Dark Alley w/ Mr. Rakdos and His Eldrazi

Commander / EDH EventuallyClassy


You sure you have enough ways to damage your opponent so that you may play Rakdos? Most things here are five or more mana...

Looking at your mana curve, though, I think this deck might make good use of Pyromancy! If all of the cards in your hand are too big to play, it can still score 10 or more damage for 3 mana. And hey, if Rakdos is out, that can pretty much guarantee you can play everyone else in your hand.

July 12, 2017 3:43 a.m.

Thanks ClockworkSwordfish, that's a good suggestion. I took out Wound Reflection, and put in Pyromancy. I appreciate it.

July 12, 2017 4:09 a.m.

Mike94 says... #3

Absolutely love the concept of your deck! Maybe Thrull Parasite to get a damage in for casting Rakdos?

July 29, 2017 6:56 p.m.

The value is definatley there with Thrull Parasite, I like the idea of it, and being a one-drop, it can help speed things up a little. I'm taking out Spiteflame Witch, she was soaking up too much of my colored mana to get done what I needed. Thanks for the suggestion Mike94, I really appreciate it.

July 30, 2017 3:59 a.m.

Mike94 says... #8

Glad to hear that and you're welcome!

July 30, 2017 8:43 a.m.

kdmurphy001 says... #9

Not a fan of Explorer's Scope - you rarely "attack" with your guys unless it's a mountain of Eldrazi meat then who gives a shit about one land at point (the scope is to help you get to that point). Maybe Wheel of Fortune - quick way to refill hand if you drop a few Eldrazi and your hand is empty/mostly empty. If you go off quick might be of limited use to opponents as well. I put in the red counter spells in Harry - Pyroblast and it's ugly brother Red Elemental Blast and have found them very useful.

August 7, 2017 3:46 a.m.

Thanks kdmurphy001, as alwys, solid suggestions.

(Shhhhh, I may have accidentally typed Explorer's Scope, instead of Expedition Map......it had nothing to do with all those breaks to the kitchen)

I love Wheel of Fortune, I'll find a place for it.

I like the idea of those red counter-spells / removal. Spell protection is becoming more and more valuable, in the meta. Plus, you always gotta love any middle finger to the mono-blue player you can get....(cough) Teferi (cough). I'll work on it.

August 9, 2017 2:57 a.m.

kdmurphy001 says... #11

It Cmdr Pyroblast/Red Elemental Blast find a lot more use then you would think since there are a LOT of multicolored cards flying around.

August 9, 2017 11:27 a.m.

Not a fan of Shelderod or or Pathrazor. Curious to see how knollspine works out. Like Kolaghan's Command. Why Dreadbore ? Signet needs to go. Fan of Mass Hysteria in this deck, Fervor could pot need to be cast same turn you are casting Rakdos (if you have a good turn 1 (IE sol ring or crypt). Just don't drop it until you need it. How have the "pryoblasts" been doing ? I have not played harry much lately and those were a new addition.

August 28, 2017 3:42 p.m.

Thanks, again, Meat_Shieldxx1. I always appreciate your insight.

The 'pyroblasts' have worked out perfectly. Caught a Cyclonic Rift and a Consecrated Sphinx, the two times that I had them in my hand. Another game, I played a Demonic Tutor right before another rift, and had actually thought about grabbing the pyroblast, but passed for mana ramp. Rough. I think they'll be pretty solid in many situations.

August 29, 2017 3:24 a.m.

F3A5t says... #14

plus 1 for the Pre quote

August 31, 2017 10:21 p.m.

Xydroth says... #21

Really cool deck, you have my upvote! Havent thought of putting Eldrazies in there. Nice plan. But there is one thing you really need to keep in mind. "Damage" doesnt cause lifeloss although it seems like its the same it isnt. So when a card says "lose(s) life". Then you activate Rakdos his ability. But if it says "deal damage" then it wont. So sadly things like nettle drone, thermo-alchemist and the like wont work... If im correc the same implies for cards that prevent damage. You can still make them lose life since it doesnt do damage. Just pointing it out because you could run into annoying situations when opponents know this ruling as well.

October 30, 2017 1:32 p.m.

Xydroth says... #22

October 30, 2017 1:37 p.m.

Thanks for the upvote, Xydroth. So, I think you might be a little backwards about the damage thing.

Damage is loss of life, but loss of life isnt necessarily damage. Anytime your life total goes down, its considered loss of life, this even includes switching life totals with another player (and if your life goes up, its considered gain of gain of life). So when damage resolves, it results in loss of life. Mr. Rakdos, Lord of Riots just checks the difference between what your life-total was, at the start of the turn, and where your life-total is currently, at the time of you casting the creature spell. He doesnt care how it got there.

I love Exsanguinate, and it usually has a huge presence whenever its played. But, the weird little problem for it in this deck, is that it takes a lot of mana away from the synergy of getting big fatty fats out. It is a great card, but unfortunately, several things have to fall into place for me to get enough viable mana, to make it truly worth it. But, who knows, maybe playing it for 3-4 mana could still have its perks, I might play around with it.

Thanks for the suggestion.

October 30, 2017 2:12 p.m.

Xydroth says... #24

You probably are right. Well Exsanguinate for 3 will already (with 4 players) cause 9 health lost. So already pretty good. The cards is so unexpectingly good tbh. First i thought it wasnt too great. But damn it made me win so many games.

October 30, 2017 4:57 p.m.

Alkadron says... #25

Not enough creatures.

Too many spells.

My version: It's Riot Time

Rakdos is my favorite though, looks like fun!

November 30, 2017 8:30 p.m.

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