Control the board, utilizing Korlash and Griselbrand to win, also using Blood Moon to wreck all competitors.
Reasonings of cards, listed alphabetically:
Blood Moon Is my lock. Shuts down many deck as they focus on getting shocks out.
Crypt Ghast Ramps my mana for a turn 5 Griselbrand, extort painfully leeches off my opponents. More useful for when I hit an Exsanguiate with not enough normal mana.
Dash Hopes A spell that makes them make a hard early game choice that can bite them in the butt later.
Dismember Removal that is very versatile. Best removal.
Exsanguinate With mana ramp, can become my gamechanger late-game.
Griselbrand After Phyrexian Obliterator, probably the most unplayable card outside of mono-black. That means that it's also way OP, so it works perfectly.
Inquisition of Kozilek Amazing card in all respects. Fun to play Inquisition to take away a counterspell before I play Blood Moon on that same turn.
Korlash, Heir to Blackblade One of my favorite cards in this deck, brought to my attention by many comments. Also, the main win-con, chucking the other copies to him, finding more swamps. A very resilient guy.
Liliana don't need any explanation.
Swamp Wanted to put in Island, but that - sadly - would not work.
Temporal Extortion
Just realized that this allows me to win very, very quickly with extra Grizz swings.
Thoughtseize Mostly for 4cmc cards like Huntmaster of the Fells
, Siege Rhino and Splinter Twin.
Vampire Nighthawk Didn't even notice that this was missing from the deck.
Victim of Night In by demand, works slightly better than Doom Blade.
Hero's Downfall Removal of planeswalkers, sub in for Victim of Night.
Killing Wave Board wipe for tokens/aggro/midrange. Sub in for Dash Hopes, and set it to 2-3 life.
Rakdos Charm Instant speed Splinter Twin kill, gy hate, plus nice against affinity. For Twin, sub in for
Temporal Extortion
and 1 Victim. For Graveyard, sub in for 2 Liliana. For affinity/artifact, sub for 1 Grizz and 1 Victim
Relic of Progenitus Great hate. In for any 2.
Shatterstorm In for 2 Thoughtseize, destroys affinity.
Spellskite A conditional card to sub in, the mana is always going to be life paid.
Surgical Extraction Love this card. Just love it, love it, love it.
Terminate An amazing card, in for 2 Victims Comments are NEEDED to allow this deck to progress. +1's are EXTREMELY APPRECIATED