It was a good run considering I tried the deck's new build this day with close to no playtests.
2-1 vs. R/W Burn
Lost game 1 as I played with a 1 lander. Game 2 and 3 wasn't even close. I put down a master on turn 3 and the clock was just too fast for him, even with the additional draw.
2-0 vs. R/W Heroic
I used a deck like his once so I knew its weakness is a shortage of creatures. A few removals and round 2 was over in 15 minutes.
0-2 vs. G/W Aggro
First round was at a loss due to me not being able to draw a doom blade or any kind of removal to destroy his Fleecemane Lion with Unflinching Courage
. Game 2, he just had a lot of things going on with Brimaz, King of Oreskos, multiple Banisher Priests and Scavenging Ooze and my deck couldn't keep up.
2-1 vs. R/B Devotion to Rakdos
This is a match which I could've won if I just was more careful with my plays. Game 1 I could've won if I didn't tap the wrong mana as I was left with an untapped swamp and Mutavault with a Bile Blight on hand as he dropped a Fanatic of Mogis on a board of 2 of it + a Burning-Tree Emissary with me on 4 life. Game 2 I won with Master of the Feast nothing fancy. Game 3 was a flop as he dropped 3 BTE's and a stormbreath dragon on turn 3. I was able to kill the dragon with a doom blade but the Bile Blight was a no-show to the party.