Street Wraith seems pretty "free" in this style of deck, and gives you extra scavenge late game.
June 22, 2017 3:06 a.m.
PickleNutz says... #3
Hey zogg2000, once upon a time this was a more traditional Death's Shadow deck that used some of the pay life cards. Now, in this style, Street Wraith offers almost no advantage over other cards already in the main board. It's a five cost with two devotion card to play, only offers cycling, and is a five cost scavenge card as well. in a more traditional death's shadow deck it works, here it does not work well at all.
June 22, 2017 3:36 a.m.
Empedocles says... #4
Traverse the Ulvenwald over some of the more situational pump spells? Lets you tutor up missing combo pieces, and with all the self milling delirium is probably pretty easy. I think the Mire Boa / Evil Presence combo is honestly kind of bad. On its own, neither card does much. You need Mire Boa, Evil Presence, and Varolz on the field, and Death's Shadow in the yard, and you need to untap, and it isn't even guaranteed to kill your opponent. Have you considered Hooting Mandrills instead of some of those slots? It's strong on its own and wears scavenged counters really well because of trample.
June 24, 2017 6:35 p.m.
PickleNutz says... #7
Awesome suggestion! I haven't thought about that. Good looking out.
September 2, 2017 6:03 p.m.
kayakenobi says... #8
Well, I had recently seen a B/G midrange control deck using Varolz, Skittles, and the Crusader. To be totally honest, it looked to be quite brutal
September 2, 2017 7:38 p.m.
So you got rid of your creatures W/ trample and your "unblockables" for infect! this has became a totally different deck boy how this deck changed since last I seen it, but at its current state I recommend Blight Mamba so you can regenerate if you have to, and Plague Stinger to get that unblockable feel.
September 22, 2017 1:46 a.m.
PickleNutz says... #10
Well, I tried the deck out tonight as it is here and I think 4 Jarad's Orders are a must. I actually am thinking of dropping down to 2 Grisly Salvage, splashing blue for Blighted Agent with 2 Misty Rainforest and 3 Breeding Pools, adding the Jarad's Orders, and then throwing in Opt when it releases. So, it will change a pretty great deal yet again. What I didn't like about the deck before the switch over to infect was how few creatures hit the board and don't effect a win strategy, now it's balanced out a bit more and I can hit early with infect. I also am replacing Birds of Paradise with Plague Myr.
September 22, 2017 2:15 a.m.
Plague Stinger is better than Phyrexian Crusader in my opinion, because not only is it less mana and devotion to mana, it also has flying that can make it easier to hit your opponent with it early, it's not limited to red/white to stop it only other creatures with flying
September 22, 2017 2:23 a.m.
I would also add another Varolz, the Scar-Striped
September 22, 2017 2:24 a.m.
PickleNutz says... #13
Getting Varolz hasn't been an issue for me at 3 in the deck. Noxious revival can flip him back into my hand and I can tutor one with Jarads Orders. The issue has been deathtouch pretty much ruined the deck and lacking hexproof created issues. However, Phyrexian Crusader dodges a lot of that now. Really, having added Rancor helped a lot too.
September 22, 2017 2:27 a.m.
then add Heroic Intervention sure there's no pump but it helps all your creatures.
September 22, 2017 2:33 a.m.
PickleNutz says... #15
I just don't know what to sub it in for really, Blossoming Defense just does so much for the early game if the combo isn't developing and Rancor adds the Trample I need, where should I throw it in at?
September 22, 2017 2:38 a.m.
Personally, I would take out 1 Jarad's Orders, and 1 Noxious Revival for 2 Heroic Intervention. Noxious Revival because it could work with a little less of it and 4 Jarad's Orders is overkill if you ask me, because its a 4 drop and this deck is speedy.
September 22, 2017 2:47 a.m.
MountainKnifer says... #17
No suggestions here, just kudos on a golgari deck idea that doesn't completely bore me :-) cool concept!
September 22, 2017 2:59 a.m.
MagicalStudies says... #18
Great deck! +1. I have a similar build and I use inkmoth nexus. Flying and infect attached to a land! Ouch!
September 30, 2017 12:03 a.m.
I would have thought Slippery Bogle is almost strictly better than Bassara Tower Archer. I also agree with the previous poster who suggested Rancor over Predator's Strike.
Also don't forget with a splash of Blue you also have access to Invisible Stalker
October 2, 2017 7:04 p.m. Edited.
PickleNutz says... #20
I often need the reach, so Bogle isn't strictly better. This deck has virtually no way to stop Affinity without reach. I also prefer Strike because it can be played as an instant to counter burn spells when they target my creatures. Rancor only gives my creatures trample and attack points, so Strike is better as a way to counter burn done to Varolz.
October 2, 2017 7:25 p.m.
PickleNutz says... #21
Invisible Stalker is nearly identical in utility when compared to Ledgewalker, so there's not really a need to splash for blue. If anything it complicates the deck that much more because now I'm relying on 3 colors.
October 2, 2017 7:27 p.m.
+1 to your well thought out description! btw do you have any advice from an experienced Golgari player to a noob one (me)? if its not too much to ask for, could you take a look at my G/B deck and see if theres anyway it can be improved?
October 7, 2017 1:22 p.m.
Come to think of it Phyrexian Soulgorger could help with the deck since its colorless it my be 1 more than the tree folk but any color can use to sac in in grave.
February 28, 2018 1:43 p.m.
CharonSquared says... #24
Your biggest problem is that the deck basically does nothing without Varolz on the board. I would strongly suggest some tutors to find Varolz and/or some kind of game plan for winning the game without him.
November 10, 2022 2:02 a.m.
Chasmolinker says... #25
Nice deck list +1
I've built a similar deck BUG Scavenger using Birds of Paradise both as a ramp card to get Varolz in play earlier and also as an evasive threat thanks to flying.
I also like Lotleth Troll as my primary win-con since it already has trample and can be used to chump block/regenerate early on. It also gives you a discard outlet for Death's Shadow in hand.
I used to run Thought Scour to fill the yard, but I've really liked the addition of Life from the Loam and Otherworldly Gaze.
Piglord98 says... #1
Will-o'-the-Wisp is better than Mire Boa, it's a 1 drop, flying, and it has regenerate.
June 13, 2017 1:06 a.m.