pie chart

Deathcult of Nefarox

Modern* Casual UB (Dimir)



My overall goal is to play offensively with unblockables while tanking smaller hits and using removal to control the bigger threats my opponent throws out. If you want to see my card pool, here it is.


On turn one, I really need to have either Kraken Hatchling (good insurance for turns one to three) or a Cloudfin Raptor (mid-game setup) in my hand as well as at least two lands.

Second turn I need to have a 2-drop control or removal in hand as insurance.

Third turn I need to play a Grim Roustabout, Thrill-Kill Assassin, Invisible Stalker, or Deathcult Rogue depending on the situation.

Fourth turn and on, fast opponents will have probably reached mid-game, and I'll need more removal, while slower opponents will still be in early game and I can have time to boost Cloudfin Raptor etc. and be more offensive.

If I manage late-game (depending on the situation) I can clean up with an Aqueous Form+Nefarox, Overlord of Grixs, an [Invisible Stalker]], Deathcult Rogue, a Sealock Monster or a Spirit Awayified enemy creature. I'll probably lose a good deal of life early and mid game. I'm hoping to being able to get the cards I need with Archaeomancer, Halimar Depths, Diabolic Tutor, and Aqueous Form.


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Date added 11 years
Last updated 10 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

3 - 0 Rares

8 - 0 Uncommons

37 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.92
Folders mono black, Others
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