Deadly Golgari Midrange

Standard* Sebweb


WarldWorZ says... #1

Well if you like sacrificing stuff, I'd suggest Savra, Queen of the Golgari .

January 19, 2014 5:43 a.m.

Sebweb says... #2

She's not standard though is she?

January 20, 2014 4:06 p.m.

flyguy says... #3

I don't really like golgari, but this seems to work well. What about Nemesis of Mortals ? It can be a very formidable monster with all the dredge.

January 22, 2014 10:44 p.m.

Sebweb says... #4

Hmmmmm that actually may work, low cost, I will guaranteed have lots of cards in my graveyard, and double the monstrosity counters with Corpsejack Menace

January 23, 2014 4:35 p.m.

mrtibbs24 says... #5

well you should try to find a real focus because it looks like you try to cover everything and you really cant with G/B in standard right now id either focus on the scavenge ability or discarding creatures for your graveyard because trying to do both will kill you in most games so use one to the best so that they have to change for you slither head should go either way even though i do like that card side board ebros and the reaver then add more of each creature instead of one of each and two really they are all good cards you just have to focus on what you want to do specifically

February 3, 2014 8:27 a.m.

Sebweb says... #6

Hmmm that's a really good point, well with G/B what do you think is better? The scavenging or the having cards in the graveyard? I see more people focusing on the scavenging part

February 3, 2014 4:51 p.m.

Sebweb says... #7

Do you think its an improvement now?

February 3, 2014 10:29 p.m.

thewyzman says... #8

Duress (if can't afford Thoughtseize ) to sniff out planeswalkers, board wipes, and kill spells, as well as giving you valuable intel to what they're holding. Hero's Downfall for flyers and planeswalkers you didn't snatch out of their hand in time.

If you want your scavenges to go off more, try Grisly Salvage , Varolz, the Scar-Striped , and one of my personal favorite dredgers Rot Farm Skeleton .

February 19, 2014 7:28 a.m.

Sebweb says... #9

Interesting, yeah I sideboard duress even though I don't have it there. Once I can get some Hero's Downfall and Throughtseize I will add them. For now Putrify does most of what Hero's D does. I'm curious about Rot Farm Skeleton. It seems like 4 cost is a hell of a cost for a 4/1 that can't block.

February 22, 2014 6:06 p.m.

Ickowitz says... #10

Take a look at my list Golgari Survival. A big thing you seem to be missing is Pack Rat .and some form of card draw like Read the Bones or Garruk, Caller of Beasts . A big thing that I got through when playing was choosing Pack Rat over Lotleth Troll for a couple reasons. Lotleth is good to build graveyard, but only for creatures. If you want to get some more out of Deathrite Shaman , it helps to be able to pitch whatever you want to just make another Rat. Also, Pack Rat can be scavenged later on with Varolz, the Scar-Striped for cheap and with a couple rats lying around, can easily be 3-4 counters for 2 mana. I love Golgari and am glad to see someone else giving it a go in standard!

February 22, 2014 6:31 p.m.

Sebweb says... #11

Interesting. I can see the rat pack being good in golgari, I'm just worried about the extra mana cost. Whereas Lotleth Troll is free mana wise. I definitely want so Read the Bones in my deck I just don't know what I would take out... Grisly Salvage sorta does my card draw, but more would be better of course. Garruk is really nice, but I like Vraska the Unseen too much, she's just so scary for opponents. How does Rat Pack work out in real games? With the mana cost to clone them? And yes! With everyone playing Monoblack or Monoblue its nice to see a fellow Golgarian!

February 23, 2014 8:12 p.m.

Waffles13 says... #12

Well personally I run a Golgari deck based on graveyard bonuses, but I started with scavenging. I think each works with its own benefits, but the build you have is far more common from what I can tell. check out my deck You thought I needed that?. for your build i recommend Slitherhead or some people opt for Experiment One . i feel Deathrite Shaman is good but slow and a waste of a draw early game because there aren't cards in your grave to do anything with, so that's why i run 2, personal preference though. i'd also say do NOT run cards at 1, it is a waste of space and the odds of you drawing it are very slim, be consistent and run multiples of stuff you always want, not a few here and there that you might want. Whip of Erebos wins games, i say go 2 if you can. sideboards are the worst to figure out and i have difficulty with them as well, just start with the deck and see where it falls flat then add the appropriate side cards. hope this helped!

February 23, 2014 10:43 p.m.

Waffles13 says... #13

oh and Rot Farm Skeleton is worth the 4 because it revives itself when you want! AND helps mill! don't view it as a blocker view it as a free removal/damage/opponent card waster/etc. once everything is running smoothly with the grave, ignore him and just scavenge like normal. test him out, if you don't like him then don't bother but it can be fun!

February 23, 2014 10:46 p.m.

Sebweb says... #14

That's a very good point about Rot Farm Skeleton you can just whip him back late game when you have 4 extra mana and no cards in hand. Youre absolutely right about the Whip of Erebos I must say that is an oversight on my part. I used to run 4 Slitherhead s, yes they are great, you can throw them in your graveyard with Lotleth Troll 's ability then scavenge him up for free onto lol troll, giving him 2 counters, all for 0 mana, but the thing is... Scavenging Ooze picks up anything for 1 cost anyways, AND it heals me 1 health. And I find its best to spread out my counters between lol troll and scavenging ooze fairly evenly, because the opponent usually will just use a black removal or a white exile spell on one of them.

February 25, 2014 6:52 p.m.

Ickowitz says... #15

A good thing about Rat Pack is playing it late game. One thing that I discovered was that playing against control, especially Esper control, is that their "answers" for it are often not entire answers, particularly when they need to waste a board wipe on it. Spot removal is something you answer to, always creating a token because it's a copy, not just a rat avatar of sorts. It also adds to devotion for each copy, handy for when I have Erebos, God of the Dead in side.

A great thing happened with it late game for me one game. I was ditching anything I had to make more rats, and had Varolz, the Scar-Striped on the field. I had 4 rats on the field, and used scavenge from Varolz's ability with a pack rat in the yard, giving me 4 counters on Varolz for the extra damage I needed for the win.

March 1, 2014 8:47 p.m.

OpenFire says... #16

Please remove this from Hive Mind.

June 21, 2014 6:58 p.m.

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