Dance with Me!

Standard jubale


jubale says... #1

My latest iteration, ready to test this weekend. Playing goldfish, the deck consistently reaches a winning state of Prophet+Aetherling+lots of cards by turn 6-9. In this process, it also pulls off a significant amount of defensive tactics to survive aggressive decks.

July 17, 2014 1:07 a.m.

jubale says... #2

Record this weekend: 5-2. Beat Jund twice, mono blue, black Aggro, burn. Lost to black Aggro, UW control.

September 2, 2014 2:34 a.m.

gioppasup says... #3

Excuse me, but Yisan, the Wanderer Bard + Genesis Hydra is a terrible flop!

October 3, 2014 8:52 a.m.

jubale says... #4

Genesis Hydra is one of the most powerful green devotion cards in Standard. It nearly always gets 2 cards down and at least 3 devotion.

While Yisan can't fetch the Hydra, that doesn't matter. With Courser revealing, Sphinx scrying and Yisan shuffling, I can often find and draw the hydra. Meanwhile, Hydra can often fetch Yisan or Prophet or many other cards.

October 3, 2014 12:10 p.m.

jubale says... #5

Okay here's the challenge: I want to adjust the deck to beat Mardu Midrange Mardu Midrange. Butcher is scary, and Crackling Doom makes it very hard to plant a big blocker. (Generally I can get a Sphinx to stick, but he can't block Butcher very well.

October 7, 2014 10:49 p.m.

MagicMarc says... #6

Before my suggestions, +1 for Prognostic Sphinx. Fun card. And I like the deck. As a suggestion for mardu midrange what about Temur Sabertooth? It gets indestructible when it bounces something which survives blocking the butcher and anger of the gods. You can use it's ability at instant speed to return your Hornet Queen to your hand as a nice trick. Hornet Queen + Temur Sabertooth seems like it would help out. Even a singleton of it with all your dig. Another option is Quickling it has flash and can bounce your guys to save them after blocks are declared. Also tricks with Hornet Queen + Quickling . Another idea is adding Swan Song to counter the dooms. Mortal's Resolve is instant speed indestructible too. Also gets your sphinx toughness out of butcher range. Crypsis gives protection from creatures at instant speed. Another idea is upping your hydra count by adding in Nessian Wilds Ravager if it's tribute is not paid, can have it kill the butcher. if it was you have a 12/12 in play. You can also try Supplant Form gets you a butcher and gets rid of theirs, has utility all over the place and can target your won guys too. You can "Tuck" their butcher with AEtherspouts and put it on the bottom of their library. For some more control you could also try Vortex Elemental which would survive doom and the butcher. Or Thassa's Ire to lock it down. Serves double duty for untapping your follower for even more mana off Nykthos or for Yisan for more creatures a turn. Lastly, You could try out Singing Bell Strike. I hope some of these give you ideas for your deck. Even a single copy splash from sideboard could be a big difference.

May 11, 2015 10:40 p.m.

jubale says... #7

Oh boy, this is an old deck. Glad you like it. Yes the Sphinx is awesome. After a long hiatus I'm back to playing a G/U devotion deck (no prophet, no Yisan) that runs 4 Sphinxes. Guess who's awesome against 4/4 and 3/5 dragons? (Less awesome against 5/4 dragons sadly.) Especially when you bestow a Boon Satyr.

Back when I played this, Sabertooth didn't exist but I did jump on it up to play Temur Ascendancy.

Mardu isn't bothering to play any more so I don't need to worry about that one anymore. I'm still quite fond of the Bard, and hope to try him again soon, maybe with cards like Sidisi's Faithful for instant tricks.

May 11, 2015 11:48 p.m.

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