Amongst our circle of friends many people call my gf "granma" and with her love of cats I figured the flavor is too much to pass so I decided to build around
Granny's Payback
Our win cons are simple:
The kitty army of White Sun's Zenith comes in at instant speed to clean up any mess. Can be used to surprise block beaters or at the end of your opponents turn for a surprise attack. Either way surprise! And have no fear these kitties will be back for more.
Our next win con is Chalice of Life
with all of the life gain in the deck it wont be long before you flip this badboy and start going ham on their life total while gaining life of your own.
Supporting our 2, slightly odd, win cons:
Lifegain: Key to set up our first win-con, Chalice of Life
Heroes' Reunion
7 for 2. I'll take it. Instant speed to boot.
Rest for the Weary
8 for 2. Sweet deal.
Survival Cache
, Most likely will get 2 cards out of this bad boy.
Granny's Payback
, it's unethical to reveal a lady's age but lets say shes gaining a sweet ammount here ;) haha
Wild Growth Mana ramp is here to support our White Sun's Zenith and
Granny's Payback
. Mana should never be a problem in this deck. Also supports Well of Lost Dreams, we need the mana to keep playing the plethora of weapons at our disposal haha.
Spot Removal, to help us survive in the early game:
Journey to Nowhere Best creature spot removal in white for the price.
Oblivion Ring buh bye. Classic.
Mass Removal, midgame board wiping:
Day of Judgment Adios amigos. See you never.. hopefully.
Card Advantage:
Well of Lost Dreams: Awesome card. Turns all of our lifegain elements into Sphinx's Revelations. This card can win us the game on its own.
Our main kitty is:
Sanctuary Cat
, for funsies. Bonus points if you win by swinging in with this kitty ha.
I invite you to playtes this deck. It is oddly really good. All suggestions are more than welcome.
All help is appreciated!
For and unbudgeted version of this deck: