
Some cards are just nuts. But other cards are THE nuts. With Disciple of Deceit, you can make sure that all of your cards are the latter. When teamed with Pain Seer , Springleaf Drum, and a toolbox of answers, you can keep your opponent from having any fun at all playing Magic.



Disciple of Deceit: The inspiration for the deck, pun intended. No one should have to play Magic using only the cards they draw.

Pain Seer : Card advantage is a must if you're perfecting the art of a 1-for-1, and for 2 mana, this Inspired Dark Confidant fits in nicely.


Marang River Prowler : The jankiest win con of all time, but he does work. He fuels the gameplan by Transmuting himself into a spicy 3-drop before rising from the graveyard to beat face. The Bestow creatures speed things up.

Herald of Torment : A consistent +3/+3 Bestow that can give evasion if I decide to put him on one of the Inspired bros.

Nighthowler: Much higher upside than Herald with lower Bestow cost; this will be your go-to against decks with any sort of significant creature count.

Jorubai Murk Lurker : Lifegain is necessary.



Triton Tactics : Excellent cheap utility that serves a number of functions: saves a creature from combat/burn/Bile Blight, buys an extra turn to tutor up an answer for fatties, and of course, enables instant-speed Transmuting.

Boon of Erebos : Thwarts removal while allowing the deck's combat-averse creatures to tangle.

Springleaf Drum: While the mana is nice, let's not kid ourselves. It's here for the jank.

Retraction Helix: Provides an option to interact with the opponent's board at 1-drop while also giving the deck a way to deal with Enchantments. Also a subpar protection spell if need be.


Bile Blight: The best 2-drop removal in the game; also cleans up mass tokens.

Reality Shift: Deals with any non-Hexproof creature, and the 2/2 left behind is no biggie for the Disciple.

Negate: Answers removal, and more.

Cranial Archive : Sadly, a finite number of cards and a toolbox of answers means you'll run out sooner rather than later. Unless, of course, your graveyard can be cycled back...


Dissolve: It deals with stuff.

Hero's Downfall: More stuff dealing, but retroactive-er.

Drown in Sorrow: Against really fast weenie decks, being able to tutor up a boardwipe is pretty clutch.

Monastery Siege: Digs out the combo pieces / needed CMC's, or protects you and your dudes. By discarding lands or River Prowlers, you can turn the looting into card advantage.


Dark Betrayal : Handles Junk creatures, Tasigur, and more. Changes the feel of the 1-drop options by adding hard removal to the mix.

Despise : Great against Green decks and other creature-heavy builds. Like Dark Betrayal, it provides a useful Transmute target for your extra Springleaf Drum.

Retraction Helix: More copies in the side for Enchantments and Heroic decks.

Reality Shift: An extra copy here for fat creatures, since Bile Blight won't be carrying the load at 2-drop.

Negate: In the control "mirror," having 4 of these is pretty much the nuts and significantly helps this deck establish its early game.

Disdainful Stroke: A 2-drop counter that deals with the threatening creatures Negate doesn't.

Drown in Sorrow: When you want this card, you want this card. If you're too fast for me to tutor it, I'll just draw into 2 instead.

Dissipate : Adds in a 4th hard counter in a way that gives the deck that extra type of answer.


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Date added 10 years
Last updated 10 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

18 - 0 Rares

23 - 8 Uncommons

8 - 7 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.17
Tokens Manifest 2/2 C
Folders Not Mine, but OP
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