation card. In my opinion there are scant few constellation cards worth replacing things already in here. Perhaps Doomwake Giant might fit, but I only have a singleton so i havent even tried him.
This deck is built around Strength from the Fallen in that I try to incorporate it into, and on top of, many dredge plays. Whether it is Commune with the Gods or Nyx Weaver getting Strength in my hand, I almost always see it. Once it is out, cards like Nighthowler stop being mere threats and become total catastrophes by forcing, for example, my opponent to block my 8/8 Satyr Wayfinder with his Stormbreath Dragon .
A fun play for me is to take a starting hand with both Lotleth Troll and Strength, T2 Troll and T3, if they tap out, dump everything else into it and play strength. Swinging for 12 with trample usually means they block with anything and everything they've got. Then I can feed the troll top decks and walk over whatever comes out until its over.
Good times. :)
May 19, 2014 12:17 p.m.
Chek this, maybe gives you some ideas. specifically the 3rd deck listed:
May 19, 2014 4:38 p.m.
GeoKinetic says... #6
Ive tested mono green and golgari versions of this deck and something i've found is that grisly salvage isnt necessary, so long as you have 12 mill effects, which you do in this case. Strength from the fallen is better in multiples, so I would run 4, and I recommend having at least 20 enchantments in order to consistently trigger constellation. Also, whip of erebos isnn't brilliant in this deck mainly because you don't have some insane creature to recur, so although it's good, i recommend replacing it with Eidolon of Blossoms , which is an insanely good card. Another important thing to remember is that it's not the number of constellation cards you have, it's more about how many enchantments you have in general that makes it a good constellation deck.
May 21, 2014 6:24 a.m.
WizardInTheWoods says... #7
You're at least the second person to suggest Eidolon of Blossoms . While I am concerned about the longevity of a 2/2 4-drop, I also realize that by the time I play it, there will (hopefully) be far juicer targets for any removal. I'll go ahead and put 3 in and playtest.
May 21, 2014 3:56 p.m.
dragon_liege says... #8
For some combat tricks with Strength from the Fallen and more aggro, I would consider running Boon Satyr . I also believe the Nyx Weaver is too slow for the mill, I think the Satyr Wayfinder is better and can mana fix (since you don't have any Grisly Salvage ).
May 22, 2014 12:20 p.m.
Planeswalked says... #9
It seems unlikely that there will be much juicier targets (besides Eidolon) for removal. It is a powerful card that will either eat removal immediately, clearing the way for your other threats, or will draw enough cards to put you ahead in the game. At worst it is a random body for your Nighthowlers and Strengths, at best it is a draw engine that will run away with the game. Do be careful about milling and drawing yourself to death though.
May 22, 2014 6:06 p.m.
GeoKinetic says... #10
Looking at the changes to your deck I have to ask why Kruphix's Insight but no Satyr Wayfinder ? Insight is the worse mill effect in standard for this deck, it can draw you multiple cards but using it in a deck with a congested 3 slot is bad, along with the fact that it's not a creature, make the wayfinder a better choice in my opinion.
May 22, 2014 6:17 p.m.
WizardInTheWoods says... #11
Yeah, dragon_liege & GeoKinetic, having ran it through a few games, I see that wayfinder, while putting zero enchantments in hand, fits better. Solid advice. Thanks.
PlanesWalked, I've had this deck down to 9 in the library, and it surprised me to see such a short stack of a library. I've put an Elixir of Immortality in the main board to compensate.
May 22, 2014 7:55 p.m.
Planeswalked says... #12
Elixir certainly compensates for milling yourself out. That said, I would be hesitant to main board it, as it will only be relevant a very small percentage of games. Try it in the sideboard for matches that you expect to go long, like against control. Against aggressive decks at best it will gain you 5 life (not a good rate for the mana investment), and at worst it will cost you the game when you needed just another relevant spell.
May 22, 2014 11:59 p.m.
Topper_1898 says... #13
I like what you have going on for the most part, I'm also a believer in Strength of the Fallen and the possibilities you can get when you combine Dredge and Constellation. I would say you may want more enchantments to run the constellation part of it though. I would say either Eidolon of Blossoms , Grim Guardian , or Courser of Kruphix . Other than that maybe add some removal type stuff in your sideboard, like Hero's Downfall or Silence the Believers (which I absolutely love this card). My suggestions definitely make it more of a midrange deck, but I think you could benefit a lot from them. I also have a Dredge Constellation deck posted on my profile, maybe you can take a look at it and hopefully get some ideas, plus I could use some more advice on it.
June 8, 2014 2:26 p.m.
GreyFawkes says... #14
I don't mean any disrespect by this, but where the hell is Courser of Kruphix
June 21, 2014 2:03 a.m.
WizardInTheWoods says... #15
@GreyFawkes First of all, that's a clever name you've chosen. It's like a play on words, Oblivion-style.
Secondly, my dumb ass used to have 3 of them, but I traded them off at a FNM. I don't even remember what I got for them, but I'm pretty sure it included a couple Deathrite Shaman s. When I saw them, my eyes glazed over.
At any rate, thanks for the suggestion, I agree with you: this deck screams for Coursers.
June 21, 2014 2:19 p.m.
Jamesfurrow says... #16
With ravnica falling out of standard you will need cards to replace both vraska and lotleth troll...also abrupt decay will go out of rotaion. Have you considered Silence the Believers , grey merchant and Whip of Erebos or Erebos, God of the Dead
July 6, 2014 12:08 a.m.
WizardInTheWoods says... #17
Jamesfurrow, I've been hearing good things about Silence the Believers , but have never played it. Does it commonly target multiples with the strive, or is it normally just the target creature and its aura(s)?
I've also been looking at Garruk, Apex Predator and some more ramp enchantments, perhaps Ordeal of Nylea or Market Festival as a replacement for Vraska the Unseen .
I've been thinking a lot about what to put into Lotleth Troll s slot. Since I usually wait until I have a second source of black mana before I cast troll, I could replace troll with a three drop. Nyx Weaver looks great on paper, but doesn't seem as pressure-inducing as the troll. What do you suggest as a troll replacement?
July 6, 2014 1:38 a.m.
Jamesfurrow says... #18
Strive is each time you cast it you have another target you can use. If you only pay the 4 mana its a single target if u pay 7 (strive of 1) you kill two creatures and all of both thise creatures auras. Also nix reaver is a little dangerous due to it can easily mill yourself especially woth multiples of it out. Id personally just put in Erebos, God of the Dead due to no life gain and he can give you card draw witch is vital for all black decks
July 6, 2014 3:35 p.m.
Quadsimotto says... #19
I was actually able to win a match against this. Back to Nature in my mainboard was not your friend. It won the first game but fell short on the second getting mana screwed and then third game was a bit more drawn out with you staving me off for as long as possible with death touch tokens created from pharika until you had no more creatures in your yard to make em with. The first game reaper of the wilds did work but the next two dhe was absent from. Poly-K was sorely missed in this golgari build. Plus one and just because it lost means F-All. Maybe i miss played it. Thank you for posting it for me to test though i appreciate it.
zandadoum says... #1
oh PS: Eidolon of Blossoms should really be in there somewhere ;)
May 17, 2014 5:01 a.m.