Looking for suggestions. Have been playtesting with a buddy quite a bit, but always curious to see other people's take.
The general idea is to use a Fallen Ideal for heavy sacrifice and big swings.
Athreos, God of Passage - Doesn't make or break the game, but does allow reuse of my sacrificed creatures, especially late game. Becomes a 5/4 fatty with devotion.
Cartel Aristocrat - Early game swing with protection from a color. Can be very hard to get rid of. Attach a Fallen Ideal and swing with protection and bumps to power.
Xathrid Necromancer - Get a zombie from every human that dies. Gives me extra creature generation for sacrifice.
Doomed Traveler - Early game drop. Sacrifice to create a spirit and a zombie if Xathrid Necromancer is on the board. 2 for 1. Bonus if it goes back to my hand with Athreos, God of Passage.
Ornithopter - Late game infinite sacrifice for big swings with Fallen Ideal.
Loyal Cathar
- This one was surprising. With Athreos, God of Passage + Xathrid Necromancer on the board, sacrifice it, get a 2/2 zombie. Ask if it goes in hand or in graveyard. If to my hand, prepare to cast it again for more sacrifice. If the player pays 3 life, it goes to graveyard, then comes back on its own at the end step. Use that return as more sacrifice (get a 2/2 zombie) and ask the player if they want to pay another 3 life for it to go to the graveyard permanently or back to your hand (starting the whole cycle over again). This is a doomed travel on steroids.