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Dark Confijund v 2.0

Modern BRG (Jund)



Dark Confidant is back.

Why Jund and not Abzan: Lightning Bolt, Terminate, Kolaghan's Command.

The sideboard is dedicated to battle the meta of my LGS!

Yes I own this deck in real life and yes it is completely 100% foil. (The Shatterstorm is not, it has to be white-bordered, non foil ugly version because Affinity deserves nothing but the worst hate).


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So, I made some significant changes to the deck. I cut all the 4-drops from the main, cut 1 Liliana, 1 K-command and the main-deck pulse. Instead I added 4 Abbot of Keral Keep and oh, boy that card is sick. He helps you fix your draws, generates real card-advantage and don't ever underestimate the prowess. It screws up combat math for the opponent, all your spells synergize with him. So much value.

I don't really miss the mainboard Pulses or 4-drops. When I opened my hand and had my Olivia it was basically a mull to 6. Now I'm always happy to see 1 or even multiple Abbot of Keral Keep in my opening 7. The loss of the 4th Lili hurts the most, she's just that good, however not so much with Abbot. I've run into some mirror-matches online lately and most of my opponents didn't play abbot. Needless to say they had no chance. In the mirror every card counts, running 4 creatures that give you additional cards is invaluable.

He is indeed the red Snapcaster. Ofc he can be hit and miss and if you flip a land late in the game it feels bad at first. However, you won't draw that land next turn, so you're more likely to hit gas. So even when Abbot "misses" he's actually helping you.

The sideboard is a concession to the current metagame. I've found myself boarding out some Abbots when I'm the control deck. For example against Merfolk, Coco-decks, Elves etc. Abbot doesn't go so well with Damnation.

I swapped the Fulminator Mage for Molten Rain because the latter can trigger prowess.

All in all I'm very happy about my current configuration. My record in paper-magic so far is 5-1. Online it's 12-3. If you want to be one step ahead of the meta once again (last time was the addition of K-command, before CoCo-decks and Grixis variants spoiled all the fun), play this list. You can thank me later.

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Revision 28 See all

(9 years ago)

-1 Pack Rat main
+1 Scavenging Ooze main
Date added 10 years
Last updated 9 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

6 - 1 Mythic Rares

37 - 4 Rares

10 - 7 Uncommons

3 - 3 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 1.89
Tokens Human 2/2 G, Wolf 2/2 G
Folders Modern Ideas
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