SpectreFusion says... #2
Thanks for the feedback Fizzery.
I agree with swapping Unmake for Path to Exile.
I don't know if I want to add two more Abrupt Decays in exchange for my 3CMC removal spells since the Abrupt Decays can be dead draws in the later game when creatures, planeswalkers, and enchantments pop above that 3 mana threshold. Since my deck aims to stall the match a little, I see a lot of my opponent's high CMC creatures in play (if they have them). I do notice that you have a fast-paced Goblin deck though, so I'm sure that your suggestion of adding more Abrupt Decays is well informed and would help me against competitive aggro.
Also, I've had some trouble against artifact aggro decks, and I'm not sure if it's worth swapping out Victim of Night for another Go for the Throat since that could potentially be two dead draws against an archetype that my deck is weak against.
I appreciate your advice. I've changed the Unmakes and I'll continue testing your other suggestions.
September 19, 2015 10:11 p.m.
Stony Silence in your sideboards to hose affinity if that's the artifact deck you're finding an issue with
September 19, 2015 11:19 p.m.
While I can't see any definitive win-con, I do see quite a lot of creatures. I've said this once, and I'll probably say it a million times more. Collected Company ! In almost any green deck that utilizes creatures, Collected Company can be a absolute monster. I'm thinkin -1 Threads of Disloyalty and -2 Mana Tithe to make 3x Collected Company .
February 18, 2019 12:30 a.m.
SpectreFusion says... #5
Hey Catpocolypse, thanks for the comment. You're correct in saying that there's no real wincon. Usually I try to stall the game out long enough to let some combination of Silverblade Paladin , Rancor , and powered up Fleecemane Lion s and Warden of the First Tree s get winning damage through. Collected Company would definitely be good card advantage at instant speed, especially if that lets me take out a planeswalker or some attackers. However, there are still some matchups where 2 instant speed creatures aren't enough to oppose explosive plays. My issue with replacing Mana Tithe is that I need low-CMC answers to early threats or later things that opponents tap out for, to slow down affinity or elves, or stop a t3 Blood Moon and such. Thanks again for the input, I'll definitely include a copy or two, just need to keep playtesting for a 3rd or 4th copy.
February 18, 2019 1:37 a.m.
@SpectreFusion I know where you are coming from. I've got a deck relatively similar to this: Thalia's Horde of Humans that also has no definitive wincon, albeit with a more streamlined strategy. Balancing cards like Collected Company and Harmonize with lower CMC cards like Dromoka's Command and Blossoming Defense can be quite difficult.
February 18, 2019 10:47 a.m.
match_lighter says... #7
I too have found the problem of not having a board wipe for creature decks, and though it is four mana and not a guaranteed board wipe Languish has worked well for me, it also solves the problem of protection and indestructibility, all in one card! Languish may not be the best against big mana decks, but you could always try to go under them. Developing a sideboard that can switch Courser of Kruphix for a more aggressive creature is the way I would go. Another way to beat big mana decks would be to use a few Go for the Throat s and Maelstrom Pulse as it is currently on the cheap. The last way I can recommend is to maybe run one Ghost Quarter against Tron. Hope this helped, and good luck on budget Rock.
June 6, 2019 2:48 p.m.
If you are concerned about hexproof take Shadowspear into consideration for your sideboard. TheGrimmFlayer on Youtube also runs 1 in his sideboard.
Fizzery says... #1
-2 Unmake+2 Path to Exile-1 Mortify-1 Putrefy+2 Abrupt Decay-1 Victim of the night+1 Go for the Throat
September 19, 2015 10:01 a.m.