Dark Jund Aggro

Standard Stygian333


infinitemana says... #5

Although a lot of your creatures are resistant to Supreme Verdict type effects, Golgari Charm is useful against control and in the mirror

April 21, 2013 6:22 p.m.

ColeyPTrain says... #6

I think that Abrupt Decay should be 4x. Dreadbore should be sideboard. I know you can get rid of planeswalker with it. The problem is intant speed vs sorcery:/ idk that's my honest opinion. a+ deck though:)

May 12, 2013 10:13 p.m.

Looks pretty solid! I know that Ghor-Clan Rampager has been a pain for me to play against, as it allows my opponents to attack into just about any creatures I have and come out profitably and still getting damage through. The cards I figure it could potentially get the nod over are Olivia Voldaren or Pyrewild Shaman , both of which are much better mid-late game than the rampager, but less effective early. So I don't know if it would be better, but just something to consider.

May 13, 2013 1:48 a.m.

Stygian333 says... #8

Thank you for the comments.

As for Abrupt Decay , I have 4 in the deck, and all of them used to be mainboard, but I found the variety to be more effective. First, because without it I can't kill anything past CMC 3, which means if the game goes long enough there will be threats played I literally can't deal with. That and if I get flooded with removal I would rather have more choices than tons of Abrupt Decay . Finally, the deck often wants to tap out to play creatures, so if I use removal I have to plan for it and leave mana open, so the speed is nice, but as far as protecting me goes the difference isn't too much worse. Basically it's just messing up their race math. Main phase Dreadbore can take out that threat they thought might hold the creatures at bay.

Ghor-Clan Rampager , what and interesting relationship we have had, haha. It used to be a 4x in this deck, but the amount of instant speed removal going around my local meta made me rethink things. Usually, his bloodrush would come to absolutely ZERO value every time, simply because in response to bloodrush they would find some way to kill the creature, or bounce him, etc. I got very frustrated with how games could instantly go down hill after being two-for-one'ed and my hand running out of threats. Pyrewild Shaman is kind-of a compromise, but hes ready to hit the sideboard in bad matchups. So I agree that in the right matchups Ghor-Clan Rampager can make for total blowouts, but he's also extremely weak against others. I felt like the cards you mention are a middle ground between cheap and powerful, but also having good late game power so I can still win in a match that goes longer. I may seriously consider trying to bring him back in some way or another, maybe for the other bloodrusher.

May 13, 2013 10:50 a.m.

dan246892 says... #9

Vexing Devil goes really well with Varolz, the Scar-Striped .

May 16, 2013 6:13 p.m.

blutkapsel says... #10

Hi, +1 for the idea of playing black jund. I really love jund, at the Moment I have to jund decks, the first is gruul midrange with only 6black cards so its more gruul then jund but it works pretty good and fast, okay... The second deck is jund midrange with devour but it just wont work fast enough... And I really dunno how to improve it...

July 8, 2013 9:39 a.m.

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