Dark Idol

Modern siroz99


siroz99 says... #1

Not too often, but I will consider it.

I did try what djg88 suggested with the mortician beetles in place of the viscera seer. After about 5-6 games played I was over the beetles very quickly. Not sure how he had so much success with them. I rarely got them out early, and when I did they never got pumped to anything meaningful. They were also terrible top deck, whereas at least the Viscera can top deck to sack something to either a mark/treason or cycle my library a bit.

Going to go back to toying with Mimic Vat and Grave Titan.

October 21, 2010 10:45 a.m.

tmurdock says... #2

I agree - seer trumps beetles by a long shot. This may sound odd but think of it this way. Scute Mob is semi-decent in green with lots of land pull and it clobbers the utility of mortician beetle. Even if you saw scute in every green land pulling deck out there (and you sure don't), the beetle is way less useful that scute.

October 21, 2010 2:18 p.m.

bballplayer940 says... #3

@ siroz99 . So, you replaced the bazaar traders with it? Alright. Then why not take out the reassembling skeletons and replace them with whatever you want (If you still want to keep it at mana cost 2, I suggest nantuko shades, because they don't fit at all, and replace the culling dias with 4 bloodthrone vampires. They are much more useful, and allow you all the sacrificing you want. I know that you're worried about the traders getting bolted, but if someone is willing to waste a bolt on a vampire, you at least have the option of sacing a couple things to save it. I, personally, would just let it die and laugh at them. But, hey.

October 22, 2010 1:03 p.m.

bballplayer940 says... #4

Also, do you think you could pull of bloodchief ascension? It's a killer in decks like this.

October 22, 2010 1:05 p.m.

siroz99 says... #5

Yeah, I'm not missing Bazaar Trader at all. I was playing a prototype with Viscera Seer taken out in favor of a 4th Percy and Mimic Vat, but I was getting stuck with Mark of Mutiny's with no sack outlet, and it just sucked.

Will probably take out the skeletons. Still planning on a 4th Percy when I get him. Still toying with the Mimic Vats.

I could try Bloodthrone instead of Viscera. That might work in conjunction with Culling Dais to have enough sack outlets. I liked the seer due to his 1cmc and scry ability, but if Culling Dais is drawing me 1-3 cards, scrying won't be that big a loss.

October 22, 2010 4:33 p.m.

siroz99 says... #6

Forgot to mention, that I had tried Bloodchief Ascension in a previous version of the deck that wasn't too different from the current one, but it was slow and inconsistent.

October 23, 2010 7:10 p.m.

siroz99 says... #7

Still hunting for one more Abyssal Persecutor and Sarkhan the Mad. Should be getting a Sarkhan this week, and will probably just grab the 4th Percy off eBay. After that, the deck will be pretty much complete and ready for a tournament run.

October 26, 2010 10:44 a.m.

siroz99 says... #8

Got the final Sarkhan, just waiting on the last Percy, but the deck is virtually complete. Will do some heavy playing with it now, and if any glaring weaknesses pop up, I'll work on it.

October 26, 2010 8:59 p.m.

2pies says... #9

This is looking good!

I've had a r/b sac deck evolve over the last few months into something very potent.

It's pretty similar to yours, but mine's more focused on the sacrificing.

What do you think? http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/sacrificial-spawn/

October 29, 2010 11:59 a.m.

Xander574 says... #10

November 1, 2010 2:53 p.m.

darkdragyn says... #11

lol! that's really funny given all the comments above.

November 1, 2010 3 p.m.

siroz99 says... #12

@2pies - Interesting take on this play style. I see you took the Mortician Beetle route to new heights, and while I normally despise the card, I think you've built the deck just right.

@Xander - Bazaar Trader is bad. I can not get his ability right out of the gate like I can with Jinxed Idol, Culling Dais, and Viscera Seer. I've had other players simply abuse me for playing him. He's just no good.

November 2, 2010 9:25 a.m.

Sempifi99 says... #13

I like this deck it seems pretty fun to play with, I do think that Grave Titan has a place in the deck. I think at least in the sideboard for the longer games if not a single in the main board and a single in the sideboard. Also I think going to 8 fetchlands and 24 lands total. +1

Also could you check out my red deck and let me know what you think: red-deck-wins-11-1.

November 8, 2010 11:22 p.m.

siroz99 says... #14

Unfortunately I'd just be thinning the deck out if I went to 24 lands and running 8 fetches. I was originally running 22, and while that worked for a while, after I upped my Sarkhan and Abyssal counts, it sometimes wasn't enough, to now I'm sitting at 23 which has felt very balanced.

I'd like to work in Grave Titan, but I need to figure out where its strengths would lie, and what it would replace.

November 9, 2010 11:34 a.m.

There's no way culling-dias works that well here. No way.

November 10, 2010 8:19 p.m.

siroz99 says... #16

If you say so. I've played this deck over a hundred times by now and Culling Dais is crucial.

It's the best card I have to set up a Mark of Mutiny grab/sack, followed next turn by another grab/sack or an Abyssal.

By the time I'm popping a Sarkhan or getting Jinxed Idols down, I just crack it for 2-4 card draw, which has been typical.

November 11, 2010 9:33 a.m.

siroz99 says... #17

Now, I can tell you what has not been working well in this deck, and that's Mimic Vat, which is unfortunate because I picked up a playset of it to toy with D:

November 11, 2010 9:36 a.m.

noderunner says... #18

I really like this deck. I made my own version of it and enjoy playing it quite a bit. I don't use it for tournament play (prefer my own deck for that), but this deck is very competitive nonetheless.

I ended up removing Jinxed Idol in my version and replacing it with Fling , since I tend to play this deck in casual games. Jinxed Idol has a way of making everyone else at the table annoyed with you, which was my main reason for taking it out.

November 11, 2010 10:56 a.m.

2pies says... #19

Saw you had commented on my r/b sac deck a while ago and stopped in to see what's up - wrote a big post and then my browser gimped and I lost it.

Anyhow, deck really seems to be tightening up!

I did a big shift with mine to speed it up - the early game just wasn't there. I've now got a turn three win and even if it doesn't go off our lovely Abyssal Percecuters are right in there soon after.


Would love your thoughts

I was running the dais for a bit and I have to say it's great. having a source of sacing that's not creature based saved me more than once.

A couple things to consider: Bazaar Trader - Who needs to sacrifice that treasoned creature when you can just convince it to stay on your side! Also giving your persecuter to someone with no ability to remove it is fun.

Arc Trail rather than forked bolt. (nice 2 for one that's a bit more flexible.)

The Grave Titan is sweet, but it doesn't really vibe for me as you already have a lot to feed the idol/dias/Sarkhan. Plus the mana cost... Bazaar trader might be more fun.

Have to add this: Using Sarkhan to for your opponent to turn their Emerakul into a 5/5 dragon is wonderful. Especially if you take it right after and kill them with it.

November 25, 2010 2:32 p.m.

siroz99 says... #20

Hey, sorry it's been a while since I've checked, I stopped playing Magic due to being extremely busy with wedding planning, but I still want to stay in the game when I get more free time.

I've used Bazaar Trader previously and I can tell you he's too slow and unreliable, as fun as a permanent takeover idea sounds.

I took a look at your deck, and can't quite figure out how you get a turn 3 win. Could you explain?

December 1, 2010 9:32 a.m.

2pies says... #21

no, I'm a dork, it was turn 4. Previously I had "arc trails", "memnites" and "blades of the blood chief" mainboarded so if I was able to knock off two weenies with the arc trail and get out a couple memnites it would work, but again, not so reliable so I sideboarded them and replaced the memnites with the Myrs.

December 1, 2010 1:50 p.m.

siroz99 says... #22

Still busy with wedding planning, but still brainstorming with the deck. Removed Grave Titan due to the 6 cmc hardly being reliable in a game, and added Inquisition of Kozilek to give me some early control as well as a peek at my opponent's deck. Removed Reassembling Skeleton due to his return cost and coming into the battlefield tapped being a pain in the ass. Was never that useful.

December 16, 2010 3:40 p.m.

i like the decks idea and build i also have a black red sacrifice on here pls check it out for idea's for yours and give me some feedback and info on mine thx

December 16, 2010 4:29 p.m.

siroz99 says... #24

Commented on your deck, but I don't see anything in there that I haven't tried already or that I think would work with my style, which is much different than yours.

December 21, 2010 11:11 a.m.

siroz99 says... #25

Been a while, still kicking :)

Digging through Mirrodin Besieged, not seeing anything of interest, but if I missed something feel free to point it out. Almost wedding time, so soon I'll have time again to play.

February 2, 2011 12:06 a.m.

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