Dark Aggression | Mono Black Aggro 5-1 @ FNM
@KillTheIslandUser, (Love your name by the way) thanks for the suggestions and the long reply! It's always nice to hear what other people have to say.
Here is how I approach budget deck building: Budget building doesn't mean a worse version of a current deck. It means making a different deck with easier to obtain cards.
I'm not trying to build a worse version of Mono-Black. I want to build my very own, very different, deck.
So I think that the easiest way to fully cover all the points you made is to go down the list and explain my thought process.
Lack of Synergy: How much synergy does Mono Red have? The idea is to get your opponent dead ASAP. This deck isn't trying to mess around with neat synergy or combos. It doesn't need to!
Hall of Triumph : A curve of one drop into two one drop into this is pretty crazy for one. But that's not why it's in here. The main reason is so that some of my weaker creatures can attack through Jace, Architect of Thought totally unimpeded. A Glorious Anthem effect is never bad! For a little more in-depth explanation look at this article: http://www.channelfireball.com/articles/pvs-playhouse-hall-of-triumph/.
Tormented Hero : I don't really understand the logic on this one.. Cut a 2/1 for one because it doesn't work in an aggro shell? Am I just misunderstanding what you said? It seems a little like telling Mono Red to cut Rakdos Cackler .
Thrill-Kill Assassin : On the vanilla scale it's not bad. A 2/3 for two is more then fine, but we're really looking at the death touch here. The current meta is FULL of Sylvan Caryatid , Courser of Kruphix , Nyx-Fleece Ram and the like. All these creatures have huge butts that are extremely hard for a deck curving out at 3 to get through. Thrill-Kill Assassin is our man! He keeps the beats on until we can find some bestow creatures or some removal.
I hope that somewhat justifies my reason for inclusions. Every card in this deck servers a purpose, even if you can't see it on the surface.
Now let's talk about your suggestions. I always love suggestions, even if I don't agree with them. It's good to hear a second opinion and get the gears spinning.
Agent of the Fates : What a cool card this is! I am personally a huge fan of this card and expected some number to turn up at the Block Pro Tour, but this isn't the deck for him. The three drop spot in mono black is already very crowded! Lifebane Zombie , Herald of Torment , Master of the Feast Mogis's Marauder are all great options. Agent of the Fates just gets out classed. Especially when we don't have any cheap ways to trigger heroic.
Gift of Orzhova : In a meta full of removal this card isn't a main board able card. Detention Sphere everywhere, Hero's Downfall everywhere, Supreme Verdict everywhere. It just invites soooo many 2-1's. It's much better coming from the sideboard against aggro and burn. I also don't want to tap out on MY TURN, just to have it die when I attack.
Pharika's Chosen : A 1/1 for one doesn't really have a place in constructed. Tormented Hero is just better in a deck trying to get your opponent dead.
Gray Merchant of Asphodel : He really doesn't fit in here. My devotion is never going to be more then 4, and I almost never hit more then 5 lands. He would just SCREW with my curves very badly! Going from having a deck that curves at three, to a deck that curves at three and then have one five drop is just bad.
Thanks again for your great feedback. You've no idea how much I appreciate it. I hope these answers are sufficient. If you feel strongly about any of these point don't be afraid to let me know. Cheers!
May 18, 2014 1:28 p.m.
This is a great aggro build, especially for someone your age! The one thing I'm thinking is, Ultimate Price may let you down when it comes down to it. Yes, lots of mono-color creatures are seeing play. But it does NOTHING against too many creatures.
I usually never recommend it outside of control.... but having 1-2 maindecked copies of Doom Blade may make your life easier. It may seem like a dead draw against a lot of decks, but even if you get stuck against Mono-Black it is great against Mutavault -- so there's always SOME value. Really the best thing would be to splash red for Dreadbore though... which is what I'm doing in my very similar deck.
May 22, 2014 5:18 p.m.
Thanks mattrva77! I really appreciate it!
I just don't like having dead cards in my hand game one! That's the main reason I like Ultimate Price over Doom Blade in the main. Since Mono Black is the MAJOR deck having three dead cards seems silly. I do have two of the blades in the sideboard for when it's just strictly better!
Sadly splashing red is too expensive, and having lands that come into play tapped is just bad.
Thanks again! If you really like it then send a plus one to a bortha! :P
May 22, 2014 5:51 p.m.
KillTheIslandUser says... #6
Did you remove what I said? I didn't even see your response to what I said
May 23, 2014 6:44 p.m.
Oh sorry! I responded the day you said it, then let it sit for about a week. I didn't hear anything from you so I cleared up the comments just to keep things nice. If you want to reiterate what you said I'm more then happy to explain my reasoning!
May 24, 2014 9:14 a.m.
Awesome! I'm glad ya had such a good time and did so well! These lightning-fast aggro decks are DEFINITELY a force to be reckoned with these days!
Keep up the good work dude!
KillTheIslandUser says... #1
This deck doesn't really have to much synergy. I see that it's budget, but it could be better put together. Here is a list of stuff you can add/remove:
1.) things to remove
a.) Hall of Triumph is just bad... don't bother with it. Remove it from sideboard and main. There is better stuff you can add.
b.) Remove Tormented Hero. If you are going mono-black agro, it's not that great for what you are trying to accomplish.
c.) Remove Thrill-Kill Assassin it's not good for a 2 drop, and you have to many things that can't block as is. You will want to save those kill spells for the mid-range agro that will eventually stabilize and beat you out.
2.) things to think about adding
a.) Agent of Fates for the thrill-kill is 100% better. a 3/2 with deathtouch and heroic for when you target it with your bestow creatures and gift of orzhovas. Also... he's cheap as hell... like 1 dollar tops.. or just look to trade for him.. hell you might even have a few of him already from opening boosters.
b.) Add gift of orzhova to this deck as main board, with 2 or 3 of.
c.) Pharika's Chosen to replace your Tormented Hero
d.) Gray Merchant of Asphodel in your side board, and maybe 1 or 2 of depending in main board. You have a lot of can't block, and on turn 5 if you pull this shit, and already have 4 or more creatures in play.. this could be the game winner. Let's say you have 4 creatures out, that's 6 dmg at the least... 6 dmg... that could be the dmg you need to kill. You also gain life.... which you might need to hold onto till you can play another. Just saying.
I think with those additions you could do a lot more than what you have. Also grey merchant is cheap, and most likely you have them already as they are common from theros. Ik he's a 5 drop.. but it's not bad to think about. He's also cheap as hell too. So again you can keep your budget low.
May 18, 2014 11:37 a.m.