cybergreen says... #2
Thanks for the advice. I have the Doorkeepers mostly for their blocking ability, actually. Aside from that, I think I'll try out everything else you suggested.
February 24, 2014 12:57 p.m.
hackerheck says... #3
I'd find something to replace Sphinx of the Chimes since you'll almost never get to use his card draw ability. If you're looking for a big flyer though there are plenty of other good options like Serra Sphinx , Goliath Sphinx , Sphinx Ambassador , or Sphinx of Uthuun are the ones I can think of off the top of my head.
February 25, 2014 6:06 p.m.
cybergreen says... #4
None of which I have, and I'm not going out and buying individual cards. I have him mostly for his slightly higher power and toughness, actually.
February 25, 2014 6:57 p.m.
Where are you wanting to go with this deck. (A target you want this deck to hit.) At the moment it looks more like a shotgun blast at a long distance. Before investing money on individual cards find out where you are going to know what to buy.
March 4, 2014 7:22 p.m.
cybergreen says... #6
My overall goal is to play offensively with unblockables while tanking smaller hits and using removal to control the bigger threats my opponent throws out. On turn one, I really need to have either Kraken Hatchling (good insurance for turns one to three) or a setup for mid game (Cloudfin Raptor or Shadow Alley Denizen ) in my hand (33% chance this will happen) as well as at least two lands (highly probable).
Second turn I need to have a 2-drop control or removal in hand as insurance (42% chance).
Third turn I need to play a Grim Roustabout , Thrill-Kill Assassin , or Doorkeeper depending on the situation (42% chance this will happen).
Fourth turn and on, fast opponents will have probably reached mid-game, and I'll need more removal, while slower opponents will still be in early game and I can have time to boost Cloudfin Raptor etc. and be more offensive.
If I manage late-game (depending on the situation) I can clean up with an Aqueous Form Skaab Goliath , a Shadow Slice Deathcult Rogue , or a Spirit Away -ified enemy creature. I'll probably lose a good deal of life early and mid game, but drawing into a Vampiric Link on one of my unblockables can help me stay neck and neck with slower opponents, as well as using Corrupt mid-game if my devotion to Black isn't too low. I'm hoping on being able to get the cards I need with Archaeomancer (good for salvaging Doom Blade ), Halimar Depths , and Aqueous Form .
I'm getting Nefarox, Overlord of Grixis (If I could Aqueous Form him, even Red would tremble!) for free, and am going to probably try to trade for a few cards (mostly replacing Doorkeeper with Kraken Hatchling ) but I'm not going to go out and buy individual cards.
March 6, 2014 1:13 p.m.
Invisible Stalker all the way you might want to try cypher combos
March 6, 2014 2:42 p.m.
Need to get some Invisible Stalker for those cipher spells.
April 7, 2014 3:53 a.m.
About a dollar a piece if you buy online, but if you just don't have any money I feel your pain.
April 7, 2014 10:17 p.m.
There is also Tormented Soul for 0.10 a piece if you buy online. Not as safe as Invisible Stalker for cipher spells but still a great little unblockable dude.
April 7, 2014 10:20 p.m.
cybergreen says... #12
Thanks for the tips! II'll probably end up selling or trading Nightveil Specter to buy a couple of these.
smash10101 says... #1
Ok, so you've got some mill going on, but no where near enough to win with it. Mill does not further your game plan at all, and can actually help your opponent, depending on their deck. Paranoid Delusions , Tome Scour , Chronic Flooding and Doorkeeper are all pretty much useless. Pilfered Plans isn't very good either, but at least is lets you draw 2 cards. Death Cultist and Blood Seeker don't fit well either.
As for what to add, I would look for some more/better removal and counterspells. Cancel , Pongify , Hideous End , Liturgy of Blood , Tomb Hex , are all options of things to add. And more lands. Most control decks want to run 24+ lands.
February 23, 2014 8:41 p.m.