DDD Theros - Schrödinger's Heroes

Casual* Absinthman


GoldGhost012 says... #1

I almost want to claim Nykthos, but it's probably not going to be much use in our multicolor deck.

I agree with Dauntless Onslaught (get ALL the double heroic triggers!). It's a nice buff for 3. My next pick would be the Fleetfeather Sandals though. Haste and especially flying can be very relevant.

+1 Dauntless Onslaught

October 16, 2013 8:05 a.m.

Supersun says... #2

Problem with Nykthos is that you need a devotion of 3 just to break even and more than 4 to make a profit. From what I've been hearing the gods becoming creatures with devotion 5 just doesn't realistically happen in limited so I can't imagine how often we'll actually be able to generate more mana then just a basic land.

That being said receiving the land in this pack does give us an interesting piece of information. It reduced the chance that the pick 1 common in the last pack was a grey merchant since I would imagine that this would pair up nicely with it which means that either the common was probably not a grey merchant, the common/uncommon in this pack was a black card worth taking over grey merchant, or that they have kahones that rival the gods and are betting that the card is going to table.

Just some more information to think about.

October 16, 2013 8:23 a.m.

RussischerZar says... #3

UR could also be a thing but the Flamespeaker Adept relies too much on scry to be actually good in a draft, he's much better in sealed.

Your reasoning behind UW seems pretty well though out and I'd definitely agree that the white card here is the way to go.

+1 Dauntless Onslaught.

October 16, 2013 8:34 a.m.

I agree with the pick. This pack is pretty weak overall for what we're doing so far.

+1 Dauntless.

It's the best card on its own left in the pack. And yay cutting white.

October 16, 2013 9:25 a.m.

Riceeman says... #5

Agreed with everything said so far. only other direction that jumps out to me is that there're two fine green cards (Time to Feed and Nylea's Disciple) so that does suggest slight Green openness, but Dauntless is such a solid trick and the UW heroic deck is pretty awesome. If we get late Battlewise Hoplites this could be gooood. :D

+1 Dauntless Onslaught

October 16, 2013 9:37 a.m.

Potential choice for more discussion:

Nylea's Disciple

It has a solid body, if just slightly under the curve. Lifegain is great in a race, especially if we get a couple other green dudes (like dat Asp).

I don't expect too much love for it, but imagine grabbing a bunch of them and just swimming in the life points.

alt text

October 16, 2013 11:06 a.m.

Absinthman says... #7

Well, I don't like going double green just for that Disciple. I would go double white for Windsteed Rider because it's awesome, whereas the Disciple is just good. I still think that the Onslaught is far better a card that the Disciple.

God, I miss that show so much! Watched it every weekend when I was a kid. Oh, and Rescue Rangers.

October 16, 2013 11:27 a.m.

RussischerZar says... #8

Me too! I still have to pick up the remade Duck Tales game, it's supposed to be pretty gud.

October 16, 2013 11:52 a.m.

Dallie says... #9

I agree with everything. Just as the argument for TT was that it was great, the same goes for Dauntless Onslaught.

+1 Dauntless Onslaught

Both heroic enabler and combat trick. I like it.

October 16, 2013 1:34 p.m.

Absinthman says... #10

I'm really curious about the next pack. I hope we see some reasonable blue in there, and that the lack of blue in this pack was mere coincidence.

I'd like to send our pick to Caley in the next hour or two. The vote seems unanimous, and even if bhrusson0 and VRonin vote differently, the majority will still support Dauntless Onslaught. If anybody wants to change their vote, you have one hour to say so. Otherwise, I'm sending the Onslaught as our pick to Caley.

October 16, 2013 5:23 p.m.

Supersun says... #11

Well keep in mind we don't have to go very strong into blue atm. Both cards we have are fairly powerful lategame cards that only have a single U in their cost which makes it very possible to just splash it in to our final deck even as far as only throwing in 4 islands and those 2 cards into the final deck.

Don't necessarily get THAT hung up on blue. Half the reason we picked those is that they were very flexible picks that could be thrown into just about anything. That being said, I expect some good blue to make it to us in the second pack the way these packs have been looking.

October 16, 2013 6:30 p.m.

Absinthman says... #12

I understand that. That was my blue-loving part speaking :-)

October 16, 2013 6:54 p.m.

Mmmk, I will have to readjust my normal time for logging into tappedout so that I can be here to vote sooner! That won't be too difficult for me. I would agree Dauntless Onslaught is the best choice in the pack.
So +1 Dauntless Onslaught

October 16, 2013 10:15 p.m.

Supersun says... #14

Picks are due at Midnight PST so the new picks are usually up shortly after that.

October 16, 2013 10:40 p.m.

Supersun says... #15

Packs might be a little late tonight, someone forgot to turn their pack in.

October 17, 2013 3:15 a.m.

Absinthman says... #16

Pack 4 has arrived. It will be up in a minute.

October 17, 2013 3:24 a.m.

Absinthman says... #17

Pack 4 is up, guys.

October 17, 2013 3:39 a.m.

+1 on Leafcrown Dryad

I think the complete lack of blue should be noted again, as this is the second pack in a row with none. The white cards are cards I wouldn't Want to play, but do if I need a 22nd-23rd card usually.

Really it was a slight toss-up between the Dryad and the Sedge Scorpion. The Scorpion is definitely good, but I think the value of shutting off most flyers with 2 power and reach as soon as turn 2 is powerful, and the bestow option as soon as turn 4 is also super great. I think the Leafcrown Dryad is the clear winner due to it's ability to put us on a more aggresive side than defensice like the Scorpion.

I do think Stoneshock Giant and Titan's Strength are powerful cards, but not as good as the dryad. Additionally, taking a red card would still be passing several red cards, signalling that red is open to our neighbors, which could cause contentions over read in pack 2. Taking the dryad, which I feel has a better power level anyways, makes the only green card left the Scorpion, hopefully making green not look safe to move into.

Anyways, that's my two cents, I'm open to hearing other thoughts, if you feel strongly otherwise you may persuade me to change my vote with solid reasoning.

October 17, 2013 3:48 a.m.

Supersun says... #19

...Stoneshock Giant is left in this pack?

Do people just not know how freakin stupidly powerful that card is?

I mean if you monstrous that you'll probably win that turn. I mean it pretty much says, if you don't have a flier, you lose.

In regards of what we should pick though...

It's a very red heavy pack.

I can't see any blue or white cards in this pack that we will realistically be running in our final deck. Sure there's Traveling Philosopher and Yoked Ox, but our deck would have to be in pretty sad shape or very afraid of aggro for either of them to make the final cut.

When there are no cards in a pack that you are going to realistically add to your final main deck you can only do a few thing. Draft a sideboard card, hatedraft a card, or draft a situational maindeckable card.

Leafcrown Dryad is a situational maindeckable card (if our deck heads in the green direction or adds a green splash).

Stoneshock Giant is a situational maindeckable card (If our deck heads in a heavy red direction), and a hatedraft.

I tend to prefer drafting situational maindeckable cards over hatedrafts and sideboards so both in my eyes are valid picks atm.

Between green and red though I think red sets us up better since, well, we are getting a pick 4 Stoneshock Giant which is an even bigger hint then Dauntless Onslaught that it is open, and there haven't been a ton of great red cards that we've passed along to our left, unlike green which has had some awesome cards passed to the left

On the other hand Leafcrown Dryad is a little bit safer of a pick since we would only need to be running a green splash to use it, but at the same time it doesn't necessarily say that green is open either unlike a pick 4 Stoneshock Giant

+1 Stoneshock Giant mainly because i think red has a better chance of working out for us over green.

October 17, 2013 4:02 a.m.

Absinthman says... #20

I have been thinking what passing the Giant to us could mean. I was really surprised to see it here. As has been said above, this card is insane. The guys to our right can't be red, I can't imagine how they could be, and this means that our earlier presumption was incorrect. As a whole, the signaling from the right has been quite a mess. I don't quite know what to make of it.

Both cards mentioned above are possible picks for me. But the fact that we'd been passed such a ridiculous card as Stoneshock Giant on pick 4 seals the deal for me.

+1 Stoneshock Giant

October 17, 2013 5:11 a.m.

Supersun says... #21

I'm not sure our assumptions are entirely incorrect. It could very well just mean that to our right is heavily blue and black. It does give us some important information.

We've been passed, Sea God's Revenge, Dauntless Onslaught, and Stoneshock Giant.

There's a good chance that the person to our immediate right isn't blue, white, or red which just leaves black and green, and the Leafcrown Dryad in the pack could mean they aren't green either, but they could have taken an asp or a powerful green uncommon over it. I can't see the people to our immediate right being anything other then black or green so far, and with their first pick being a common over SGR it's most likely black...that or an asp or they got the 5% foil mythic, but the odds are probably higher that they took a Grey Merchant or Read the Bones since we have seen NO good black so far.

From there...although this is only our second pack we've received from the people second out to our right we have seen NO blue in this pack or the last. I'd take that as a very good indicator that they are running blue, though it could just be a dry spell as well, but they did pass Dauntless Onslaught and Stoneshock Giant so they likely aren't running red and there's a chance they aren't running white either though they could have taken a pick 1 Wingsteed Rider. Still probably just safer to assume they are blue at the moment, but regardless it shouldn't affect our drafting plan too much. I think we'll get some blue in pack 2 due to how chocked it's been getting to our left and we either don't get blue in pack 3 because the people to our right are hoarding blue or we get tons of it because they just happened to get none in their first packs.

To the left I still suspect some of them are running either white or green just from the stuff that we've passed. There hasn't been a lot of reasons to switch into any other colors to our left so far.

October 17, 2013 5:45 a.m.

RussischerZar says... #22

The two red/blue hybrid cards are Steam Augury (great card) and Spellheart Chimera, the latter of which we could actually see some of (remember we passed one already, it could actually rotate), but it's usually not that great since we need a nice chunk of instants and sorceries to make it really good (although it usually is a nice blocker for 1-2 turns). There's also the semi-hybrid card Crackling Triton which is an okayish filler but not that great overall.

The two green/blue hybrids are Prophet of Kruphix (so. very. good.) and Horizon Chimera, which is also pretty good. There's also the semi-hybrid card Agent of Horizons which is pretty good.

Since both red and green seem to be (kind of) open, I'll also include the RG hybrids which are Xenagos (unlikely to ever get him), Polis Crusher (super good) and Destructive Revelry (also very good). There's also the semi-hybrid card Satyr Hedonist which can be pretty good in the correct situation (especially ramping into a monstrous Ember Swallower)

For the sake of it: WR cards are Anax and Cymede and Akroan Hoplite, GW cards are Fleecemane Lion and Chronicler of Heroes and UW cards are Medomai, the Ageless, Daxos of Melitis and Battlewise Hoplite. This concludes all hybrid cards, I didn't include the semi-hybrids in here.

That being said I really, really like UG and if we ever get passed a Prophet of Kruphix I'm gonna be so pissed if we go UR.

Not going to vote yet.

October 17, 2013 5:59 a.m.

Dallie says... #23

+1 Stoneshock Giant

Game-ending bomb passed to us Pick 4? I think we have to go for this. Also Supersun and RZ has made points about red being open, and I can only agree.

October 17, 2013 6:20 a.m.

Riceeman says... #24

The people to our left have been passed an Asp and a Disciple/Time to feed by us compared to very little red, so we are more likely to get good Red pack 2. Stone shock is awesome but without green ramp it can sometimes be cloggy. Leaf crown is just solid value, and Prophet and Horizon are great incentives to go that route. Still not sure what's correct yet. Leaning towards Giant simply because of what we've passed.

October 17, 2013 6:29 a.m.

GoldGhost012 says... #25

All the cards we have right now are easily splashable, so we're in good shape if we want to start picking red, green, or black. Well, red or green since the team on our right seems to be taking black.

I agree with the Giant. It's so lucky that other people haven't taken it, because as noted above, it's a game finisher. We should take it, even if we don't end up using it. It can go into the deck, but if we don't end up red we've prevented other people from using him.

+1 Stoneshock Giant

October 17, 2013 6:33 a.m.

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