Cycle of Death

Standard Nexliar


Nazuya says... #1

In my experience building a somewhat similar deck Vile Manifestation rely's heavily on cycled cards. If you don't have enough he doesn't become as big as you would like. I like how you have 2 strategy's going on with cycling and the -1/-1 stuff but they may clash if you don't get the right draws. maybe throw in a few Fatal Push for cheap removal or a couple Wander in Death in case your combo is removed, that way you can at least return for a 2nd chance at your combo whilst boosting your Vile Manifestation.

November 25, 2017 9:11 a.m.

Nexliar says... #2

Nazuya thanks for the suggestions. I like both of them. Unfortunately I only have 2 Fatal Push and I have them in my Plague Inc deck and they are a bit pricy right now to get anymore. I though about maybe putting in Doomfall instead but Im still testing as it stands.

I just went through over 1500 commons looking for that Wander in Death and I couldnt find a single one. And almost all my cards are Amonket or HoD. LOL sure doesnt seem that common to me. Ill have to check with my local shop on Tuesday and see if they have a few. I was able to find Raise Dead which is about the same but without the cycle ability. Any other cards with cycling you think I should add? I basically just went through almost all my cards, pulled out all the ones with cycle, and then started to brew. So far the testing as went real well. Beat my son three times in a row while he was playing a Merfolk +1 deck. That Archfiend of Ifnir with Nest of Scarabs while having Yahenni, Undying Partisan out is just such a wining combo. Especially against other token decks so popular these days.

November 25, 2017 5:26 p.m.

Nexliar says... #3

Nazuya thanks for the suggestions. I like both of them. Unfortunately I only have 2 Fatal Push and I have them in my Plague Inc (G/B/W Abzan) deck and they are a bit pricy right now to get anymore. I though about maybe putting in Doomfall instead but Im still testing as it stands.

I just went through over 1500 commons looking for that Wander in Death and I couldnt find a single one. And almost all my cards are Amonket or HoD. LOL sure doesnt seem that common to me. Ill have to check with my local shop on Tuesday and see if they have a few. I was able to find Raise Dead which is about the same but without the cycle ability. Any other cards with cycling you think I should add? I basically just went through almost all my cards, pulled out all the ones with cycle, and then started to brew. So far the testing as went real well. Beat my son three times in a row while he was playing a Merfolk +1 deck. That Archfiend of Ifnir with Nest of Scarabs while having Yahenni, Undying Partisan out is just such a wining combo. Especially against other token decks so popular these days.

November 25, 2017 5:29 p.m.

Nexliar says... #4

That second post has the correct Plague Inc Link. It linked the wrong one

November 25, 2017 5:30 p.m.

Nazuya says... #5

Your welcome. Oh well there not really that hard to find, although saying that I only have 4 from gods knows how many packs I have opened. You can go with Raise Dead for now but as soon as you get Wander in Death be sure to switch it over. Does your son have a secondary deck or a side board? Playing with family and friends myself I also found that I was winning a lot because I unintentionally built around that deck so it might be wise to try your deck vs other types.

November 26, 2017 6:11 a.m.

Nazuya says... #6

I would also recommend Banewhip Punisher these guys are great, they can kill almost any creature by sacrificing itself to kill it. With your deck having lots of ways to add -1/-1 you shouldn't have a problem incorporating it.

November 26, 2017 6:20 a.m.

Nexliar says... #7

Nazuya Thanks, I was supprised to see that card. I thought I had seen all of the Amonket cards but that just goes to prove how huge this game is. Im sure my local B&M has them cheap so Ill pick some up Tuesday.

My son has about 5 constructed decks, some with sideboard some without, that I helped him build and about 7-8 with sideboards myself. I know what you mean though by brew testing with family or friends. It really doesnt represent the meta youll be playing in. When we first started getting into MTG (August) we only had one deck each and wed play and change cards to see what worked best. Wed do ok and have good matches at home but as soon as we went to tournament we would get smashed. I tend to play more than he does, but we both learned our lesson there. Were now setup similar to SpellSlingers on TV. We numbered all of our deck boxes 1-12 and then roll a d12 to see who gets what. That way we can even move the decks around between boxes so it can be completely random and it makes for some fun match ups.

I do have Banewhip Punisher though so Ill add it and see how it runs. I think I ran it before in my Plague deck, but it got removed for something else that was stronger. Ill have to replace something that doesnt have cycle though. Id hate to loose anymore with that ability. Really surprised there isnt more cards with that ability really. Thanks again for the help and suggestions

November 26, 2017 9:33 a.m.

Nexliar says... #8

Nazuya this putting 2 Banewhip Punisher in replace of Razaketh's Rite or 3 in replace of Gonti's Machinations. The Gontis do help and kind of adds a third mechanic, but isnt really in flavor of the deck. Razaketh is very hard to get out. Usually I have something else and only use it for cycle ability and thus is why its in there. But it has helped in those few times when its hard to find an Archfiend or Nest to get on field. Whatcha think?

November 26, 2017 9:42 a.m.

Nexliar says... #9

Thinking of trying this tonight at FNM. Although I usually play my Plague Inc (G/B/W Abzan) and it usually does ok. Best Ive went was 2-1-1 with it. This deck is new and has only been lightly play tested with family. And other suggestions would be great. Most of our meta lately has been energy, tokens, or red ramp with some others like me spread out. Thanks as always guys!

December 1, 2017 11:52 a.m.

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