Death on arrival 2.0

Standard* Boazc123


owenk2 says... #1

For the mana base, you might want to add 3x Temple of Malice . You could cut some basics or some shocks. Otherwise, I think it is a great deck. +1 for sure.

May 13, 2014 7:40 p.m.

Boazc123 says... #2

I was debating Temple of Malice it just slows down the deck sometimes. I will play-test with them and see how it works though.

May 13, 2014 8:01 p.m.

anklesnark says... #3

This deck looks pretty good. Dega Midrange is scary right now, I'm glad my Jund doesn't have to play against any locally, haha. +1 man.

May 25, 2014 8:01 p.m.

Kingzerker says... #4

I have to agree with the previous suggestion of adding Temple of Malice to your mana base. You're doing almost nothing that isn't reactive (kill spells & such) in the early turns besides Thoughtseize so I don't really think you have to worry about it slowing down your deck. In your build the utility of scrylands seems, at least to me, to far outweigh the speed allowed by your shocklands.

Either way, this is definitely a scary list full of bombs and removal that could do some serious damage +1

June 16, 2014 7:15 p.m.

Boazc123 says... #5

thanks I appreciate the suggestion. The issue I had with adding Temple of Malice is that I with this deck I don't have much of a play before turn 3 (besides thoughtsieze). That's why I moved Boros Charm from mainboard to sideboard to add in doom blades. I just outright die to any kind of agro decks. So this allows me to have the option to have 2 open mana on turn 2 to kill any of those kinds of threats.

June 16, 2014 7:45 p.m.
June 16, 2014 9:02 p.m.

Scytec says... #7

Why all the one ofs?

July 14, 2014 3:22 a.m.

Boazc123 says... #8

I personally think one of's are good for testing the waters for the first game. I have only 1 elspeth because she is not always needed. Same with blood baron. For my 3 drop Brimaz is great but I wanted more devotion so I chose to go with 1 of him and 3 reckoners. pretty much my one of's are cards that are good but better against some rather than others.

July 14, 2014 5:32 p.m.

Pseudolife says... #9

Also, when you're using as many scry lands as you are, 1-of's can get scryed away easily and what comes next definately will be something different, and hopefully better! I think it's a good choice. I found your deck while looking for dega decks that run Athreos, I like it!

July 23, 2014 8:59 p.m.

Advocate says... #10

Needs Rabblemaster. -2 Mardu Ascendancy, -2 Sorin/Read the Bones/Deflecting Palm +4 Goblin Rabblemaster

Here's my take on Mardu aggro/midrange

Ahhh, Fresh Meat! Playtest

Standard* Advocate


September 24, 2014 7:21 p.m.

Boazc123 says... #11

While Goblin Rabblemaster is a great card, this deck is trying to be much more midrange than aggro and getting rid of those cards would speed up the deck but move away from what I really what this deck to be. Thanks for the suggestions, pleases feel free to comment any other ideas you may have.

September 24, 2014 7:42 p.m.

Advocate says... #12

Mardu Ascendancy , Deflecting Palm , Athreos and Iroas, God of Victory are more aggro than midrange. If you want your deck to be midrange than drop these cards because they do nothing unless you have a board. Think Midrange/Control like Mono-black devotion.

Maybe: -2 Ascendancy, -1 Iroas, -3 Deflecting Palm for +3 Bile Blight +2 Mardu Charm +1 Brimaz

September 24, 2014 7:58 p.m.

Advocate says... #13

...on that note Launch the Fleet has no business being in your sideboard.

September 24, 2014 7:59 p.m.

Boazc123 says... #14

That is true, i have been debating dropping Iroas, God of Victory for a while, and Launch the Fleet was from when this was a token deck. I like the idea of Ascendancy creating tokens to sack to butcher, and Bile Blight is more sideboard than anything for me. Though putting more brimaz and some Mardu Charm could work well.

September 24, 2014 8:10 p.m.

Wikpa231 says... #15

Love it, +1 Have you thought about Bloodsoaked Champion? It Works great with Butcher of the Hoard Since its raid is instant speed it can be sacked twice. Anyway awesome deck.

September 25, 2014 10:23 p.m.

Boazc123 says... #16

it's not a bad idea and it would be either them or Soldier of the Pantheon I just prefer them a bit better with all the multicolored I think there will be going around soon.

September 26, 2014 1:39 a.m.

Ishidar says... #17

How can any Mardu deck NOT run 4x Crackling Doom main board? Its the strongest Mardu card hands down no matter if you're running control, aggro, or midrange. It bypasses Hexproof and can take out a Sarkhan when he +1's or nip green ramp in the bud early by sniping out that 2nd turn Sylvan Caryatid.

Def recommend a 4-of.

November 7, 2014 7:39 p.m.

Boazc123 says... #18

OK, I have been debating bringing them back to mainboard. what would you think I should cut to bring them back?

November 7, 2014 8:24 p.m.

Ishidar says... #19

It's hard to say. Personally I think Magma Jet bring the least to your table right now. Maybe the Elspeth, Sun's Champion since its a 1-of at the very top of your curve, could help to reduce the overall mana needs of your board. The Athreos, God of Passage is also a 1-of so not certain how reliable and helpful that is for you.

I would say playtest your deck a few (dozen) times and when you find yourself saying "I really wish I had one more creature removal spell" or "I really need to get rid of that hexproof Sagu Mauler or that indestructible Fleecemane Lion", then take a look at what you HAVEN'T been able to play that game, and swap those. That's generally how I figure out how to swap cards out lol.

November 8, 2014 3:10 a.m.

Pseudolife says... #20

Good advice. Crackling Doom makes people cry. Can't wait to run my version this coming FNM.

November 10, 2014 1:59 a.m.

NerdPounder says... #21

I don't think Zurgo should be in constructed lists, let me explain why. Zurgo is a 5 mana creature that can basically only attack. If you put him on defense he can't even trade with a Soldier of the Pantheon, and dies to anything with two power. Now, if your deck is in the business of casting 5 mana creatures, you'd better hope that they can block as well, because you might need them to. Cards like Goblin Rabblemaster that pretty much only attack as well are okay because of the difference in CMC. I would probably replace Zurgo with something like Lightning Strike or Banishing Light to keep small creature decks from running over you. Your deck is already pretty threat dense, so some more answers will probably help you get through a variety of matchups.

November 17, 2014 5:34 p.m.

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