Dead by Dusk

Standard Ultimaodin


malfeischylde says... #1

Sideboard Crypt Incursion ? Also, AEtherize and Opportunity ? Also, isn't Dimir Cluestone kind of slow, even for a mill deck. There must be better options that that....

October 1, 2013 11:05 a.m.

Ultimaodin says... #2

@malfeischylde - Crypt Incursion I was thinking about but it kept arguing Death's Approach and Consuming Aberration . It might be good to side deck for decks running scavange though. Although I've only versed a scavenge deck in multiway and I saved Grisly Spectacle to kill that opponent and win the game. (since the left me for last since I was helping them by tossing everyone's creatures into the graveyard).

Opportunity I found to be too slow in this deck in comparison to Pilfered Plans Dimir Cluestone definitely is a bit slow but par Keyrunes there isn't much for manafixing in Dimir that is standard at the moment. Dimir Signet I'd happily prefer but it's no longer standard. =(Also I prefer the cluestones over the keyrunes in this deck because sometimes I just need that extra card draw.

AEtherize is a nice stall card but it's CMC cost is a bit hard to justify in this deck. I rarely leave more than 2 mana open at a time and that's generally only to cast Essence Scatter .

Will definitely sideboard Crypt Incursion, never know life gain may be important in some games..

October 1, 2013 11:21 p.m.

Quadsimotto says... #3

Id drop the Archaeomancer in favor of some more removal cause his CMC is too high.But i do like the Thrill-Kill Assassin may change out my Tenacious-D for those. Omenspeaker is in my deck to help me scry to the cards i need and provides a cheap t3 chump blocker keeping me breathing until a fatty hits the board.And i would dump the Dimir Cluestone 's for a couple of Cyclonic Rift 's to help deal with pesky plainswalkers.An overloaded one of those with a huge aberration on the board is a great endgame.

October 6, 2013 5:21 a.m.

Ultimaodin says... #4

Hero's Downfall Should be in my sideboard but won't show for some unknown reason.

This deck doesn't care too much about control, it just kills any threat that appears and continues milling at it's leisure. Dimir Cluestone are for speeding up the deck into what I want to do, Archaeomancer is pretty heavy CMC wise but he's saved me a number of time by letting me grab the card I need from my graveyard. Thrill-Kill Assassin for me is a much more solid blocker than Omenspeaker as many players don't want to throw a heavy into a death touch.

If I cut Dimir Cluestone it would be for another Thrill-Kill Assassin and Pilfered Plans .Swinging with Consuming Aberration isn't something this deck cares to do, he shines in this deck more for his grind effect. Even a Tome Scour becomes a pain with it on the field. The issue is I like my turn 4 Jace/Aberration/Vosk. I've considered removing 2 Guilgates but I've only ever been Land swamped once and I drew 14 land in a row (my start of hand kept me kicking for a long time) and no amount of scry or card draw could save that game for me. :(

October 6, 2013 6:26 a.m.

Quadsimotto says... #5

I was advised to remove Pilfered Plans as i would not want to waste a turn three on it but most people fail to see it as a draw powered card they only think of it as a miller. You now have me thinking of throwing a coulpe of cluestones in to get a jace or aberration out on turn four. maybe ill try it out and playtest to see how it goes. might think about adding either dark Dark Betrayal to your sideboard or the black kill card that hits mono colored (cannot think of the name of it). to sswap out with your Doom Blade in the event of playing against a black deck.

October 6, 2013 6:40 a.m.

Hooksforjosh says... #6

have you considered Mindgrind

January 5, 2014 1:46 a.m.

acbooster says... #7

I would put Far / Away in the sideboard against the Blood Baron if you have a lot of trouble with it, along with something like Psychic Strike or another counter that can counter creatures.

Even just Far / Away alone can rid you of it if they only have two creatures. Bounce the other one and force them to sac the baron.

January 5, 2014 1:56 a.m.

Bestach says... #8

Essence Scatter can actually be a fairly strong sideboard card. It deals with Gods, Blood Baron and a Gary, among other things.

January 5, 2014 8:11 a.m.

Ultimaodin says... #9

Hooksforjosh - In multi-way it's great because it mills every one out but in standard you have to invest too much mana into it to make it worth while and having Mirko, the Abberation and Jace is just plain better.

acbooster - Completely forgot about Far and Away due to how little I actually pay attention to those Fuse cards. (Aesthetically I think the look terrible)

Bestach Had Essence Scatter in the first version but I always seemed to draw it when I needed to deal with a threat on board.

The changes:


-> 2x Breaking

-> 1x Doomblade

-> 2x Thrill-Kill Assassin


-> 2x Psychic Strike

-> 3x Far / Away

Breaking while being a good mill card doesn't affect the board in anyway an Thrill-Kill Assassin was just another stall mechanic that honestly isprobably less effective than just doomblading and against control it will probably just die. .

January 5, 2014 9:09 a.m.

So this might be kind of expensive to pull off, but I'm liking the combo of Duskmantle Guildmage and Traumatize .

Rogue's Passage is another idea for making sure that your Aberration and Mirko Vosk hit home. It could free up some space on your side; Glaring Spotlight wouldn't be necessary since you already have Away . Wight of Precinct Six is a solid sideboard option here for dealing with creature decks. Notion Thief is a nice middle finger for people playing Sphinx's Revelation .

I've also been toying around with a mill deck- Do Mill decks BUG you?

January 8, 2014 4:05 a.m.

Ultimaodin says... #11

I too love the idea of Traumatize and Duskmantle but 8 mana in one turn is a massive investment and not guaranteed to work.

Rogue's Passage I never really considered because swinging with the Abberation was never really the plan,he's used more for, every kill spell mills you but an unblockable Abberation would definitely be fearsome. 5 mana (including having to tap the passage) tomake one creatureUnblockable though just doesn't seem worth it and I'd probably just rather run Aqueous Form since for 1 mana I get unblockable and scry permanently on a creature.

Wright of Precinct Six could definitely be good against those creature heavy devotion decks, or those Golgari decks that dump stuff in the grave for you. Not sure what to remove from the sideboard though.

Glaring spotlight is necessary for those Selsenya hexproof decks, like my own six sided enchantments. Having kill spells I can't use leaves me more than a little sad.

I did heavily consider putting Notion Thief in verse control. I've honestly been wanting to add card draw into this deck but have no idea how what the best method is. Pilfered Plans works because it's Divination on crack. Unfortunately though my usual version of card advantage is Bred for the Hunt and Bident of thassa and rewarding myself for beating down on an opponent. In Blue Black I just don't know what the best option is. Why isn't there the opposite of Grisly Spectacle where you draw cards equal to it's power... what, that would be broken? pfft.

January 8, 2014 9:22 a.m.

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