Death Favors the Prepared

Standard* Bababad


Bababad says... #1

Will also add the 2x Gruul Champion to side board if i can get them for cheap...ill just trade for em though. Seems like him and Demonic Rising will give me a slight edge against control (on top of the added returns, slaughter games, and duress)

April 10, 2013 6:05 p.m.

Spinalripper says... #2

Crypt Incursion still seems very slow. It's nice for lifegain but having access to a lot of really good/cheap graveyard removal it seems like a wasted spot. Pretty much forces you to keep 3mana open at all times vs 1mana for Cremate or 2 for Rakdos Charm , or permanent graveyard lock like Ground Seal and Grafdigger's Cage . Also Crypt Incursion can't answer Snapcaster Mage .

May 11, 2013 9:55 p.m.

Bababad says... #3

I like it for lifegain against aggro and for reanimator prevention. Its usually good for 6-12 life when i need it.

May 12, 2013 5:06 p.m.

RedCloud2012 says... #4

It looks tough to beat.. but my U/B Zombies and R/B Zombies would laugh at sacrifice and mono colored creatures. Nothing in there can't be dealt with by Bonesplinters ,Tragic SliP and Ultimate price and swinging for combat dam. Lucky for you R/B Zombies has weened in popularity. There's heavy removal and fast aggro all over the place. The popular builds now are max dam possible each turn with intent on dam every turn even turn 1 like vexing devil or legion loyalist then ash zealot. Nighthawks can be good stablizers against non-red defense but 1 spear and you say good bye to stability, Until turn 4 when you drop desecration demon but if they have or draw a 1 drop creature they will play that sack it and continue to make your day. My thoughts are you added lilliana to help stablize this effect from heavy aggro where I believe hand hate and Mutilate have been the best chance for black to take over a game followed up with tormods crypt and now even zombies cant beat you on draw. Basically Im saying mono black is toughest turn 5-9 and almost unstoppable. You probably have a feeling most wins come from near death expiriences. I beleive firmly that hand hate board wipe is blacks mian turn 1-4 bag . Think drain pipe/ duress ravenous rats/ mindrot then mutilate. It should at least be SB for aggro.

May 12, 2013 5:59 p.m.

RedCloud2012 says... #5

P.S I understand how you deck works it only needs color splash its really a doctored mono black more than anything and might as well be with some crypts and dragonskulls for Master of cruelties. Chromatic lantern makes all your land and it tap for any color.

May 12, 2013 6:06 p.m.

Bababad says... #6

so far, I've only lost to perfect hand naya zoo (three burning trees turn 2....twice in a row) and 5 color elf/superfriend control (very close, just came down to topdeck war).

If i can keep them at 2 creature count, I win...usually comes down to that. Actually, Liliana of the Veil was mostly added because she's god tier and the discard effect synergizes with my card advantage amazingly. You'd be surprised how many decks have no answer to flyers atm...and Desecration Demon is far too fat for most removal.

Typhoid Rats and Vampire Nighthawk stop the board DEAD, long enough for me to get stuff going. If i were going to add anything else 3 cmc or below, it would probably be Golgari Keyrune or Thrill-Kill Assassin , or Abrupt Decay .

Mutilate may find its way back to the sideboard....but early game deathtouch seems to do well enough at stall.

As long as i have a Sign in Blood , Liliana of the Veil , Vampire Nighthawk , or kill spell in hand at the beginning of game...i do fine till turn 4. And since that accounts for 17 cards....I'm usually assured something that stalls.

Also, been debating on dropping the Crypt Ghast for either Exava, Rakdos Blood Witch or 1x Demonic Rising and 2x Olivia Voldaren or the low drops i listed above....but i doubt I'll deviate much form this build until my big demons cycle.

May 12, 2013 9:44 p.m.

Bababad says... #7

Also, i know D. Demon's downside, but he hasn't failed me in the 24+ tourney games I've used him in...they try to ignore him with sacrifice for a turn or two....then i get another fat creature out and drop a kill spell on the guy they wanted to keep alive. Also, sometimes they choose to take a chunk of life at a chance at getting a hit at my life...then i just putrefy their biggest swinger and usually win the next turn :)

May 12, 2013 9:46 p.m.

Bababad says... #8

In a situation where D. Demon is ineffective in this deck....i would be losing anyway. Usually i have card advantage on a supplicated opponent...or am having a topdeck war with other tempo decks...and my topdecks are all useful :)

(sorry for big wall of rambling, just wanted to offer a little bit of context)

May 12, 2013 9:48 p.m.

RedCloud2012 says... #9

Ok but vs des demon I meant kill spells when I say removal and was saying they will sack their 1 drop to tap him and continue to slam you big after just say burning off a nighthawk.. they are good evasion but ok typhoid serves its purpose turn 2 against 60% creatures by this turn but a good fast aggro will just trade and move on behind a couple dam. Now examine hand hate , a fast aggro has and empty hand just about turn 4 and if you hate from the gate turn 3 mind rot especially if you went first they are top decking turn 4 and your turn 4 you are mutilating -4-4 and nothing but rakdos lord of riots and desecration demon and a few defender cards can survive that. So from here your game of sacrifice with lilliana and hard removal and then des demon and grisel works better because your opponent is top deck from turn 4 on so thats easy for you to lockdown. Wise Old Black players know this is the nature of the beast black will always work this way.

May 13, 2013 12:54 a.m.

APPLE01DOJ says... #10

May I suggest removing 4 Typhoid Rats in favor of 4 Wasteland Viper ?

June 6, 2013 2:20 a.m.

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