The Average Pooping Speed of a Human
Commander / EDH*
Whoops, sorry I didn't consider you could also hop from target to target with silumgar's etb ability combined with closet's activated ability. Awesome deck btw!
March 4, 2015 3:15 a.m.
SirSpycrab says... #3
I'll look into finding more fixing for the creatures that have a high CMC. Conjurer's Closet is really good in this sort of deck because the wording makes it so that if you flicker the creature you stole with Silumgar's etb effect, you get to keep the creature when it re-enters the battlefield because it comes back onto the field under your control. This frees up Silumgar to steal more things for me. It's also pretty fantastic because since it's a triggered ability, it costs nothing mana-wise and is a reliable way to get and keep the best creatures that are played by my opponents.
And yeah, thanks for the compliment! I'm pretty excited to see this deck in action. I have a feeling it's going to be pretty pestrunky.
March 4, 2015 3:39 a.m.
+1. I like this deck, silumgar is the commander I really want to use from the new set and I always find it helpful to look at other people's decks for ideas. The only card I would recommend is Bribery.
March 4, 2015 10:27 a.m.
CharybdisV says... #7
If you're into copy/steal, Lazav, Dimir Mastermind is the better commander. Even if you're set on Silumgar, you should still include him in the deck.
March 4, 2015 9:50 p.m.
SirSpycrab says... #8
I like the idea of stealing more than copying from a graveyard. With silumgar, I can enslave multiple creatures and planeswalkers by manipulating the stack.
And though I do reanimate a bit, I don't run much mill so Lazav wouldn't have a ready supply of fresh targets. I've also played Lazav in the past and I'm not too keen on rebuilding him.
March 4, 2015 10:04 p.m.
CharybdisV says... #9
Do you destroy/do your opponents destroy creatures though? Lazav doesn't have to be complemented with mill to be useful, every targeted removal spell becomes a "control magic" of sorts with him on the battlefield. But if you don't like him by all means don't run him, EDH is about playing the cards you like.
March 4, 2015 10:17 p.m.
MAGESTIC_LLAMA says... #10
It's to bad Dragonlord Silumgar lost hexproof :(
Wheres your copy of Silumgar, the Drifting Death?
March 5, 2015 12:30 a.m.
SirSpycrab says... #12
I thought about running Silumgar, the Drifting Death, but I would only ever have at most as many as three dragons at a time so his ability wouldn't be very useful.
March 5, 2015 3:05 a.m.
PayOneLife says... #13
Why not use Tidings or Concentrate instead of ambition's cost - you have the manabase and it saves you 3 life.
Keiga, the Tide Star is great on his own, and turns any Clone type creatures into sorcery speed control spells. With Sheoldred or havengul lich you can take a creature in each of your turns!
Malicious Affliction is great too, with all the critters dying.
You could diversify your manabase fairly cost-effectively with cards like Darkslick Shores, Darkwater Catacombs, Underground River, Tainted Isle and Drowned Catacomb.
Also, Braids is banned (although you probably already know that!).
March 5, 2015 7:58 a.m.
MAGESTIC_LLAMA says... #14
@SirSpycrab b-b-b-but maximum flavor! Cmon man, this is EDH!
March 5, 2015 3:34 p.m.
SirSpycrab says... #15
Good suggestions, thanks. And yeah my playgroup doesn't play with that particular ban because we believe Braids was caught in the crossfire.
March 5, 2015 5:39 p.m.
I like Chromatic Lantern better than the Cluestone.
Maybe you could consider Drowned Catacomb and Tainted Isle for lands.
Personally, I like Dimir Doppelganger for graveyard hate, and it's got a good secondary effect too that seems on theme.
Mimic Vat is good for abusing ETB effects and maybe even instant speed blockers.
Maybe cut Consuming Wave for Syphon Mind for some draw?
Perplexing Chimera can get crazy and chaotic sometimes. I would use him to replace the Sphinx.
I like Geth, Lord of the Vault over Havengul Lich since you aren't concerned over colors, and can grab artifacts as well. Plue he enables himself.
Maybe could cut the Myojin for a Rise of the Dark Realms and steal everyone's graves?
Animate Dead is also a good reanimator/ steal option
Duplicant Exiles a body and then steals it.
Praetor's Grasp is usually good for stealing a Sol Ring
Corrupted Conscience can also be a potential Win Condition.
Desertion and Beguiler of Wills are also decent for the same cost range.
Quicksilver Amulet could be good for cheating in some stuff.
A sac outlet may also be handy in case somebody has a Homeward Path. Your worst enemy so, you may want to keep around a Ghost Quarter or Strip Mine. Good sac outets are Altar of Dementia and Ashnod's Altar
Hope this helps!
March 5, 2015 9:58 p.m.
Crayonmuffin says... #17
Looks nice, minus Braids, Cabal Minion being banned.
March 8, 2015 8:46 a.m.
SirSpycrab says... #19
I hate it when my commander is tucked so I don't usually run cards that enable that. What with the Golden Rule and everything.
March 8, 2015 11:13 p.m.
CharybdisV says... #20
Just out of curiousity, why so much blink? It's good for Evil Twin, Silumgar, and Glen ELendra, but pretty mediocre for the other 6 that have ETB effects.
March 9, 2015 midnight
SirSpycrab says... #21
I'm pretty sure I have only one cars that gives a blink effect, being Conjurer's Closet. Though you're definitely right. When I included Conjurer's Closet in this list, it was when Dragonlord Silumgar was the commander (which made abusing Silumgar's ability really easy). I want to see how the deck works with it in for now, but it's definitely next on the chopping block.
March 9, 2015 5:23 a.m.
CharybdisV says... #22
You also have Deadeye in there, which doesn't have a ton of value. Also Jace, Memory Adept would be good in this deck even without a mill suite, as he will mill a bit for Lazav while also drawing you an extra card per turn. Win-Win. That new card Mirror Mockery could be cool against decks that feature ETB effects, or even to clone your own.
March 9, 2015 7:08 p.m.
SirSpycrab says... #23
Oh yeah of course. I completely overlooked Deadeye Navigator. I put him in for the same reason i put Conjurer's Closet. I think I'll take both of them out in favor of things that actually help my deck haha. Good suggestion on the Mind Sculptor. The draw is strong as well as the fact that it facilitates Lazav.
March 10, 2015 3:29 a.m.
Tucking has been banned, so maybe some other non-Hinder/Crumple counters would be better...
March 30, 2015 6:02 p.m.
SirSpycrab says... #25
scorpix you're right, I just haven't gotten around to switching it out. I just replaced it with Dissipate.
ParkourTV says... #1
Yo, all your creatures have a high CMC. Possibly consider just a bit more lands to compensate for that, maybe even try adding Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth to help mana fixing since a decent amount of cards in your deck have have a lot of black in their costs. Also I don't believe conjurer's closet works with Silumgar's trigger, since he is exiled and leaves your control when you activate the closet's ability.
March 4, 2015 3:10 a.m.