Upward-SaGa says... #2
Also, i'm just curious, what's the Unravel the Aether in the SB for?
April 28, 2015 2:40 p.m.
No. 3 Decays is not the place to be right now. It's a very good removal spell - just not well enough positioned right now. Unravel the Aether answers Keranos, God of Storms and Wurmcoil Engine. That are the main-targets - which otherwise Jund cannot beat.
April 28, 2015 5:29 p.m.
HR_Ludacris says... #4
I am also a big fan of Abbot and I believe he should be in the deck as more than a 1 of. But 4 feels very aggressive as he isn't really a two or a three drop and thus can slow down your deck immensely. The cards you cut aren't either but they are typically more powerful.
Your thoughts?
October 23, 2015 10:06 a.m.
Abbot is great even on T3. If you're missing lands he's awesome, either he finds a land or exiles a spell you don't need anyways. And most of the time you have other things to cast and have him as back-up insurance. The prowess is super great against combo decks. Having 1 or even 2 Abbot on the board can add up to 4-5 prowess-damage over 2 turns. That's huge and often means -1 turn to kill. Abbot doesn't slow down the deck in the slightest, quite the contrary, he speeds up the deck a lot.
October 23, 2015 4:07 p.m.
The list is now 10-2 in paper Magic. Last weekend I lost 1 match due to bad variance (played against D&T; and drew of 7 drawsteps 6 land and 1 Thoughtseize). The other games were won in very dominating fashion (UW-control, Merfolk, Twin (U/R and Tarmo) and Affinity). The deck feels super smooth. Couldn't be happier right now.
Upward-SaGa says... #1
I love the deck. +1 from me. Since you had problems with finding a Decay, i would possibly drop a terminate for a decay? 3 MB is usually a good thing in modern as it is arguably the best removal in the format.
April 28, 2015 2:39 p.m.