Dat Krenko

Commander / EDH Kazahad


Troommate says... #1

Nice Goblin deck :D.

Mogg War Marshal , Reckless One , Rise of the Hobgoblins , Warbreak Trumpeter

are good for lots of goblins.

Goblin Ruinblaster to remove there legendary lands is fun.

Goblin Sharpshooter + Basilisk Collar kills alot of threats.

Goblin Wizard protection and tap for a Krenko, Mob Boss .

just some fun suggestions :D. hope it helps.

April 10, 2014 6:20 p.m.

Kazahad says... #2

Thanks MightyMM1 for the suggestions!

I've tried Mogg War Marshal and Warbreak Trumpeter and i just got underwelmed by their effect on the board state. I have however, been pondering Reckless One for some time now. Been waiting to get Omen of Fire off against my buddy's Bant Voltron EDH for a while. Once I've gotten my satisfaction, I think it will come out for Reckless One .Also, can't run Rise of the Hobgoblins , as it has a red AND white colour identity.

Thanks again, and I hope you didn't for get dat +1 bud ;)

April 10, 2014 6:47 p.m.

bdrichar says... #3

Thank's for your comment on my deck! I disagree with you regarding Burn at the Stake . I think that it's a bad card that can easily be replaced by Goblin War Strike or its kin. It's effectively 5 mana PLUS a bunch of creature taps for a single kill. I find it much more useful to run another untap effect to get more tokens, leaving you with more versatility and resiliency. Since you're running more a a midrange version of Krenko I'd recommend adding in some more card draw, in addition to the hand refresh you're already running. Staff of Nin , Mikokoro, Center of the Sea , and Mind's Eye are the big ones I'd add.

April 15, 2014 2:20 a.m.

bdrichar says... #4

I can't recommend Kyren Negotiations enough, by the way. It is a better haste, and is very hard to deal with. Once you have 40 tokens on the field you've essentially won the game, because if anyone tries to stop you you can kill them in response. That political pressure has done me well. It's by far one of my favorite wincons for Krenko. As for In the Web of War , I prefer it to Ogre Battledriver because it is an enchantment; Krenko loses a lot of ground to board wipes, and having it be an enchantment makes it much easier and faster to bounce back from that and make another play for the game.

If you hadn't seen Chaos Warp before than I doubt your meta has a lot of commander tuck. With that in mind, I might consider dropping Gamble for something else. In my deck, it is either a second copy of Mana Crypt for more optimal opening hands, a desperate attempt for a wincon, or a way to re-fetch my commander after he's tucked, mostly the first and third options. I don't know if it's doing enough work for you to justify running it.

April 15, 2014 2:26 a.m.

Kazahad says... #5

Hey bdrichar thanks for all the advice! Hopefully you like the deck and +1 for me!

I am interested in knowing what cards you are speaking of when you say Burn at the Stake is "a bad card that can easily be replaced by Goblin War Strike or its kin." Please clarify, as I have not been playing Magic since the last Ice Age. Get it? "Ice Age" , alright just a joke for me. Moving on!

I do want my Krenko deck to be fast. I mean turn 4 wins fast, but I don't have the mad coin for a Mana Crypt right now, so if you know other options, please let me know!

I do like this idea of draw, but I don't like the CMC of the options you listed. A little too high for my taste. Thank you for the idea though.

I did purchase In the Web of War and Kyren Negotiations , although my meta doesn't usually allow 40 goblins to be on the board. If they do, I've got the game without such Enchantments, but redundancy is key in this format.

There is a lot of White and Blue tuck in my meta, like Condemn and Spell Crumple , but with that not really being Red's "thing", I had never thought it would have such a card as Chaos Warp . I will be getting one asap! That said, Red needs as much tutor as it can get. Luckily, our Goblins do most of that for us. I use Gamble to find win-cons like Coat of Arms or Shared Animosity , or similar to yourself, pull Krenko back out.

I have recently got a Clickslither . What do you think of this card? Can or should I run it? Just interested in your thoughts.

Thanks so much for all the ideas and comments. Keep me updated.

April 15, 2014 6:09 p.m.

bdrichar says... #6

Clickslither is terrible because it requires you to sacrifice board state in order to kill a single player with a combat step, and that doesn't carry over into following turns. With krenko as I've built it, which I believe to be the optimal build for non-infinite combo metas, the best I can consistently get to is turn 5 kills with a standard deviation of 1. The problem lies in there being not enough turn 2 or earlier ramp to help power out krenko before turn 4 to start better building board state.

April 15, 2014 6:42 p.m.

Godless_Swine says... #7

Yea, burn at the stake is a bad card and you should remove it... so I stop losing to it. dickbutt.

April 16, 2014 7:09 p.m.

Troommate says... #8

lol XD.

April 16, 2014 7:14 p.m.

Godless_Swine says... #9

iunno how many games I've seen your boardstate explode with a seething song, have you thought about Geosurge ??

April 16, 2014 7:58 p.m.

Kazahad says... #10

Yeah bud. I keep forgetting to get one. I'll get one on the next order, and knowing us, that'll be before the week's end lol.

April 16, 2014 9:08 p.m.

ZombieCat says... #11

You can go infinite with Breath of Fury + Krenko, Mob Boss with 3 or 4 goblins out

April 16, 2014 9:13 p.m.

Kazahad says... #12

You know ZombieCat, I've been trying to make that card happen for months now, but I keep taking it out. You're bringing back the madness! I mean, you gotta run it, right?! But only in a multi-player game does that work. I've been trying to make him mostly 1v1 EDH style. "French Style" EDH or something like that.

Thanks man for keeping me believing in Breath of Fury . It's just a good card.

April 16, 2014 9:19 p.m.

bdrichar says... #13

oh, okay, well for 1v1 games my list does get a T4 kill consistently. T5 is the table kill.

April 17, 2014 1:15 a.m.

JakeHarlow says... #14

April 17, 2014 12:50 p.m.

Godless_Swine says... #15

Buried Ruin for all those pretty artifacts?

April 17, 2014 11:59 p.m.

Kazahad says... #16

Thanks JakeHarlow for the idea. I do love the card, just don't think it's enough of a boost to justify taking something else out for it. I didn't know it existed though, so thanks for keeping me learning about this game. Only been playing for about a year now, so, as we all know, Magic is a constant learning process. :)

And yeah Godless_Swine, i'm gunna get on that land!

April 19, 2014 9:47 p.m.

bdrichar says... #17

The infinite combo in your description doesn't work, by the way. All of your untap artifacts have to tap as part of their cost. If you want to work harder on making it infinite you should look into Sword of the Paruns , Umbral Mantle , Staff of Domination , Thornbite Staff , and Aggravated Assault . Which ones you use depend on at what point in the game you want to win with them; Umbral mantle is the fastest if you have infinite mana often enough while thornbite staff is the easiest to get off with your many sac outlets.

Sorry it took so long for me to get back to you! When I said that I didn't like Burn at the Stake what I meant was that it costs too much resource to kill only one opponent; 5 mana and 14 tokens should be doing more for you, I feel. I would rather put in something in service to my other wincons like another untap effect. Have you considered Staff of Domination ? It's rather expensive mana-wise but it kind of does everything. Most importantly, it acts as both an untap effect AND a draw source on a single card which is very nice.

How do you find Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx to work? I've debated adding it, but I'm wary about putting in too many non-red lands due to Krenko's double-red requirement. It doesn't ramp you into Krenko, which is pretty sub-optimal, but the potential to explode with it once you've got some board state is pretty appealing.

April 20, 2014 3:53 a.m.

Kazahad says... #18

Thank you bdrichar for bringing this to my attention. I see now that you are right about my infinite combo strategy. I'll fix that up.

I've been thinking of Thornbite Staff for a while. I think I'll try it out! And Aggravated Assault , that's a great one too.

I hadn't considered Staff of Domination because, as you stated, it is expensive mana-wise, but after further thought, I like it. I think i'll try to incorporate it in the deck.

The answer to Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx is yes, very worth having in any mono-coloured deck. Tis true, it doesn't ramp you until around turn 4 when you have soem nice Enchantments or utility Goblins down, but it makes the next turn a hand dump, wheel and deal, rape-fest! Just run the show with a dozen mana. Try it out, and let me know what you think.

Also, I've been thinking about Siege-Gang Commander a lot lately. His CMC of 5 is tearing away at me, and a 2 mana activated ability doesn't really appeal either. I do however LOVE 3 extra Goblins. I understand that you can remove most threats by dumping Goblins and mana into him. Hold down the board kinda, and sure, you can cheat him out with Goblin Lackey and Warren Instigator , but is he really THAT good? Please convince me otherwise, as I find myself becoming less and less of a fan of him.

April 20, 2014 1:10 p.m.

bdrichar says... #19

Ideally, you want to be ramping turn 1 or 2, then dropping Krenko turn 2 or 3, then supporting him with goblins or wincons afterwords. While I've never been happy to actually CAST Siege-Gang Commander , he is sometimes the best target to drop into play with either Moggcatcher , Goblin Lackey , or Warren Instigator . If I had a choice of what goblins to always be dropping it'd go Goblin Chieftain followed by Goblin Chirurgeon / Skirk Prospector , followed by Boggart Shenanigans , followed by Siege-Gang Commander .

Keep in mind that he is solely 4 goblins for 5 mana, I've never once used his ability, but it is a goblin on the card (very useful) and gets you the most goblins for a single card that exists. Every untap effect or ability doubler squares the number of goblins on the field, and that extra 4 turns into 16 very easily.

I'm unsure about the efficacy of ramping after turn 4; there's only one six mana card in my deck and I should have ramped to that mana by that turn. Tokens not having any mana symbols really hurts it in my mind.

April 20, 2014 3:50 p.m.

Rhinowarrior says... #20

Hey, really like the deck! Maybe try a Predator Dragon ? You could potentially swing for game on turn six.

April 24, 2014 1:57 p.m.

Rhinowarrior says... #21

Also Goblin Rally could be really effective.

April 24, 2014 2 p.m.
April 26, 2014 12:36 a.m.

Kazahad says... #23

I really like the idea of these "Devour Dragons". As I am making this a 1v1 style EDH deck, Predator Dragon is perfect! Thanks Rhinowarrior for the suggestion.

I've tried Goblin Goon before DaitokujiAmnael, and was not happy with a 6/6 beater... I know, I must be crazy! I just figure why not use the 4 mana to make 6 more Goblin tokens and get 5 damage through rather than be chumped.

April 27, 2014 2:18 p.m.

Okay, then at least Charmbreaker Devils to recycle instants and sorceries.

April 27, 2014 3:19 p.m.

bdrichar says... #25

If you haven't won the game by turn 6 then you're not going to win the game; Charmbreaker Devils is too incremental to be usable.

April 27, 2014 10:55 p.m.

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