This is a Boros enchantment deck with excellent creature/enchantment synergy. It is extremely enchantment heavy but it makes up for its lack of creatures through token generation.
Ill explain a bit of how it would work:
In your opening hand you would (ideally) want a land of each color (tapped or untapped) an
Akroan Crusader
and an Ethereal Armor that way by turn two you would have a 1/1 token and a 2/2 first striker.
Alternatively you could use the
Akroan Crusader
/Madcap Skills Combo and swing for 5 on turn 2.
During each turn you should be able to play and enchantment and make tokens. If done properly it can become extremely overwhelming. Ethereal Armor can make huge dudes very quickly and if you spread them out they can make multiple "huge dudes." There have been multiple games where I have had 2 10/10s by turn 6.
From there the deck just makes and army of 1/1 soldiers from
Akroan Crusader
and Assemble the Legion and 2/2 cats from
Ajani's Chosen
, not to mention the utility of a turn two, first strike, token factory like Precinct Captain.
Akroan Crusader
can be targeted with enchantments to create a 1/1 soldier and then the enchantment can be redirected to the 2/2 cat created from
Ajani's Chosen
.The deck plays around Purphoros, God of the Forge so each token triggers 2 damage.
Murder Investigation
s are used as deterrents for removal as they can also create ridiculous amounts of tokens when placed on buffed up threats.
This deck may not look too ominous but it works. I have play tested with both black/blue devotion with no issues, other than it's weakness to massive amounts of removal and control. If anyone has any tips on this it would be greatly appreciated. If you like it. . . Let me know, throw me a +1!