Abzan Aggro deck.
1 Drops:
Warden of the First Tree - I really like this card, but his second ability is really expensive for what you get IMO. His first and third abilities are very strong, but it's hard for me to justify using 4 mana on his second ability unless I don't have anything else to play. However if the game goes late enough he can definitely carry it with his third ability.
2 Drops:
Fleecemane Lion
- Oh man I love this card. It's an extremely strong turn 2 play, and if you can get it monstroused it can scale very well into the lategame as well.
Rakshasa Deathdealer
- Initially less strong than
Fleecemane Lion
, but his pump ability and regeneration are extremely strong if you use them well. I've had him win games solely by himself. It's not very common, but it has happened. The regeneration and pump can really mess up a lot of decks.
3 Drops:
Anafenza, the Foremost - My overall favorite card in the deck. Very strong for 3 mana at 4/4, and her exile ability is very good against mill decks. The +1/+1 counter trigger is good as well, but it often isn't safe to swing with 2 creatures that early. It is nice when I get a chance to use it though.
4 Drops:
Siege Rhino - Ah the ubiquitous Rhino. Not a whole lot to say here. A 6 point net life swing is huge. As long as he gets on the battlefield, he's done his job.
Reaper of the Wilds - I have mixed feelings about this card, and if I was going to replace someone she would probably be the one. She's great at stalling the board with her deathtouch ability, and is tough to remove with her hexproof ability, but in an aggro deck she just doesn't do a whole lot for me. Maybe if I was playing a tad more midrange she'd be stronger for stalling, but I feel like when I'm ahead I'd rather play almost any other creature in my deck.
5 Drops:
Wingmate Roc - The only flyer in my deck. At best, it lets me finish out games against decks that don't have anything to block flyers, and at worst it can protect me against opposing flyers.
Sorceries & Instants:
Whip of Erebos - I wouldn't call this a whip deck, but these are very good in my deck. Seeing as I have so many creatures with enter the battle effects that are removal magnets like Siege Rhino, Anafenza, the Foremost, and Wingmate Roc it works very well with what I have.
Abzan Charm - An extremely versatile card. I find myself using the Exile ability the most, but the card draw and +1/+1 counters are very strong as well (and many people forget about the counters ability).
Utter End - Honestly I could probably sub these out for some other creature, but the removal has proven useful many times, and it's a very good way for me to get rid of Planswalkers.
Citadel Siege - I throw this in (usually in Khans mode) against control decks. Against Sultai decks I'm more hesitant to play it because of Sultai Charm, but I usually still try it. Even if I only get a turn or 2 it's very beneficial.
Valorous Stance - I sideboard this in against mono Green devotion decks. Nearly every non-ramp creature they play is susceptible to it, and I have to play very aggressively against mono G devotion so that they don't go off.
Eternal Thirst - This is my Brimaz, King of Oreskos
Goblin Rabblemaster
(so R/W aggro) counter. Ideally it goes on a
Fleecemane Lion
that I monstrous as soon as possible. I've had games against R/W aggro where my
Fleecemane Lion
ends the game with like 14 +1/+1 counters on him because the Goblin Rabblemaster or Brimaz, King of Oreskos kept feeding it token creatures.