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Damia The stoner sage

Commander / EDH



Alright so info on me, been playing Magic for about 4 years now, Modern/Legacy/EDH, mostly EDH, and have become some what of a combo player, anyway

Deck info;I don't believe in degenerate X spell combos, and try to limit infinite mana combos omniscience because they are boring, this deck is focused on a strong mana ramp to get Damia in play so you can quickly out tempo your opponents before your GY gets shut off. You'll find most of the stuff your going to use is about 3 CMC the rest is graveyard fodder survival of the fittest,Pod action etc..

SO, strong emphasis on creatures/activated abilities, i did my best to pick out creatures that had action written all over them, so that they were not useless junk without other combo pieces, there are a number of benefits to having necrotic ooze in this deck which I well list.

Anyway so;*Necrotic OozeStuff that good for it

-Devoted Druid,Wickerbough elder (blow up all the artifacts/enchantments as much as you like) regardless of ooze the cards are still good on their own and can combo with each other

-Argothian Elder,Morphling provides infinite land untaps AKA infinite mana(bonus if arcanis, is in your yard you can draw out your library as well) but with the land base and access to lands in this deck such as thawing glaciers/highmarket/Mystifying maze and other's, using thawing glaciers,you now can pull out all the lands in your entire deck incase you lose these cards fairly quick or you lose your GY ,you can loop infinite life/sacrfice combos with high market or you can even troll voltron/control players with infinite mystfying mazes(IMO better for this deck then maze of ith because it states that it EXILES and returns the creature under its owners control, also produces a mana !.

-Quilspike,Devoted Druid, Combos with cinderhaze witch for infinite discard,combos with itself for infinite quilspike triggers,combos with myr propogator for infinite propogators or infinite necrotic ooze's combos with Hex parasite for infinite counter removal of any kind(seeya planeswalkers)

*Melira,Sylvok outcast can be good and bad depending on your board state and what you have however with a sac engine she's mostly good especially with Glen elendra arch mage who has a sac effect built right in, this alows you to counter non creature spells quite a bit depending on your blue mana situation, Melira can also keep your persist creatures around for a lot longer

*Mikaeus,the unhallowedVery annoying card to have around,classic triskelion infinite damage combo.also found out with hex parasite in play,Kokusho, the evening star and a sac outlet you can infinitley sac Kokusho paying 2 life each time to remove a counter to kill a table and gain a lot of life in the process, also good synergy with spore frog, you can essentially fog for a long time.

*sac outlet+Eternal witness+Genesis in GY+Time warp = infinite turns(sort of cliche but situational if you just don't want to let your opponents have the satisfaction of beating you)

*Laboratory maniac,Last resort card but this deck can get there pretty easily, with strong draw, mill and cycle effects you can get rid of your library pretty efficiently .

Ways to do so:-Demonic consultation naming maniac(have maniac in your hand or in play) or a way to play him before your upkeep, this well essentially exile your entire library for B at instant speed

-Mirror-mad Phantasm, When I first saw this card I had a laugh at it, it sac's it self to shuffle itself back into your library, you then mill til you find it again and it goes to your hand.

-Basalt Monolith+Mesmeric Orb,Mill yourself as much as you want !

-Arcanis combo above (deck your self,before you wreck your self)

-Any of the scry lands, +Tunnel vision naming whatevers at the bottom if you've already used all the scry lands just use glacial chasm to sac a land and get one of them back with life from the loam...

-Probably lots of other ways but I can't remember

*Honorable mentions

-Tunnel vision naming living death( can get you a lot of creatures into play)

-Moments peace Fog with flashback(pretty clutch card for those token decks/voltron decks/craterhoof beats.)

-Bound/Determined, let's you get there both abilities are extremely good for this style of deck

-Witchbane Orb, only card I think in BUG that save's you from bajooka bog/Nihil Spell bomb/Tormods crypt(but you still can be rest in peaced or leyined of the voided)

-Dread Return- 3 creature's on board can get your ,Lab maniac/Ooze or whatever else you might need at the time, pretty key spell

-Far wanderings- basically 3 lands in play for 3 mana, because of threshold and how laughable it is to do that with this deck

-Yawgmoths will, this card well save you

-Doomsday, this card can win you games , depends on what you need I guess, but generally lab maniac gets there


Rest of the deck is just value cards I think.

OH and reason I posted this is because this is what I'd like to think the finished product of this deck well be before I order it , I'm working offshore and really want to surprise my friends, If you could add some constructive feedback suggestions on what/why should/shouldn't be in the deck, I would appreciate it , cheers!


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Date added 10 years
Last updated 10 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

6 - 0 Mythic Rares

45 - 0 Rares

23 - 0 Uncommons

20 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.33
Tokens Copy Clone
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