This is my first deck listing on Tapped Out and I'm looking for some general feedback and help regarding future decks. I am most certainly a casual MtG player who can't afford to spend money on the more expensive cards.
I find myself in a wee conundrum. Unfortunately I only have one close friend who happily plays MtG but hasn't bought anything since Ixalan, so we currently play what I suppose could be called Pioneer Brawl, which I do enjoy as it offers up balanced games even against the Brawl precons (singleton formats suit us due to having no other friends to play commander with and it means we can buy the occasional bomb card to level up our average builds).
If I had a choice I would play standard more frequently as I like the shifts when a new set is released but a lack of friends and a lack of cards on Arena (admittedly I'm not a great player and I also wasted around 80 wildcards on decks I 'thought' would work) means I am either stuck in a standard rut or can't even get a game going in paper. So I guess I'm searching for some tips on how I can go about building better decks on Arena and how best to spend my gold, etc.
A bit about what I like: Weirdly I have a fear of multicoloured decks / not getting the correct land so I often build monocoloured decks especially in white and black (my favourite colours). I am happy to lose but I like interaction, not one sided beatdowns. My favourite kind of build is probably mid-range as I like low cost value cards as well as bigger six cmc creatures with fun abilities. I like flying, lifelink, counters and recurring things from graveyards. Recently I found a budget Dimir Mill build on Tapped Out and enjoy playing it to an extent but something feels amiss when I play control.
With a limited selection of cards on Arena what is a good approach to deck building especially considering I am short on playsets and my aversion to wasting money / wildcards on rare lands?
Also, I currently reside in Sutton Coldfield near Birmingham in England. Does anyone live near me who would like to meet up and play Magic?
This deck aims to win by aggro or by gaining so much life I can delay the board with cards like Hunted Witness, draw cards using Dawn of Hope and finish them with Ajani's ultimate. There are also some cameo finishers in the form of Ajani's Pridemate and Angel of Vitality.