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Darude - Aetherstorm (AER Remix)

Standard* Combo Lifegain Storm WU (Azorius)



Bone bone bone bone saw, ca ca ca ca ca cathar, draw draw draw draw draw draw draw, Aetherflux will kill you all, yeah! (to the tune of Darude - Sandstorm, if you don't know the meme)

Aetherflux Reservoir is back, baby! With the help is our good old friend Ornithopter and new companion Sram, Senior Edificer, the draw capabilities are through the roof! Early draw engines like Sram and Reverse Engineer (which turns Bone Saw into moxen) make this deck SOOOO much more consistent and powerful than the previous bone saw variant. Metallic Rebuke in this deck is a 1-mana Mana Leak in this deck, which protects your combo pieces and keeps you alive.

The plan:

Play Sram to draw cards off of the 0-drops, then play those. Use the 0-drops to improvise Reverse Engineer to draw cards and set up for the combo. Whir of Invention can fetch Aetherflux Reservoir if you need one. Then, the storm begins by casting Paradoxical Outcome or Baral's Expertise to return the 0-drops to your hand and draw cards, so you can cast them again to up the storm count and eventually gain at least 30 life in one turn (8 spells is 36 life). At this point, I keep going until I fizzle or deck myself, and then put around 200 damage on the stack.

If you are up against control, side in Dispel, because Disallow is your worst nightmare.

Make sure to check out my other decks. They are equally as spicy and just as sweet as this one!


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Date added 8 years
Last updated 8 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

26 - 2 Rares

4 - 5 Uncommons

16 - 8 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.46
Folders standard, Standard
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