Deathmonicon - Teysa Karlov Aristocrats EDH
Commander / EDH
Austin_Smith_of_Cards says... #2
Since this list is more focused on sacrifice, I'd rather use repeatable recursive spells or mass reanimation like Athreos, God of Passage , Reveillark , and Dusk / Dawn . Oversold Cemetery seems like a worthy inclusion, will have to playtest to see where it can fit in. I might include Animate Dead since I already own a copy and it might be worth it to include one, but for now I'm staying away from Dance of the Dead and Necromancy . Since I'm not necessarily going down that route, I won't be considering Leonin Relic-Warder .
For the above reasons I won't be considering Buried Alive or Entomb . I'd rather run a tutor like Diabolic Intent .
I think my card draw and filtering is already pretty strong, but Phyrexian Arena and Necropotence are my next inclusions if I find I'm needing more.
Thanks for taking a look at my list! :D
January 20, 2019 2:16 p.m.
hkhssweiss says... #3
No problem Austin_Smith_of_Cards~
If your looking for more repeatable recursion or mass reanimation that you can also consider these two cards, Living Death and Debtors' Knell .
Happy deck building!
January 20, 2019 7 p.m.
Austin_Smith_of_Cards says... #4
First round of changes in pre-playtesting (substituting a bunch of cards since I’m waiting on some in the mail)! Extra thanks to hkhssweiss for helpful suggestions!
-1 Fumigate +1 Kaya's Wrath
Costing one less matters, and Kaya’s Wrath is such a cool card flavorwise. The additional life gain from Fumigate is negligible.
-1 Phyrexian Rebirth +1 Living Death
Rebirth was too expensive and the token pretty much died immediately. In went my favorite chaos boardwipe, and boy can our deck abuse it. Chuck everything in the bin (including our commander) before casting it to make everyone go “uh oh”.
-1 Forsaken Sanctuary +1 Necropotence
Yeah, I was pretty stupid for not shoehorning in this ridiculous card advantage machine. I was initially skeptical about triple black and losing discarded cards to exile, but I found as long as they weren’t my combo pieces, I usually didn’t care. I always had surprisingly high mana, so I could cut a budget land.
For the future, will be considering cutting Gate to the Afterlife and God-Pharaoh's Gift for Diabolic Intent and Smothering Tithe .
January 27, 2019 10:03 a.m.
hkhssweiss says... #5
Your welcome Austin_Smith_of_Cards!
I highly recommend Smothering Tithe it's been going rampant at my local meta atm and it's a threat all on it's own. It can get out of hand extremely quick!
January 27, 2019 5:03 p.m.
Austin_Smith_of_Cards says... #7
I didn’t include it in my list initially due to budgetary restrictions. Unfortunately it has appeared to have spiked 115%, so there’s a good chance it’s just going to sit in the maybeboard until I can find a good deal on one.
February 5, 2019 3:19 p.m.
Austin_Smith_of_Cards says... #8
Second round of changes!
-1 Gate to the Afterlife +1 Diabolic Intent
-1 God-Pharaoh's Gift +1 Smothering Tithe
Gate is a nice value engine but nothing beats straight synergistic tutoring. In order to prevent games from dragging on, I really need to acquire my combo pieces, so Intent is in to help. Gift is actually pretty strong on its own without Gate because Teysa gives the eternalized creatures lifelink and vigilance, and the occassional Anointed Procession makes it REALLY good. That said, it takes the backseat for now for Tithe, a card absolutely proving its worth in EDH.
Butcher of Malakir
Whisper, Blood Liturgist
Butcher is really nice, it really is, but it's just a little too high on the curve, and my aggro playgroup is really sick of my triple redundant Grave Pact s, so I figure I can cut them some slack. I've been running into a problem of being unable to recur my fatter creatures off Reveillark or Dusk / Dawn so the straight reanimation from Whisper should turn useful.
February 12, 2019 1:57 p.m.
hkhssweiss says... #9
I second the add for Smothering Tithe , that card has been absolutely nuts in my meta. I am even considering running Fragmentize as another removal to deal with it on other players in addition to Anguished Unmaking and Utter End !
February 12, 2019 4:16 p.m.
Darkshadow327 says... #10
I'm here as requested. I'll take a more in depth look later when I have time. For now just take my +1 and initial thoughts. Demon of Dark Schemes and Ashes of the Abhorrent can do work with Teysa. Fumigate is also an amazing card. Martyr's Bond is also another Dictate effect.
Also, fancy meeting you here Weiss
February 19, 2019 9:12 p.m. Edited.
hkhssweiss says... #11
Hiya Darky! I been testing out Smothering Tithe quite a bit, and I'm in love with **LOVE
February 20, 2019 4:48 a.m.
Darkshadow327 says... #12
Sorry about the super long delay, my life has been super crazy the last week with ACT testing and other personal things.
Taking a closer look at the list it actually seems pretty good for what it wants to be: A Teysa Karlov combo list.
Not sure if you've considered this, but Ashen Rider is super fun with Teysa. Sheoldred, Whispering One could also get out of hand. This is more personal preference, but Debtors' Knell is one of my favorite cards.
Overall the deck looks really sweet! Nice job man.
February 26, 2019 10:10 p.m.
Austin_Smith_of_Cards says... #13
Change log after not investing in this list in a while:
-1 Ashen Rider +1 Path to Exile
-1 Boreas Charger +1 Cruel Celebrant
-1 Sadistic Hypnotist +1 Altar of Dementia
In terms of creature swaps, Ashen Rider is incredibly strong and a hard cut, but I’d rather have the cheap efficiency of Path. Archon of Justice costs less and is about as good.
Boreas Charger has always kinda sucked even if I get double death triggers, so in goes Celebrant as an additional wincon.
Sadistic Hypnotist is pretty good, but Altar costs less, can sacrifice at instant speed, and is a wincon.
-1 Worn Powerstone +1 Talisman of Hierarchy
Just an upgrade to a mana rock. I’d rather curve into Teysa on turn two than have an extra colorless mana a turn later.
-1 Dark Prophecy +1 Village Rites
-1 Martyr's Bond +1 Bastion of Remembrance
This list really badly needed a way to just draw cards instantly; we have plenty of card draw value engines. I decided Dark Prophecy competed with Necro for its slot and got the cut.
Martyrs Bond I never really saw while playing, but I’d rather have another drain effect than something that stalls the game.
-1 Sorin, Lord of Innistrad +1 Grim Tutor
Sorry, foil original print Sorin, he’s a little slow to generate tokens for his mana cost. The deck needed a fourth tutor to more consistently pull together its combos anyway, and Grim is a spicy recent reprint.
-1 Orzhov Guildgate +1 Brightclimb Pathway Flip
-1 Swamp +1 Silent Clearing
And just some upgrades in the manabase. Overall, can’t wait to see how this list can perform even better!
November 3, 2020 6:24 p.m.
Austin_Smith_of_Cards says... #14
Deck updates!
-1 Endrek Sahr, Master Breeder +1 Bitterblossom
-1 Ashnod's Altar +1 Phyrexian Altar
-1 Plains +1 Smothering Tithe
Thanks to the reprints in Double Masters 2022, was finally able to pick up copies of each of these cards under my budget ceiling. Endrek Sahr never usually stuck around long enough to generate Thrull tokens, and as a result gets cut for the more sticky and reliable token generation of Bitterblossom, already proving to be a worthy inclusion with some playtesting.
Ashnod's Altar may come back into the decklist at some point for reliability, but trading it out for Phyrexian Altar to enable some more unique infinite combos seemed ideal.
Lastly, went down to 34 lands to bring in Smothering Tithe, which is a white staple mana provider; nuff said.
November 11, 2022 2:12 p.m.
Austin_Smith_of_Cards says... #15
New changelog for the new year!
-1 Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim +1 Elas il-Kor, Sadistic Pilgrim
-1 Krav, the Unredeemed +1 Ashnod's Altar
-1 Field of Ruin +1 Vault of Champions
Ayli has always felt lukewarm in this list, the sac outlet isn’t free and the benefit is mediocre, and I never activate the second ability unless I’m already way ahead in the game (I find myself much more willing to spend life than hold onto it with stuff like Necropotence, Bitterblossom). Elas comes in to add additional drain redundancy to the list, plus I expect a low-cost deathtoucher to be an effective rattlesnake.
Krav has always been a powerful card, sacrifice outlet, beatstick, and card advantage in one, but as I’m slimming the list down, the black mana activation and 5-drop status has just been a little pricey. In comes back in Ashnod’s Altar as a free sac outlet and combo piece.
Field of Ruin for Vault of Champions is mostly just due to me moving to more multiplayer commander instead of 1v1, and bc my meta is mostly “fair” aggro decks, I find myself more often wanting color fixing over nonbasic land destruction.
hkhssweiss says... #1
Nice list so far Austin_Smith_of_Cards!
I would consider adding in a bit more reanimation effects, there are a couple cheap ones you can use such as Animate Dead , Dance of the Dead , and Necromancy . Adding in Leonin Relic-Warder is also a good combo piece as it can lead us to an infinite with any of the above aforementioned enchantments. If you want to go for a more grindy route there is also Oversold Cemetery to bring back your sac'ed creatures back to your hand.
To fill your grave more consistently you can also add in cards like Buried Alive or Entomb . Card draw is also fairly important for Ozrhov colors as we don't have that much options so Phyrexian Arena or Necropotence is fairly great additions to the ones you already have.
You can take a look at a build I did for another user if you want to have some more ideas!
January 19, 2019 11:20 a.m.