Thank you! I'm going with Savage Stomp over Rabid Bite for Enrage triggers and also Fiery Cannonade . Also Domri's -2 ability if I need to.
June 28, 2019 10:14 a.m.
Adrian-Drake says... #4
I've a question for you: How would Marauding Raptor interact with Polyraptor ? Does the copy being created count as 'entering the battlefield'? If so would the ability trigger again? Would this result in endless Polyraptors? I suggest for this deck some Polyraptor goodness.
July 17, 2019 7:29 p.m.
It would indeed go infinite unless there was a way for Marauding Raptor to die. The result would be a draw. If I was going to put Polyraptor in, I'd def need to run Lightning Strike 's and have enough mana up to cast it after, oh, 1 million triggers occur and I could strike my own Marauding Raptor . 10 mana is a reach, and this is more about being consistent. Otherwise, for the lolz, sure.
Jdawn24 says... #1
January 5, 2018 10:21 a.m.