Dark Alley w/ Mr. Rakdos and His Eldrazi

Commander / EDH EventuallyClassy


GhostChieftain says... #1

Any thoughts on Cloudstone Curio? You can get infinite etbs with your eldrazi or artifact creatures.

March 21, 2018 6:45 p.m.

GhostChieftain says... #2

Scratch that... just the eldrazi

March 21, 2018 6:46 p.m.

Ive had many thoughts about Cloudstone Curio. I love the card, it is gross in this deck. It was actually in the deck, in an earlier build. If you get a couple of Ulamogs out there, and you can exile / destroy everything on the battlefield. Unfortunately, this particular build is trying to stay away from infinite combos, and that is the only reason it got removed from the deck. Ultimately, I believe I settled on Thorn of Amethyst, as its replacement. It is definitely a card that can go back in to the deck for tournaments or sideboard against another more powerful deck, in casual play. I have also got some pressure from a friend, to put that card back 8n the deck.

Thanks for reading, and suggesting, luther. If it ends up going back in, on a more permanent basis, Ill give yah a shoutout.

March 21, 2018 7:07 p.m.

kdmurphy001 says... #4

Not sure how I feel about Kaervek the Merciless. He's an asshole for sure but not sure he's a big enough asshole for Rakdos.

Not sure what to put in it's place but cheap tutors like Imperial Seal and Grim Tutor would be a good fit I'd think.

April 24, 2018 8:24 p.m.


Have you considered a [Disciple of Bolas]? The card draw potential is insane especially when you use it on massive x costing cards like [Endless One]. Even just saccing one of your big normal guys is usually worth the 4 or 5 or 6 etc etc more guys you get out of it and the lifegain is just icing on the cake! My favourite way is using it one more time by casting [Artisan of Kozilek] and saccing the artisan to the disciple of bolas it just revived for 11 more cards if no bigger targets exist. Apologies if card linking is wrong i'm new to the site.

August 20, 2018 7:52 p.m.

Thanks for the suggestions, OZENOZENOZEN (no worries about the card-link)

Disciple of Bolas was in a previous build, but he came out for cards like Dragon Mage and Knollspine Dragon. The problem came from having creatures I just didn’t want to sacrifice. This is also why I removed Sidisi, Undead Visier.

Endless One gets huge in this deck, but that’s all, just huge. I ended up needing more than just huge. So, Walking Ballista took its spot.

I know the combo between those two cards is massive, I just ended up happier with cards like Dragon Mage+Void Winnower or Knollspine Dragon+Walking Ballista.

August 24, 2018 11:38 p.m.

kdmurphy001 says... #7

Not sure about taking Nettle Drone out. I like Vicious Rumors but you have to cast it on the same turn you are ideally swinging with Rakdos (or possibly casting Rakdos). Nettlevine sits out there for a turn, is reusable, won't use any mana on later turns (frees up colored mana on later turns). Maybe take out Chandra, Torch of Defiance? She is one of the least cost effective damage sources out of the gate (though her other abilities aren't useless).

October 9, 2018 5:46 a.m.

kdmurphy001 says... #8

Well - he kicked our asses so something is working COUGH Cloudstone Curio COUGH

October 14, 2018 4:20 a.m.

Wicker says... #9

Looks like you decided to replace Palace Siege with Retreat to Hagra. What was the reason for that? Please and thanks!

March 30, 2020 2:29 a.m.

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