Dawn of Deception (Sideboard Help Needed)

Standard* Zalephatos


nashbridges52 says... #1

-1 Mind Grind , -1 Traumatize , -2 Consuming Aberration +2 Pilfered Plans , +2Hero's Downfall

Mind grind is a one-of because you only really want to cast it if you're going to win the game off it. Traumatize seems great but it doesn't do anything. You'll never win the game on traumatize and it just goes away after you cast it -- you want a spell costing 5 to do more for you than that.

Consuming Aberration should only be a one-of, it's a nice alternate win-con, but more than likely it will just get chump-blocked or killed. Speaking of being killed, you'll want to add some more kill spells, Hero's Downfall is best, but even something like Ultimate Price or Doom Blade has a place.

And trust me, you'll need the card draw pilfered plans offers in order to refill your hand.

I also think Omenspeaker is a better fit than Wight of Precinct Six . Omenspeaker shuts down opponents attacks and it lets you set your next draw steps up. Any game where precinct six gets really big is a game that you're probably going to win anyways.

This deck has a lot of potential, its just a little greedy at the moment. If you make it to turn 6 you'll probably win most games, but things like omenspeaker and cheap kill spells will help make sure you make it to turn 6 more often.

April 30, 2014 4:03 p.m.

Zalephatos says... #2

Thanks for the advice, I took it to heart and decided to go with what you suggested. As much as I love Consuming and Traumatize I can say I've been screwed over by them more times then I care to admit because of the mana cost.

April 30, 2014 10:35 p.m.

moxplayer says... #3

Imo Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver does better than Pilfered Plans . Doesn't give you cards directly but the valid option to play exiled cards and mills at least one more card :P

May 6, 2014 3:57 p.m.

Zalephatos says... #4

Very true and at one point I did use Ashiok in my old mill deck so i know how fun he is to use. However, Pilfered Plans allows me to get more of my counterspells to keep tings off the field. If anything else I may interchange a Pilfered Plans with an Ashiok once I finish the deck to see how well it plays.

May 6, 2014 9:28 p.m.

JaceSeeker says... #5

Honesly I think no mill deck is complete without a Tome Scour or two. Its low cost and if you get them in the first three turns it really shakes up their plans. Also I suggest getting at least two King Macar, the Gold-Cursed he is excellent for catching the things that dont end up being milled

May 13, 2014 7:06 p.m.

Zalephatos says... #6

I love tome scour as much as the next guy, hell I had four of them in my previous mill deck for a while, but they just don't fit with what the decks overall mill style. King Macar on the other hand is pretty neat and I'm thinking he could be my post rotation switch-in for Consuming. I'll think on it most definitely. Thanks for the advice JaceSeeker

May 13, 2014 8 p.m.

erdwins says... #7

I would personally run at least two nighthowlers. you can bestow these of one of your gods and everytime you mill, you pump that god up.

May 18, 2014 1:38 p.m.

malfeischylde says... #8

I suggest Cyclonic Rift either instead of or in addition to aetherize. Honestly, it is far more versatile, as it bounces ANY non-land permanent, and it can bounce ALL of your opponent's non-land permanents, meaning the Consuming Aberration can swing for hella damage. Also, I would think that you may want to add some Hero's Downfall on the SB in addition to the mainboard, and/or Thoughtseize . Also, no Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver in MB or Nightveil Specter in the SB? Why?

May 21, 2014 9:53 a.m.

Zalephatos says... #9

I like the idea for Cyclonic Rift so I'll probably end up swapping out AEtherize for it. Honestly I don't like to damage myself in a deck that can't give me life in return which is why I don't use Thoughtseize ...that and I dont want to shell out 52 dollars for a playset. Not only that but much like Hero's Downfall everyone who has them won't trade them. XD Speaking of I think I may add two more Hero's Downfall to the sideboard just cause there are replacement cards I own that I can use in the meantime until I get them. Nightveil Specter isn't in the sideboard because I have a spot for him in the mainboard. As for Ashiok, well I didn't even think about it for the main board cause at one point in time Exiling cards was counterproductive to some of the cards in the deck I had been using before this one. Though now with my current deck I can see why it would be useful. XD Thanks for the advice malfeischylde

@erdwins I don't use Nighthowler because for the time being I have Wight of Precinct Six which pretty much does the same thing but for a lower cmc.I do fully intend on using Nighthowler once Ravnica cycles out but in the meantime I'm going to stick with Wight. Thanks for the advice though.

May 21, 2014 10:22 a.m.

erdwins says... #10

Yeah that makes sense. Good deck though +1 from me

May 22, 2014 9:31 p.m.

Soussang says... #11

Dakra Mystic , I hope you are ready to draw some cards, great card, you can screw up their scry and if the draw is only favourable for you, everyone draw.

AEtherling , Cheap win condition, but yeah, just pump his defence and you now have a perfect wall... Rule number 1, always have at least 7 mana to cast him and have your opponent tapped out.

Dimir Guildmage , crazy as it sounds, his first ability is a win condition by itself in a miling deck, since it's direct life loss. This can help vs control decks who run maindeck an Elixir of Immortality .

Psychic Spiral , too slow and often just mill for less than 10 cards. Have an extra Jace, Memory Adept , you can always drop one after an other after an other with 15 mana!

The main problem with Corpse Blockade is that you must sacrifice a creature if you want it to have deathtouch, which is not really great. Rather have a Pharika's Chosen or extra Wall of Frost and Doorkeeper .

Sigiled Starfish , you can scry for days for a tap! Makes Thassa, God of the Sea upkeep's scry looks like fish. Having multiple help you get great draws, while having Omenspeaker on the field just make feel like it's an additional defender after it entered the battlefield.

Breaking / Entering , now have fun with 8 more cards in your graveyard.

May 26, 2014 7:26 p.m.

Zalephatos says... #12

Dakra Mystic is interesting but I don't think it fits to well with this decks overall milling plan, I think I'll put her in the maybe board for the time being because I can see where your coming from.

Aetherling is anything but cheap, if I were to use him he would be the highest cmc in the entire deck. However his potential for mill with Phenax, God of Deception is pretty amazing as I could spend and spare mana to pump him up then tap for mill. Another good thing to consider.

I'm going to assume you mean Duskmantle Guildmage as Dimir Guildmage is not in standard and the abilities you described do not belong to it. I have entertained the thought of using the guildmage again but my problem is what to take out?

Psychic Spiral may be slow but it is a fun card to use against opposing mill decks. Plus, going back to Darka Mystic, it would be a boon if I were to use her as she also could send cards to my graveyard. If I were to take it out however I think I would replace it with another Phenax to improve my chances of getting the god.

Fair enough on corpse Blockade but the difference between the Blockade and Pharika's Chosen is that when I tap for mill they will lose four cards instead of one. But I agree sacrificing a creature for deathtouch can become cumbersome. But thats part of why I have omenspeakers because, as you pointed out, she can't do much after she hits the playing field. I'll test out using Pharika's chosen instead to see how it plays before I make a final decision.

The Starfish are indeed increadable card, I'm not sure how well they will work for the decks overall plan but I'd like to playtest them sometime just to test it out as they could be my answer for searching out my god.

Breaking is an amazing card and I love it to pieces but I have no real place for it in the deck.

Thanks for the card advice Soussang, you have given me much food for thought

May 27, 2014 11 a.m.

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