Wank Stain

Commander / EDH Skillville


Pinnedzoz says... #1

As Funny as Assault Suit is, do you really want to give the opponent to your left 40 free life? You could replace it with another source of evasion / protection; unblockable, indestructible, haste, shroud, whatever. I just don't think the value is there, sure it could accelerate you to two opponents gone in one turn but then the one who is left has 80 life. If you wanna give this big beater away and watch the table mess with each other you should add cards like: Axis of Mortality , Mirror Universe or Soul Conduit . Anyways think this deck is awesome, want to brew under your theme, so thanks for that :P.

September 11, 2019 8:35 a.m.

Yesterday says... #2

I'm about to look at your deck now, but I want you to know that I'm upvoting it before I do so because the name is so incredibly dumb and for some reason I like it nonetheless.

September 11, 2019 11:48 a.m.

Skillville says... #3

Pinnedzoz I run Assault Suit for sac protection and haste, I never really let anyone else swing with it. Do you know of any cards that may be better for sac prevention with another added benefit? Luminarch Ascension was in the deck to also provide blockers and sac fodder but I am still feeling the deck out.

Yesterday the deck is a tribute to one of my good friends that used to call me a Wank Stain when I was pissing her off (apparently it's Brittish slang). If you look at the URL you'll see the original name, but changed it because I think it's ridiculous.

September 11, 2019 1:18 p.m.

Yesterday says... #4

Oh yep yep, I'm quite familiar with British slang so I get it. I.. still think it's both extraordinarily dumb and fun in equal parts, but I get it.

Right so, anywho, I've had a look at the deck. There are three main points I'd like to address.

The first and overarching point is consistency in the deck. There are a number of good effects that are useful, but only on a couple of cards. For example, Brought Back is a good card on its own (and I appreciate that it is the best of the three), but I think if you specifically want this effect then it would probably be worth running Faith's Reward and Second Sunrise too. If not, then it might be worth cutting in favour of some consistency in other areas, or perhaps more interaction. COntinuing along with this, for another Arcane Lighthouse effect, there's Detection Tower . For the Geode Golem effect, there's Command Beacon . For Ghostly Prison , there's Windborn Muse and perhaps Sphere of Safety ; either I think you should be running both there Sphere & Hall of Heliod's Generosity or neither. Considering the main goal of the deck seems to be wiping the board and gaining life, even though these are the most consistent elements of the deck, I think that probably it could still do with a few more of each.

Another thing is just a bit of consistency in your mana rocks to make a ladder. I'm not sure what the common lingo for that is, but the idea is to have multiple mana rocks at 2CMC, and multiple at 4. The idea being you play a 2CMC mana rock on turn 2 (or turn 1 if you have a Mana Crypt or Sol Ring , because those are amazing and defy any other plans and go in every deck if you have them), then follow up with a 4CMC rock on turn 3. Though there are plenty of good mana rocks at 3CMC for their cost, usually it's better to get a 4CMC rock down if you can consistently ramp into it.

Finally, your commander connecting for lethal commander damage seems to be you main win condition, so I think you might need a few more ways of making this happen. There aren't many other voltron thingies in your deck, so because you aren't that worried about having to target your commander with things, Whispersilk Cloak seems pretty much perfect for this. Trailblazer's Boots are also pretty good. Haunted Cloak is in there, so maybe consider Chariot of Victory as well.

Anyway yeah I'll leave it at that and stop rambling now, but can go into it a bit more if you like. I hope this helps, have fun with the deck!

September 11, 2019 1:31 p.m.

Yesterday says... #5

Oh, and as for your question directed not at me, I'll answer anyway and say Angel of Jubilation is the best because it also acts as a massive silver bullet for a lot of Golgari decks. Unfortunately, Sigarda, Host of Herons isn't mono white.

September 11, 2019 1:34 p.m.

Skillville says... #6

AWESOME suggestions and I will definitely play around with those ideas. Specifically, your 2 and 4 drop rock flow. Very well thought out.

Stay tuned for any updates!

September 11, 2019 1:37 p.m. Edited.

GryphonDoor says... #7

we all know that we are here for the name XD but, this is a great deck

January 5, 2021 7:22 p.m.

Skillville says... #8

I'll toss it in there.

April 19, 2021 3:13 p.m.

Profet93 says... #9

+1 for name and your deck's name

April 22, 2021 10:36 p.m.

MAESTROJRmtg says... #10

Seeing the title and then seeing the deck: "You had my curiosity, but now you have my attention."

May 1, 2021 10 a.m.

Himskatti says... #11

Is there a reason not to play Endless Atlas?

May 13, 2021 12:54 p.m.

Skillville says... #12

The reason is not knowing about it. I'll add it to the maybe list and figure out a spot.

May 13, 2021 1:44 p.m.

Skillville says... #13

Himskatti Update: play tested the card and it's inconsistent. The majority of the games it was a dead card in my opening hand because it's more common to have 1 planes 2 colorless or 1 colorless and 2 planes starting off, more so than drawing into 3 consecutive planes. So early game it was a dead card, took it out but great suggestion.

May 14, 2021 11:56 a.m.

Profet93 says... #14

War Room - Cheap draw without taking a slot

Skullclamp - Draw

Memory Jar - "Draw"

While I love both kozilek's for card draw and in general, do you usually have enough mana to cast them in mono white, even with the artifacts and "ramp" they added for white within the past year?

I see the description for rings of 3 wishes for approach of the 2nd sun. I feel rings of 3 wishes is way too slow, do you find yourself often using it to get approach for the win when shit hits the fan?

May 14, 2021 12:57 p.m.

Skillville says... #15

I often get 6-10 mana by turn 2-3. Then I run out of gas, which is why I need a lot of draw. By then I can cast the timmys.

Memory Jar is nice, would work when discarding titan or Smothering Tithe.

War Room is good. Maybe Bonder's Enclave as well, gotta see how it affects my opening draw by getting 1-2 white mana.

Skullclamp would work with Keeper of the Accord only, so draw might be spotty. Will test. Good suggestion with the Mem Jar.

May 14, 2021 5:09 p.m. Edited.

Skillville says... #16

Profet93 Skullclamp was a good edition. Made the cut.

May 19, 2021 2:12 a.m.

Profet93 says... #17

I'm glad to see you enjoyed the suggestions. If anything else comes to mind, I'll let you know. Be sure to leave your mark, i mean stain, on your playgroup with the new swaps!

May 19, 2021 2:56 a.m.

Profet93 says... #18

June 11, 2021 2:12 a.m.

Skillville says... #19

Profet93 Land Tax is good... ensures land hits but I rarely miss land hits or I at least have rocks to make up for it... ramp later evens me out... swap it out for what though?

June 11, 2021 1:02 p.m.

Profet93 says... #20

Rings of 3 wishes is way too expensive to cast and activate. I get it helps you with assembling your combo but I find it too slow for my tastes.

Curious if you've noted that manifold key + top = draw. With rings is more draw. Cute little synergy I saw

Rogues passage is too costly, have you thought of buried ruin to recur triskelion or the remaining 3rd of your deck?

June 11, 2021 4:21 p.m.

Skillville says... #21

Profet93 Correction. Recently played in a league match where I cast Skullclamp turn 1... 2 hours later never used it because creatures were exiled or bounced all game (or not killed when equipped). The one game it did work doesn't justify the card, it's not consistent enough in this deck. Typically, you need access to token spam or dorks, rather than an occasional creature to "maybe" die later.

Updated the list.

June 20, 2021 8:12 p.m.

jsnrice says... #22

June 22, 2021 11:08 a.m.

Skillville says... #23

jsnrice Tried it, doesn't really work out. Needs to be 1 creature or tax, not 2 creatures. Works better with Maze of Ith.

June 22, 2021 4:03 p.m.

DeeLight says... #24

I love how you've made such a great job out of something so simple from the concept to the purpose. It is hilarious, and a very powerful deck. Gave you a plus.

I like doing digital alters and have a few themed decks on my page too, if you get curious and would check at least that archenemy deck I worked too hard upon.

June 30, 2021 11:56 p.m.

Skillville says... #25

DeeLight yeah send a link.

Appreciate the compliment. The deck is sure an oddity. Mono-white is supposed to be handicapped but this definitely surprises the table.

July 1, 2021 12:16 a.m.

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