Did wizards kill red deck wins? No, not quite.
Right before M14 and RtR rotated out, I was really sad. My hellraiser goblins were leaving. No more turn two battalion trigers with legion layalists, no half decent mono red Planeswalkers, no foundry street denizen, and no shit like mugging to steal blockers. Red aggro was always my best deck type, but I could tell Wizards was trying SO hard to kill red Sligh decks with sylvian Caratid, courser of kruphix, guardians of metelis, and worst of all; hundred handed-one. Friday night was suddenly a scary place and i was terrified to see what sligh killers they'd come up with in Khans. I was wrong. They reprinted Foundry Street Denizen, came out with goblin rabblemaster, frenzied goblin, valley dasher, war-name aspirant, and Hordeling outburst. I laughed as I traded for sone commons and uncommons. Sure they printed seige rhino, brave the sands, embodiment of spring, and death frenzy, but who cares. I had a deck forming in my my head was forming with these combos.
T1 Monastery Swiftspear, T2 double Swiftspear, T3 triple Titans Strength = 24 damage by turn three.
T1 Foundry Street Denizen, T2 double Akroan Crusader, T3 triple Coordinated Assault = 21 damage by turn three.
T1 Akroan Crusader, T2 Akroan Crusader and Swiftspear, T3 triple Coordinated Assault = 17 damage by turn three
Also basically any combination of these is also good.
The gist of playing Sligh is not drawing more than three lands while also drawing an adequate amount of creatures and spells to pump them. Thats a little oversimplified but Im no expert. If you want expert analysis look up Tom Ross.
Why play this deck? It can get blown out by control and even just Anger of the Gods. Because its quick and relatively easy. Sequencing your dudes and spells correctly is basically all you need to know. Other than that it doesnt really matter what your opponent is playing, especially in game one. Game one you apply pressure until someone loses. Game two/three you play it like you would almost any other aggro deck. Put on pressure but dont exhaust your resources. Commit 1-3 creatures to the table and smash. Theyll be forced to get mediocre value on their removal and you can keep pumping out creatures so the pressure never subsides. Worst case scenario in any game you still have a chance in is getting the damage in, getting blown out by removal, then topdecking burn to get the last few points. And since Khans made everyone run tri-colored decks with mostly five drops, you can pretty much do what you want before they even get siege rhino out or a monsterous hundred handed one.
Also its only like $20 in paper which is good for people like me who don't want to invest to much into Standard.