Damia and the Time Wizards

Commander / EDH Dusty


Epochalyptik says... #1

Infinite combos are kind of in an awkward spot when it comes to non-tournament decks. They're generally seen as competitive decks, so you should be careful about bringing them to casual groups.

Rogue's Passage and the cycling lands are unnecessary in this deck. You don't really focus on combat, and the cycling lands are subpar. Thespian's Stage is underpowered because you don't have any super useful lands to copy.

Isochron Scepter doesn't have the number or kind of imprintable cards it needs to warrant inclusion.

Corrupted Conscience could be replaced by Control Magic since you aren't looking to do combat damage.

Vraska the Unseen is a strange choice for this deck. I don't think the utility is really worthwhile in combo.

Far / Away is outclassed by other removal options in this format.

Telling Time seems underpowered.

If you're going for combo, then Chancellor of the Spires , Mindshrieker , and arguably Sylvan Primordial are all unnecessary.

Decree of Pain is pretty expensive as far as board wipes go.

Finally, Crucible of Worlds is a good card, but it doesn't belong in this list. You don't play fetches, so there's no real way for you to capitalize on Crucible of Worlds 's ability.

January 22, 2014 12:59 a.m.

Epochalyptik says... #2

As far as what you could add, the options are pretty open. From your sideboard/maybeboard, you could include Swan Song , Snapcaster Mage , Beast Within , Kodama's Reach , and maybe a few others.

You should also include Mana Vault , perhaps as a replacement for Khalni Gem .

January 22, 2014 1:05 a.m.

Dusty says... #3

The deck is in a weird place where it's strong enough to deal with most other decks that I play against but not strong enough that I would take to a tournament. I've raised the power level of my playgroup enough that I feel it's on equal footing with those I'm playing with. I think I'm comfortable with the speed and consistency level that I get from this deck. I win just about as often as I lose.

Rogue's Passage is a package deal that I'm running with Vraska the Unseen and Corrupted Conscience . I'm thinking to cut/keep them all.

I'm working on Isochron Scepter becoming more useful to recur counter and utility spells, but maybe I should just replace it with Spell Burst

Thespian's Stage is my answer to decks that are running lands out of my budget, but I understand what you mean.

I was considering cutting the cycling lands anyway as I only find them useful to grab something revealed by Oracle of Mul Daya or tutored up via Mystical Tutor and Liliana Vess .

What do you suggest as a replacement for Far / Away ? I mostly use it to deal with a hexproof commanders that get played faster than I can counter (Uril, The Mistalker being the most prominent). Should I just run a more robust counterspell suite?

Chancellor of the Spires is quickly becoming a card I never want to draw, much less find in my opening hand.
Mindshrieker seems alright since I'm not running too many flyers and it becomes a useful mana dump when I don't have much else to do.

I really wish that Sylvan Primordial was a "you may" effect, as I find when I play it I'm immediately targeted by all other players.

Decree of Pain is my budget/interim Damnation ; however I'm running Black Sun's Zenith so it might just be redundant.

Thanks for the input and taking the time to look through my build. I enjoy reading your thoughts on the suggestions to your own deck and considering them here.

January 22, 2014 1:32 a.m.

Epochalyptik says... #4

Spell Burst is mediocre in my opinion. I'm not a fan of spells like it and Forbid .

Strip Mine would be useful. You could also opt for Tectonic Edge .

January 22, 2014 3:07 a.m.

klone13 says... #5

For maybe board take out dismember it is not very could in EDH. Also great deck. +1

January 31, 2015 8:10 p.m.

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