Death Incarnate VII: the Megapowered Doomthrusters

Standard MmmK


+1 Cause Gir said so.

August 15, 2014 9:39 p.m.

larsjones says... #2

I upvoted. Now that I look at are you going to keep from dying until your fatties make it down?

August 31, 2014 4:32 p.m.

MmmK says... #3

The first couple turns I hope to have a Voyaging Satyr and Market Festival . Those accelerate the deck crazy fast. Even if I don't have that I can Putrefy or Hero's Downfall whatever is killing me.

Within 4 turns I typically have 6+ mana at my disposal to drop a demon if need be. Preferably Indulgent Tormentor for the extra draw power.

If I can afford the damage, ramping is priority even over the demons. Ramping hard and fast allows for a boardwipe as quick as possible. At this point I am typically good to go. Especially if I have a Whip of Erebos on the field.

I consistently beat my friend's orzhov aggro deck with this so it is normally plenty fast enough for me. I actually dropped Elvish Mystic to the sideboard since I would always have a ton of mana and too little to play. Thats how the Colossus of Akros found his way into the deck.

August 31, 2014 7:13 p.m.

notKingCole says... #4

Really nice! Might consider some Drown in Sorrow against aggro, especially if you're paying life for Read the Bones, but all in all this looks solid!

September 10, 2014 4:33 p.m.

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