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Dashed Hopes (Help Requested)

Casual* Artifact Forcefeed Mono-Black Multiplayer



Sorcery (5)


Land (1)

Enchantment (1)

Artifact (1)

Sorcery (2)

A spin-off of another deck I use, Everyone Needs a Hand to Hold on to, this deck kills opponents by forcing them to draw numerous cards.

How it Works

The core of this deck is using Underworld Dreams and Spiteful Visions to deal massive damage from drawing.
Although most of the time someone will eventually die from drawing with only Underworld Dreams or Spiteful Visions on the field, regular drawing is just far too slow. So, we speed it up! Howling Mine, Font of Mythos, and Anvil of Bogardan all help increase the amount of cards being drawn by each player on their turn. tefari's puzzle box can help once your opponents have enough cards, generally forcing them to draw an entirely new hand.

Other Cards

Dark Ritual, Crypt Ghast , and Lake of the Dead - Mana Ramp
Seizan, Perverter of Truth - Loss of Life and Additional Draw
Darkness - Helps for surviving combat
Dash Hopes - Forcing opponents to draw cards can be dangerous. Can be useful in preventing an opponent from casting a spell, or if nothing else causes loss of life.
Price of Knowledge - In case it gets late enough game to use it, this card seems to synergize well with card drawing and Anvil of Bogardan

Any help and/or suggestions for improvement would be greatly appreciated. If you see a card that might help, especially against aggro, control, or simply surviving against creature attacks, then I am all ears. I also need suggestions for a sideboard, since I'm not sure what to include.


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Date added 11 years
Last updated 11 years

This deck is Casual legal.

Rarity (main - side)

2 - 0 Mythic Rares

28 - 5 Rares

4 - 0 Uncommons

6 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.86
Folders Deck that Draw/Discard
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