Dead end Kings

Standard* vintr


vintr says... #1

yeah.. id like to be somewhat prepared for control as well.. my luck i revamp for rdw and see none this week! hahawill see what happens!

November 19, 2013 2:57 p.m.

here is a link to my current grixis deck. its kinda like yours. maybe you will get some good ideas. deck-large:post-theros-grixis

November 19, 2013 3:01 p.m.

slinkyshadow says... #3

Well, most decks around here are aggro as well--so my mainboard is usually against aggro(with a little against control), and a lot of my sideboard is targeted for against control. Just see how it plays out this week--and take a chance between games to scout around to see what people are running! This will help you choose how to sideboard in case you ever play them.

But for now, the mainboard looks great! I'm sad to see Thassa and Master go, but I knew they wouldn't be around for long. I quickly found that out, too. :(

November 19, 2013 3:02 p.m.

my deck demolished esper control. and so lang as the opponent doesnt pull out a burning earth, i typically go 2-0 aggainst aggro decks. i have a little more trouble with midrange that runs black and white. blood barons and ghost daddies get annoying.

November 19, 2013 3:03 p.m.

vintr says... #7

sideboard updated best i can for vs control:-2 Jace, Architect of Thought +2 Jace, Memory Adept -

-3 Doom Blade +3 Dissolve - -2 Essence Scatter +2 Slaughter Games -4 Anger of the Gods +1 Magma Jet +3 Shock (or vice versa, depending which is mainboarded at the time)

-2 Ratchet Bomb =2 Duress -1 Far / Away +1 Duress

November 19, 2013 5:19 p.m.

slinkyshadow says... #8

I honestly would have kept the Hero's Downfall over Shock in the sideboard--having something to swap out for with Doom Blade might be worth while, but perhaps your meta requires Shock more :P

If you are keeping Dissolve in your sideboard only for control matchups, you might want to go with Counterflux instead.

And your sideboard will really depend on what control you are against. You might want Ratchet Bomb against things like Detention Sphere .

November 20, 2013 9:38 a.m.

vintr says... #9

all makes sense..I will put heros downfall back in.. and swap the doom blades for it against black, after i decide wether i am keeping the magma jets or shocks in main..i dont own any counterflux.. ill look into it though for sure.and didnt think of detention spheres.. those are big huh..havent played against an esper yet. so all new to me. hmm

thanks again

November 20, 2013 10:17 a.m.

vintr says... #10

worked on lands a bit..

November 21, 2013 11:39 a.m.

valendras says... #11

This might work well after Born of the Gods....I talked to a developer the other day (the guy who ACTUALLY made Master of Waves ) and as this block grows, Devotion decks and 3-colour decks will get better, so don't get discouraged!

November 21, 2013 2:43 p.m.

vintr says... #12

good to hear.. ill not give up anyway. this seems to run very well.cant wait to add to it in the future

November 21, 2013 4:59 p.m.

slinkyshadow says... #13

I just basically tore apart my Grixis and rebuilt it, vintr. I changed it to more of a control deck, whereas yours has a bit more mid-range to it. With that being said, how do you feel about Frostburn Weird ? Does he actually help you a decent bit? I was going to try him, but I am attempting something else first.

Either way, I hope you do well this Friday if you play! Let me know if you decide on Shock or something else.

November 22, 2013 5:27 p.m.

vintr says... #14

Icy roads last night so no fnm for me... But yes. Frostburn is irreplaceable for me.. That guy does work... He blocks early, can deal 4 damage, and does not die to anger of the gods.. He is the workhorse

November 23, 2013 12:53 p.m.

slinkyshadow says... #15

I ended up playing tonight(We run FNM and SNM here), but I ran my B/W/G deck instead. It went pretty well, but sorry to hear about the icy roads. I guess we can wait until next week to see how this progresses. :(

November 24, 2013 1:04 a.m.

Bytme says... #16

I would drop Liliana of the Dark Realms because you only have 2 swamps and add either Ral Zarek or some Stormbreath Dragon

December 4, 2013 3:15 p.m.

vintr says... #17

i have 3 Watery Grave , and 4 Blood Crypt as well as 2 Swamp all are swamps..

just testing liliana in here for now.. but rakdos return for 20+ is awesome!

December 4, 2013 3:32 p.m.

Bytme says... #18

Ahhh didn't think you could use dual lands. But, looked it up and as long as it says swamp in the description of the the card it counts, good to know.

December 4, 2013 9:55 p.m.

slinkyshadow says... #19

This deck has changed a lot since I last commented on it. How is this one running for you?

As a note on Liliana of the Dark Realms , she's also good at her -X ability. It can be used to remove creature Gods, as well as other indestructible creatures.

December 4, 2013 10:20 p.m.

vintr says... #20

Yeah its back and forth quite a bit.. It plays well at the kitchen table.. But I'm 1-7 with it at fnm.. Right now im debating on keeping the MASTER of cruelties, or putting the desecration demons back in. Used the demons last week and they got shut down. But I think I made mistakes.. The sphinx is on order.. Haven't actually tested it yet. But I don't expect it to stay. The scry 3 sounds awesome, but I'm running enough 5 and 6 drops already.. I'm sticking with grixis.. But it's definitely a challenge. Still listening to any recommendations!

December 4, 2013 10:42 p.m.

slinkyshadow says... #21

Well, what kinds of problems are you having at FNM? Like what decks are beating you? If I have an idea of what you are playing against, I can maybe suggest some changes for you that might help a bit.

December 4, 2013 11 p.m.

vintr says... #22

well.. game one was against a white deck..I overheard him saying it was a theros tournament pack that he had modified a and white.

game two was mono green devotion.. he got out garruk, and ultimated him.. putting about 6 creatures into play somehow.. overran me

game three was against a green/white/blue deck utilizing garruk, Primeval Bounty, and lots of tokens..

game 4 : black and artifact.. non devotion.. dont remember alot about this game.. except that i lost

game 5 was another black deck.. good games but i lost by error I believe.

so maybe i just got the weird matchups that night.. also i was geared for more aggro.(rdw)which i didnt see any of.. had ratchet bomb main, stormbreath main, and only one aetherling.. the cyclonic rift should help me out of those 87891778-7 token situations..

that and learning when to play what cards..ashiok on turn three without a frostburn isnt always the best idea :)

December 5, 2013 9:27 a.m.

piddles2009 says... #23

I think you should take out an AEtherling and a Prognostic Sphinx for another Ral Zarek and Rakdos's Return then possibly take out each Cyclonic Rift so that you can add 2 Master of Cruelties . Maybe even take out a Chandra, Pyromaster for that 3rd Ral Zarek because the synergy Ral has with the master is just too good. If you reach Ral's ultimate it should be gg and if not you have the burn spells to burn them for that last bit of life.

December 5, 2013 11:54 a.m.

vintr says... #24

im fine with sideboarding Cyclonic Rift and likely will. its there because i was overwhelmed with tokens last week.. and they kept sacing tokens to tap my demons.ill likely add Master of Cruelties back as well.

chandra is there because i only own one ral zarek. she is decent for card draw as well as tapping a blocker.. or that last point of damage.. but ill never ultimate her in this deck.. so yes, id rather have a ral zarek.. but dont have another yet.

im running two AEtherling because i know that this deck can win.. but being at 1-9 at fnm.. added a second to double the chance my win con comes out.

December 5, 2013 12:51 p.m.

Bytme says... #25

I would find some place for at least 3 counter spells Counterflux , Dissolve , or Syncopate so you don't get mess up by mono black first game. Preventing those Grey Merchants will help.

December 5, 2013 2:55 p.m.

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