
Creature (1)

Planeswalker (2)

Instant (8)

Sorcery (4)

This deck is a BFZ standard deck that has the definite potential to budgetly wreck people

This Dark Jeskai deck is centralized around dragons and their "dragon" Creature type to win. Cards like the Dragonlord Fate Reforge variants (cologne, the storms fury and silumgar, the drifting death are used to benefit from other dragons. Obviously, this deck is heavy on mana cost, so it doesn't do so well in the early game, but that is why you have cards like Seeker of the Way, Silkwrap, and Draconic Roar to deal with early game threats. Cards like Mantis Rider and even Thunderbreak Regent will help you in mid game as good defenders to stall until you get late game threats out. These early game cards are chosen in such a way that they benefit from both early and mid game alike, and sometimes even late game. Also, cards like the versatile Jeskai Charm will deal with any huge creatures, killing off a planeswalker, or even gaining you lost life from early game.

In early game, you need to play wisely. use cards like draconic roar, wild slash, Silkwrap, or even crackling doom to get rid of early game threats. Then, put out creatures like Mantis Rider or Thunderbreak Regent to threat your opponent into not attacking in fear of their creatures dying, thus you stalling till you can play Silumgar and Kolagon. The great thing about Thunderbreak Regant is that it protects your dragons from being removed, and punish those who attempt to. Then, possibly regain life by using the lifelink ability of Jeskai Charm. If your opponent has any late game threats, simply kill them :) with Utter end, possibly Jeskai Charm, Crackling doom, or even early game spells like Drakonic Roar. Finally great finishers are Dragonlord Silumgar, Odjutai and Kolagon, as well as Sarkhan. These win condition dragonlords take the place of the two Dragonlord Odjutai that should be in the deck, yet are too expensive.

This deck's sideboard is fit to aid any sort of match-up. Against control, any early game stuff like draconic roar, fiery impulse, and silkwrap is not going to do anything. So, side in protection like valorous stance and remove any pesky stasis snare and silkwrap with erase. In any deck, like black white ally that benefit off of one or two attacking creatures, ice in icefall regent so they can't get the trigger. Orator of Ojutai is used to gain a card and an efficient blocker for any burn deck who will remove your seekers. Finally, any deck that has stupidly not used any removal, use Dragonmaster Outcast to create huge dragons that will trigger the abilities of silumgar and Kolagon.

A GREAT WAY TO UPGRADE THIS DECK IS TO ADD FETCHES AND BFZ LANDS. not pains though because life is vital for surviving early game


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Date added 9 years
Last updated 9 years
Exclude colors G

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

4 - 3 Mythic Rares

34 - 4 Rares

13 - 0 Uncommons

3 - 8 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.81
Tokens Emblem Sorin, Solemn Visitor, Vampire 2/2 B
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