Defend the tribe!

Modern Tommeke19


ojmandias says... #1

I don't think Steel Wall will work with Assault Formation. it doesn't have defender. It just says flat out that it can't attack. You should probably replace it with a different wall.

April 12, 2015 7:23 p.m.

SImicOverlord says... #2

Oh ThisIsTheSix I didn't pick up on that. Nice synergy.

April 12, 2015 7:32 p.m.

temperao says... #3

Nice deck! I think you should consider sideboarding Destructive Revelry just in case you're against an artifact or enchantment heavy deck

April 12, 2015 8:35 p.m.

BorosBohdan says... #4

It's a cool deck and I like it, I would run 23 lands, because you do have a lot of lands that come into play tapped and you really want to hit your first 4 land drops in your first 4-5 turns, this will help. I would recommend getting some Wooded Foothills, they are about $8 bucks right now, I say to run 4 copies, it will help with speed.

April 12, 2015 11:40 p.m.

Tommeke19 says... #5

ojmandias thanks for saying, I haven't saw that. So I think I'm going to follow BorosBohdan advice. I'm going to swap the Steel Wall for some Wooded Foothills. Thank you guys!

That's a really good sideboard card, thank you for the suggestion temperao!

April 13, 2015 4:20 a.m.

Tommeke19 says... #6

Thanks for your reply TheAlexGnan! But why do you suggest Atarka's Command? I use Magma Jet to clear my opponents board. Maybe I'm forgetting something from Atarka's Command :-)

April 15, 2015 12:58 p.m.

Tommeke19 says... #7

Thanks a lot for digging into it TheAlexGnan now I fully understand why you suggest Atarka's Command thanks for this!

After a couple of playtesting, I found out that I need to do more on T1. I like the suggestion of Wall of Vines and what do you think about Steel Wall. But I need the duel decks version, because mirrodin doesn't say defender.

I'm also thinking about remove those manlands, because I can still use Feed the Pack for a good army. I want to swap some of the manlands for Rootbound Crag or maybe Stomping Ground.

What should I remove to add 2 more Carven Caryatid, or maybe swap the Carven Caryatid for Wall of Blossoms it's CMC is cheaper.

Thanks already for the help!

April 15, 2015 1:39 p.m.

BorosBohdan says... #8

I want to swap some of the manlands for Rootbound Crag or maybe Stomping Ground.Do this!

April 15, 2015 1:47 p.m.

Tommeke19 says... #9

WOW! Nothing more I can say! It's in the positive way ofcourse ;-)

I like Anger of the Gods, it's more effective than Pyroclasm, also the Volcanic Fallout is very good in here!

But do you mind helping me with making the deck; I mean I don't know what I should remove etc..

Big thanks already for your help!!!

April 15, 2015 2:42 p.m.

Tommeke19 says... #10

Thanks a lot man! You really helped me a lot!

As for the likes, at the beginning the likes went quite fast. I think mainly because I made deck with Assault Formation instead of Doran, the Siege Tower. And my color chose is also weird, because most people would say that I should play white. And that's why I think more people like it, because it's more different.

And likes doesn't say everything, I'm a fairly new player. Play magic now for about 10 months I think, so I have to learn a lot!! And that's why I need a lot of help with deck building, but I really like to build decks :-)

April 15, 2015 3:22 p.m.

Maringam says... #11

April 15, 2015 7:07 p.m.

alang says... #12

Also, a suggestion, Fruit of the First Tree for crazy card advantage.

April 16, 2015 12:12 a.m.

alang says... #13

Also to add onto my previous suggestions. Fruit of the First Tree + Feed the Pack + Tree of Redemption. Think about it haha.

Also, if fliers are punching in your butt, then might I suggest a Raking Canopy?

April 16, 2015 12:18 a.m.

Tommeke19 says... #14

I think I'm going to follow TheAlexGnan, though that combo is really a great! But it doesn't fit in here I think. Thanks a lot anyway alang for taking a look.

As for the sideboard, I think I'm going to keep Scourge of Skola Vale I'll use it for an other win condition. I also think that Banefire is a better choice than Crater's Claws because Crater's Claws can be countered and Banefire not. (if it's over 5 ofcourse)Also going to stick with Break Through the Line it can be a great help! If my opponent use Damnation I still can attack immediately.

April 16, 2015 3:59 a.m.

DatOneGuy says... #15

Go with Spellskite over Steel Wall much more effective card.

April 16, 2015 5:51 p.m.

Tommeke19 says... #16

The reason i play Steel Wall is because its a one drop. Otherwise I couldn't play anything during my first turn. Thanks for the suggestion anyway

April 16, 2015 6:02 p.m.

Thyr says... #17

I recomend Wakestone Gargoyle and Doran, the Siege Tower maybe Warmonger's Chariot as well to boost aggro

April 16, 2015 9:20 p.m.

Tommeke19 says... #18

Thanks Thyr for replying. But a lot of people have already mentioned Doran, the Siege Tower and Im not doing it because I want this deck more different from other decks.

April 17, 2015 12:36 a.m.

slacker619 says... #19

if you ever consider going black instead of read you can have buttfights :O Grim Contest

April 17, 2015 5:40 a.m.

Tommeke19 says... #20

It is indeed a great card in this deck. But it's to bad that black is involved. Maybe in the future!

April 17, 2015 7:04 a.m.

ubgguy says... #21

Hey guys been played a similar deck for GD this past weekend and won with it actually. I played it curving out at 3 mana and playing 4 of Collected Company I wasn't playing red in my version; although with the rotation out of Nyx-Fleece Ram and Lagonna-Band Trailblazer I plan on swapping to red, and to me Break Through the Line could be a pretty good addition. What I have found that makes this deck time out so well is that it doesn't actually play any defenders other than Sylvan Caryatid with the exception of Monastery Flock sideboard to dodge the roasts on game 2 against RDW. My personal instant that exploits toughness as damage is Triton Tactics this card is a complete blowout not to mention it will often just get you there with the 6 extra damage it provides. Anyways enough of this, the point Im trying to get through is that this deck is nasty without defenders, obviously in a modern adaptation tree of redemption is just too good not to run, but I would really consider white in a modern brew as well, Idyllic Tutor obviously a pretty nice way to ensure you can get there.

April 21, 2015 10:30 a.m.

notKingCole says... #22

I was so impressed by your wall deck, that I made my own! Care to look and maybe offer some advice?

To the Nykthos! To the Walls! Playtest

Modern* notKingCole


June 25, 2015 7:28 p.m.

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